
JMAC, still nothing posted for Tremblant?

First time you haven't posted less than 4 hours after the race :)

I don't know if you had a good race, but on my side it was really good! I'm 12th... 4th first year but 19 seconds behind the first first year. Then, give us your impressions on the race!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
It was an awsome race. I was a bit worried about how techy the course was but when i was actually racing i did awsome in all the technicle stuff so i was really pleased with that and no crashes:D .
I started off slow like usually do first lap i was in about 30th 2nd lap 20th and than moved up to 15th. If only there was one more lap i'd be on the podium. You see i can keep the same hard pace for aq long time which is why i should do well next year in JrX but i don't do well in these little sprint races. Like i'm planning to do the Hors Sentier raid next weekend 200km over 2 days.

Anyways the last lap was really cool cause for maybe the last half this other guy on Kona with all the team clothing was right in front of me and we were pushing each other to go insanly fast on the downhills it was the crassiest thing we must have been going 10km faster than on the first 2 laps.

I finally lost him until some guy from Hardwood Hills came out of nowhere when we entered the town. We both were sprinting as hard as possible in up the last hill and to the finish and i beat him by just feet:) it was awsome my legs have never burned like that before.
It was funny cause i was talking to these 2 guys from Nova Scotia at the start for like 15minutes and i was telling them how everyone is just going to go out hard at the start and you can catch them later. They did just that and i beat them by almost 10minutes in the end.

How did your brake work out in the end? It couldn't have been to much of a problem cause i found i wasn't using my brakes all that much.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Do you remember i was telling you about that guy Luke that i know who won the senoir expert DH at Bromont.
Well he won yesterday by 12 seconds which is huge in DH. He's already signed on to Giants pro DH team with Pearl Izumi they wee there at Tremblant. I'm also working out a sponsership with a new Custum frame builder he might be able to give me dealer price on everthing.:D :p