
July 4th (long) w/e - did you ride?


beer and bikes
Feb 6, 2003
Portland, OR
Nice Doug! :thumb:

No riding for me. Tried to get out Friday after work, but severe T-storms foiled my plans. :( I'm supposed to go out on a club group ride tomorrow night after work, but it supposed to rain tomorrow as well. :angry: Hopefully the weather will cooporate, I haven;t ridden since Dalton! :eek:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
Crashby said:
Awesome! I hope to do my 1st century before the end of the season... btw, is 100 that much harder than your 50?
It definitely was tougher, but mostly because I am a dumbass and got lost.

This was a group ride, I'd say 30 plus riders with a sag wagon following, the 1st 40miles I was staying up front & we had a fast pace (19 plus avg), then we hit a big ass hill to climb/desend, & then a stop (for food, rest, water) at 57 miles. Once we started again I immediately was dropped from the front group/was in no mans land, THEN I missed a turn, ended up lost, some dude gave me wrong directions, I ended up 12 miles off course! ack!
So my last 45 miles was done solo, no one to draft & no one to chat with...made it tough. I wanted to quit but I kept pedaling - Once I hit 100 I called the sag wagon (I had no idea how far I had left) and they sent someone back to pick my sorry ass up!

This ride was several others 1st century, incliuding 1 female who did it with toe straps!

Sometimes I think the best part of a ride is getting some grub and a few drinks after, sharing some stories, laughing, etc - good times :thumb:


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
McGRP01 said:
Dude...was this Heather's ride!?!? What was she wearing? :love:

yes sir it was! (she wore pink lycra )

Heathers super cool - fun to ride with, fun to hang with and it doesn't suck when she gives you a tight hug :D


Sep 13, 2003
Redding, CA
i rode, got my stab up and running nicely then went and did my first stair gap, EVER
it wasn't that big, but hey, it was a start. first one's the scariest

got some trialsin in too, plan on doing some more today


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Congrats Doug! :thumb: I am REALLY glad I didn't decide to do it...I probably would have died ;)

Rode yesterday with Sq-Earl...his maiden voyage on his SS. We were going to hit the club ride today and got side-tracked so we'll probably head out a little later for a ride too. Saturday we did massive amounts of yard work and Sq-Earl did the night-time DH at West. :thumb:

Tigg----Thursday nights at the Pitts 5:30PM.


Mar 5, 2002
Me too! :D (heather too lazy to log out Orven....)

Well for the most part anyway.....:p

And there were some scenic views along the way



crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Awesome job Doug! And sweet pics as always Heather :)

I did a little over 70 miles on the road today, it was pretty hot but I managed to stay hydrated and took a lot of Endurolytes. The last 10 miles or so it got cloudy which I was very thankful for, then just as I pulled into my driveway at the end of the ride, it started raining. Perfect! :thumb: :thumb:

I just inhaled a chicken breast and I'm still starving...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Nice work on the century, DD! :thumb:

MBC an I did a road ride yesterday, but that was it this weekend (four day weekend for us). Little riding, but a very nice weekend nonetheless.


Nov 11, 2001
Seattle, WA
I rode this weekend, but only on the road. I'm limiting myself to road for the next month due to a broken clavicle two months ago. Did 37.8 yesterday and 50.3 today. Had to cut today's ride short becuase my achilles tendon was killing me! Had to wait at a park while someone got a car to give me lift home because I couldn't ride the last 20 miles! It sucked, but up to the tendon hurting it was great!

Right now it's ice and ibuprofen. :help: Anybody else have a similar issue? How long did it take to heal?


Mr. Schwinn Effing Armstrong
Oct 3, 2003
Avoiding the nine to five
douglas said:
It definitely was tougher, but mostly because I am a dumbass and got lost.

- good times :thumb:
Haha, my first century was done because I got lost on an 80 mile ride :dancing:

Congrats on stocking up some mileage. You do it once and you realize how easy it can be and will start doing them more often. I know I did quite a few rides this year that were over 100 miles, long days and so worth it!

