
Job Offer Questions...


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
So! I still don't know where I will be working Oct 1... (aka next Tuesday...) because our company's contract expired and a new (not as employee friendly) company is taking over management. They want to keep me, but are giving me less that I want for salary, vacation, and 401k. I already sent requests for increases once... and was given slightly more than the initial offer for salary, but less than I asked, and nothing else.

Gets tricky when you take into account that I interviewed yesterday for a corporate position in our current company's downtown office... and may or may not know today... or maybe monday if I got the job. So I don't want to accept the job offer for my current position because otherwise I have to wait and give two weeks notice and yadda yadda yadda. Otherwise, I could start there Tues.

So a couple questions:

1. If the job I WANT (corporate) doesn't work out, is it reasonable to go back and ask for a lesser version of what I asked for from the new company (bascially they wouldn't give me my vacation that I have now, so I want to ask them next if they would honor my longevity with the building and increase it on their timeline with those 3 years of experience)

2. If I don't hear from corporate by the end of the day... do I stall with more questions? Do I accept the job offer just so I have a job and then end up potentially having to work those first two weeks when basically the isht will hit the fan. It will be SUCH a cluster....

So... any thoughts?

Beef Supreme

Turbo Monkey
Oct 29, 2010
Hiding from the stupid
I agree with Eric.

On a side note, there are a lot of companies that don't want people around after they have given notice. Your concern about that could be a moot point. Do you have any idea about the new company in that regard?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I would act on the information you have now, not what may or may not happen. If you don't have a new job, you should keep your current job (or, rather, accept the offer for your equivalent job). Sounds like the worst case is you work a couple unpleasant weeks which is a lot better than basically turning down this job because you might get another one.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Um, so... if I don't hear back from my current company by the end of the day... then I'll reply to the other... but there is no time constraint...


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
But wait... what if you always have two hands AND a bush?
I see no issues there.

If there is no time deadline on the sh!t offer, I would wait until the end of the week, stalling using the usual tactics. I have been lucky to have multiple offers the last few times I've had to look for work and stalling has become commonplace for me.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
I wouldn't even consider the two weeks notice in a decision.
Take the job to ensure you have one, when/if something comes up bail immediately and start there.
This new company @ your current location doesn't even need to be on your resume if you find something else quickly.
Show them the same courtesy theyre giving you in the benefits: none


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
I see no issues there.

If there is no time deadline on the sh!t offer, I would wait until the end of the week, stalling using the usual tactics. I have been lucky to have multiple offers the last few times I've had to look for work and stalling has become commonplace for me.
I think I'm going to lean more towards jimmydeans answer... and this is based on the fact that if this company that is taking over loses me... they lose the only person who knows how to operate their building access systems, billing systems, vendors, tenants, etc. They will literally be f***ed if they lose me at this point. The entire management team of five people had two administrative people, myself and my manager and 3 engineers. My manager is not staying, and only one of the engineers. I'm in an awesome position... probably should have mentioned that in the first post. I am pretty much invaluable to them and they haven't offered me what I want :) And you know what... honey badger don't care. They can wait.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Welp. Guess I'm accepting the position with the new company at the current property. Definitely wasn't my first choice.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I just got a job. The thing about jobs is that in order to have one some level of participation on your part is required. The pay part is cool. Then they give you sick days and expect that you not take them?? Also if you replace the toner in the copier with glitter. It starts the copier on fire and smells awful. I still think if I reduced the glitter to toner ratio it would have been awesome.

They put a surveillance camera in the break room and put the Clark Bars in the middle of the bottom row of the snack machine. Now I have pay for them. They knew I had long arms when they hired me... Isn't that some kind of entrapment? Who is going to pay a $1.25 for a phugging Clark Bar? Jobs Suck avoid them.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Ask them to throw in a couple of hugs.

And congrats? Or not?
Screw a job. Just cash in your rep.
Bummer. And congrats?
At first I was just sad because I love the company that I was with, but spent the evening identifying all the positives, and there are plenty, so, yep, thank you! They did bump up my salary quite a bit in the end and are considering giving me my longevity with the building. And then... I got an e-mail about another position in corporate this morning! The excitement is never ending! But for now, I have a good job, and something about hands in bushes and lesbians or something.

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
nope, ever see a chick pee her pants for loosing at back it up? Say some thing redic like im going to jump from outer space, and you dont do it, you have to pee your pants in front of everyone.

So you find it hotter when a guy pees his pants? :think:

I've seen both girls and guys pee their pants when blacked-out drunk. Neither was hot. Chicks doing it was hotter.
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Jun 21, 2007
neither were hot. the girl doing it was down right repulsive. Guy doing it was funny. Its probably the face she made.....