
John Waddell's crash


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2003
Does anybody have pictures or video of Johnny Waddell's coma-inducing crash from last year at Mont Saint Anne? I've heard a ton about it, and I've been following his recovery process somewhat-closely, but I've never actually seen a pic of the crash or the jump where he crashed. Anybody got anything?


Turbo Monkey
yeh its was on a streamed video on some candian sports show
link is very much dead now

Earthed has other ppl crashing in similar ways on that section of the track
at Saint-Mont (sp?)
its the big set of doubles at the end of the track
i think Fabian Barel is shown having a big of there
May 3, 2004
Sanna Croooz
I can certainly agree with the feelings of "why would you want to see that?"...Hoping that it is more than just watching NASCAR style carnage in bike racing. Personally, in this crash video, I like to think of it as a reminder to us all how F-ing tough Johnny is and how far he is willing to push himself and his racing. I do not look at this and say, "woah, cool". I say to myself, "He is one of the strongest humans who has ever lived, mentally and physically." I mean, look how far he has come back from this crash, with SUCH determination.