
JMAC, bromont


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Ya we will be racing against each other I don't know i'm not to confident i'll beat you now after the guy who one on Saterday was your age he beat the Junoir Xperts to this kid was insane fast. The coarse is nice it's not to muddy atleast it wasn't but i think it's going to rain most of the week.
Good look:)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Originally posted by Heytouekutbenca
What was his name? Charles DesMarais? He his really strong in technical situation and has a good cardio... but I can beat him sometime...
No i don't think so. I was doing the technical parts as fast or faster than everyone else but who every this guy was he could climb at an insane speed he was fatser than all the Junoir Experts.:( I think he was on a team from Bromont not sure.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
They posted the results at FQSC.net
they moved me up to 10th place which is cool.:) The guy who won was from sportive Bromont George Duquette and he's my age i thought i had seen that he was born in 1988 i guess i was wrong. Nobody younger than me beat me so thats cool.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Originally posted by Heytouekutbenca
Will it be the same track for the quebec cup this week end?
Don't think so well i hope not this course started off with one long hill right to the top. Which sucks for right at the start cause you've colled down. They used some much of the same course the Quebec cup was on last fall i think it will be the same as last year.
How long does it take you to get to Bromont it must be long drive.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Originally posted by Heytouekutbenca
It is 3 hours. Nothing is near the Ottawa. To compare with camp fortune, how technical was the race at Bromont?
Well did you do the Quebec Cup at Bromont last year if so i think it's the same technical parts.
I think you'll do fine.
It's mostly fast bumpy single track which is you should be good at than there's just the huge rock garden near the end which was alot harder last year, this year they've taped off the hard way down and made it so you can only go the easy way. I'd say it's about the same as Camp fortune just longer harder climbs and faster decents.