Happy 4th everyone. No riding for me, I came home to visit family and celebrate my 21st b-day with some friends. Legal drinking! woohoo!

The Ito


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Perfect weather down here this weekend, temps in the low 80's and dry as a bone. Got two uninspiring rides in Sat and Sunday. I'm burnt out on riding so I tried my hand at rock climbing today, it was crazy. Pictures and details to follow.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
We did a brutal epic on saturday.
29 miles on an active volcano!
About 10 miles of decending over pummice covered trail,
then 12 miles or so of climbing,
then the rest was traversing and dropping on the actual mountain itself.. Lots of hiking in pummice,
and lots of mindblowing landscapes.....

Me near the top: (look down to the left, thats the creek we ride down to,
then up and over the ridges to the right in the FAR distance)

After Miles ans Miles of climbing we reach the Plains of Abraham.
One of the coolest places ive EVER ridden.
Its like being on the moon.
TO the left as we ride is the sleeping Giant.

At last the giant...... it actually had a large rockfall that morning
causing a ash plume that dusted the last few miles of our climb.


Sep 13, 2003
Redding, CA
T0mo said:
no riding, did go skiing though so it all worked out.
skiing?! it's freakin' july!! i wish i could still ski in july...*jealous rage*

all those pics make me sad that i live in stupid pa...i miss the mountains...i wanna go back to vancouver!! hurry up and come next semester!


Mar 14, 2005
I went to visit my sister in Maryland and got a liitle riding in. On friday a few of her friends from work brought me to these trails in Norhtern VA. TRhere wasnt much to them, mostly singletrack, not so techical, and short so I made the best of it and did several laps.. it was nice to be out on the bike.
On saturday i went to the LBS in Bethesda and asked them where I should go riding. They pointed me to the back of their store which was the Georgetown Branch trail, a trail that goes for miles and miles, but its a fireroad made of crushed stone. I told them I was looking for some wooded areas to do some mountain biking. So they send me to Rock Creek park... which was 13.1 miles of some wooded areas but it was almost all paved!!!!! I guess I need to be more careful what I ask for.. I never did say I was looking for dirt!!
It wound up being ok, lots of blind corners , ups and downs, it was fun to ride.. would have been a lot better if it was single track.. oh well


Mar 14, 2005
bikeguy100k said:
I rode this weekend, but only on the road. I'm limiting myself to road for the next month due to a broken clavicle two months ago. Did 37.8 yesterday and 50.3 today. Had to cut today's ride short becuase my achilles tendon was killing me! Had to wait at a park while someone got a car to give me lift home because I couldn't ride the last 20 miles! It sucked, but up to the tendon hurting it was great!

Right now it's ice and ibuprofen. :help: Anybody else have a similar issue? How long did it take to heal?
my achilles tendon still isnt right and its been 2 years. i recently went to a doctor for it (finally) I have achilles tendonitis. basically I Must have torn part of the tendon in the past, actually several times and it healed but created scar tissue, which leaves me with a lump on the back of my heel. it gets sore at random times.. mostly when i am sitting for a while or dont stretch it out. I am currently wearing a night foot brace, it basically keeps your achilles in the streched positon while you sleep.. eventually streching the whole thing out.. it seems like it has been working well.. so far

pic of night brace


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
Nice job on the century!

I rode Sunday. Did about 20 dirt miles with a buddy... got my butt kicked and I was soooorrrre the next day. But it was a good ride, got to see some new stuff, and really pushed myself. Did some climbs in my middle ring that I hadn't been able to do before... good stuff.


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
douglas said:
and FYI, it was my 1st century !! :D (my previous longest ride was 57 miles)

Nice job, Doug!

I went to Mt Snow on Sat to practice for my next race. Worked on one section that I had difficulty with, and found a few spots where I could be faster, so hopefully it helps.

Sunday I finally got to check out Mtn Creek for some fun riding. Holy crap that place is awesome!


