


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Anyone do any juicing?

We brought our juicer (waring pro i thnk) up out of the basement & have started experimenting with some recipes.

We had a cantalope, watermelon, mango, ginger juice that was awesome & my favorite veggie recipe so far has kale, spinach, collards, tomato, red pepper, celery, parsley, carrot, garlic then we add a little bit of hot sauce, Worcestershire, & pepper. It is damn good & great way to get loads of extra veggies & fruits in your diet.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Juicing is ghey and wasteful. Eat the fruit, drink water.
I believe you get more absorbent nutrients from juicing cuz lots of the roughage doesn't get digested. I will have to check to make sure.

I am thinking this belongs in fitness & nutrition. Any help Moderators? :)


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I believe you get more absorbent nutrients from juicing cuz lots of the roughage doesn't get digested. I will have to check to make sure.

I am thinking this belongs in fitness & nutrition. Any help Moderators? :)

Here is the thing about nutrients, enough is enough. Taking in more than you need does nothing for you. A modern balanced diet pretty much gives you what you need. Of course one of the things you need is fiber which juicing removes. A sugary drink from fruits and veggies isn't much different than a sugary soda with a vitamin.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Here is the thing about nutrients, enough is enough. Taking in more than you need does nothing for you. A modern balanced diet pretty much gives you what you need. Of course one of the things you need is fiber which juicing removes. A sugary drink from fruits and veggies isn't much different than a sugary soda with a vitamin.
If you are missing a foot & a half of your small intestines even if you eat a balanced diet it is hard to get the total nutrition you need for an active lifestyle & vitamins (pill form) are not as effective as you think.

Also regarding soda comment...not true. Most sodas are loaded with corn syrup & other bad things.

Everyone is so damn contrary today....I mean, I am bored at work & all as well, but sheesh.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
My girl is going through chemo for her second brain cancer surgery. We juice because she often can't eat and when/if she can the only thing she can keep down(sometimes) is comfort food. (mac/cheese, potatoes in every form, etc)

We have two juicers. A Champion and a hand crank one for wheat grass.

She really needs greens so we do lots of those with an apple/carrots and celary for liquid without a lot of sugar(fruits are high in sugar).

I add ginger, jalapeno, garlic and other stuff like that for a good time.:D

Honestly, I can't tell much of a difference when I drink this stuff. I'd rather have a beer.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
My girl is going through chemo for her second brain cancer surgery. We juice because she often can't eat and when/if she can the only thing she can keep down(sometimes) is comfort food. (mac/cheese, potatoes in every form, etc)

We have two juicers. A Champion and a hand crank one for wheat grass.

She really needs greens so we do lots of those with an apple/carrots and celary for liquid without a lot of sugar(fruits are high in sugar).

I add ginger, jalapeno, garlic and other stuff like that for a good time.:D

Honestly, I can't tell much of a difference when I drink this stuff. I'd rather have a beer.
Look at Jack. he can tell a difference!

Both of those smoothie recipes sound deelish.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
A sugary drink from fruits and veggies isn't much different than a sugary soda with a vitamin.
Fresh squeezed juice has very little likeness to soda. It has no added sugar, is loaded with vitamins and nutrients and with our juicer, retains fiber. Depending on what you juice, your beverage can be loaded with protein, amino acids and good for you fats. I have the luxury of a digestive tract that will allow me to eat 15 pounds of fresh fruits and veggies a day, some people don't and juicing is a really good way to get in extra calories, servings of fruits and veggies, and vitamins/minerals.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Fresh squeezed juice has very little likeness to soda. It has no added sugar, is loaded with vitamins and nutrients and with our juicer, retains fiber. Depending on what you juice, your beverage can be loaded with protein, amino acids and good for you fats. I have the luxury of a digestive tract that will allow me to eat 15 pounds of fresh fruits and veggies a day, some people don't and juicing is a really good way to get in extra calories, servings of fruits and veggies, and vitamins/minerals.

I'm just saying that fruit juice still contains a lot of sugar that can affect you in the same way as soda. A large glass of OJ has plenty of sugar that will hit your system quickly possibly causing your blood sugar levels to trigger a burst of insulin that will turn the sugar into fat and slow your metabolism. Eat some oranges and the fiber in them slows the sugar absorption.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I have an incredible sweet tooth that I'm trying to tame for a while. I'm like an alcoholic with sugar...I can't keep soda in the house, because if I do, I'll pound back 6 cans of Coke in a night no problem.

Having said that, I've been drinking a smoothie lately that takes the edge off nicely: 6 frozen strawberries, 1 frozen banana, 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup of plain unsweetened nonfat yogurt, and 1/2 cup of 1% milk.

Does it have sugar in it? Of course, it has lots. It is better for me than a 20oz soda? I don't think you have to be a nutritionist to figure that one out...
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the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I have an incredible sweet tooth that I'm trying to tame for a while. I'm like an alcoholic with sugar...I can't keep soda in the house, because if I do, I'll pound back 6 cans of Coke in a night no problem.

Having said that, I've been drinking a smoothie lately that takes the edge off nicely: 6 frozen strawberries, 1 frozen banana, 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries, 1/2 cup of plain unsweetened nonfat yogurt, and 1/2 of 1% milk.

Does it have sugar in it? Of course, it has lots. It is better for me than a 20oz soda? I don't think you have to be a nutritionist to figure that one out...
At least with smoothies you still get the fiber. You are just too lazy to chew.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I just really don't care for fruit in it's regular form.

I'm not sure why that is weird, I don't eat green coffee beans either :D
It is your right as an American to have your food processed in some form or another.

I guess I have a reverse sweet tooth. I have to water down my OJ.