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
I rode on Block Island on Sunday with Laura - very peaceful ride.

Tonyhawk - how did you do at Mt. Snow the first race weekend??

And Congrats to douglas!! Way to go!!


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
MMcG said:
I rode on Block Island on Sunday with Laura - very peaceful ride.
Sounds fun - Dina's been bugging me to go there. You bring bikes or rent them?

MMcG said:
Tonyhawk - how did you do at Mt. Snow the first race weekend??
Didn't finish first, didn't finish last. Being my first race (ever) I'm pretty happy. I learned a lot that will help me do better this coming weekend.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
tonyhawk said:
Sounds fun - Dina's been bugging me to go there. You bring bikes or rent them?

Didn't finish first, didn't finish last. Being my first race (ever) I'm pretty happy. I learned a lot that will help me do better this coming weekend.
We brought our bikes over on the ferry - I think it costs an extra $5 or so per bike. There are tons of places to rent bikes over there though. BUt i think it is worth it to bring your own (bring the Azonic).

Glad to hear you did well for race #1 - it'll only get better!!

Do you still have those Dianese leg guards?


bikerag.com whore
Sep 21, 2003
MMcG said:
Do you still have those Dianese leg guards?
Yup - they're in the car waiting for you to try them out. I can probably meet up with you for a ride Thursday or Friday this week.

Nathan Cloud

Jun 27, 2005
Burlington, CT
MMcG said:
I rode on Block Island on Sunday with Laura - very peaceful ride.
I got a Question about BI - did you just ride around the roads, or hit some trails? I hear there are a few actual trails on block island - and I have been thinking about loading up the old sailboat with bikes and heading over there for some riding.

(Of course I couldn't imagine lots of trails seeing how the island is tiny, but io would imagine there could be something interesting to ride out there....)


I Love Cheap Beer!
Good job on the 'C,' Doug :thumb:
Didn't really ride as much as I wanted to: Saturday w/Crashby & Echo. Short ride on Monday by myself just to give the new drivetrain parts and etc. a shakedown. Freakin' HOT all weekend. Wish I went somewhere cool, temp-wise.


Apr 4, 2002
douglas said:
It definitely was tougher, but mostly because I am a dumbass and got lost.

This was a group ride, I'd say 30 plus riders with a sag wagon following, the 1st 40miles I was staying up front & we had a fast pace (19 plus avg), then we hit a big ass hill to climb/desend, & then a stop (for food, rest, water) at 57 miles. Once we started again I immediately was dropped from the front group/was in no mans land, THEN I missed a turn, ended up lost, some dude gave me wrong directions, I ended up 12 miles off course! ack!
So my last 45 miles was done solo, no one to draft & no one to chat with...made it tough. I wanted to quit but I kept pedaling - Once I hit 100 I called the sag wagon (I had no idea how far I had left) and they sent someone back to pick my sorry ass up!
:nope: for riding at the front early on. Got to work on that strategizing. ;)

And double :nope: for quitting before you hit the end. Getting lost is not an excuse. :)

But :thumb: for the first century. Woohoo!!!! :dancing:

Counting Thursday and yesterday I got in 3 road rides and 4 mtb rides over the weekend. Good stuff. Here's pics from some of the trail rides. Edit: dhgirlie, you might want to avoid the last one. :)

Late afternoon in July

Contrast that with early morning in December from a couple of years ago

Saturday's Cartecay group at the overlook

Taking a breather on the way to Mountaintown

And some of the local wildlife



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
wooglin said:
:nope: for riding at the front early on. Got to work on that strategizing. ;)
I know, but I have a competitive gene - sometimes thats not a good thing

wooglin said:
And double :nope: for quitting before you hit the end. Getting lost is not an excuse. :)
yeah.....I agree, I had no idea how many miles was left - I guess I'll have to do another century the right way

wooglin said:
But :thumb: for the first century. Woohoo!!!! :dancing:
thanks :rolleyes: