
Jump to tranny.... need help


Can anyone explain the technique of jumping with a tranny? I've only done small jumps to flat, so I don't even know how to land a tranny. From what I'm told, you are supposed to arc or rainbow the jump... ie, push the nose down. However, that thought scares the sh!t out of me as I've always been real sure to keep the front end up so as not to endo. We're building some nice intermediate tabletops this weekend and I want to start jumping them. Any tips?


Dec 13, 2002
Rochester, NY
Something that helped me was to start out with a jump that has a fairly flat transition. So if you did, in fact, land parallel to the ground, it really wouldnt be a big deal. Then, you can start practicing getting the bike to land nose down to match the transition.

Truthfully, I found that it almost happened subconciously. My eyes see the transition as the landing point, and my sub-concious brain tries to make the bike parallel to that rather than the ground when I land, if that makes any sense?

Something else that helped me get the proper technique down is to ride across the table top, and when you get to the tranny, instead of just rolling over the edge, do a little bunnyhop off the edge, and then try to stuff the bike down under you, nose first, to match the transition. I dont really know how to explain it better than that, but watch a BMXer go over the lip of a ramp and you'll see what I mean. Anyway, I kinda use that same technique when jumping to make the bike nose down.

I'd just start out with something small/not-steep and give it a shot and go from there!

Your milage may vary, and there is no gaurantee that what I am doing is anything close to correct!!!!!! :)


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
it will happen ( the arc over the jump) naturally if you ride loose and keep your body low and centered over the jump. if the jumps are inconsistant then you may have to give it a little something extra. also spotting the landing is key. i find that my front wheel is gonna go where i look. if i look up it goes up, if i look down it goes down. especially applicable when in the air. hit it with enough speed, stay loose centered and low, dont over grip, let the bike follow its natural flight pattern, spot and stare at the landing. have fun

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
What I've found helps...and which a lot of more experienced jumpers have told me is that when you take off a jump and you throw in a bit a style points, ie. whip it out, throw a tabletop, pump...it helps keep you body loose and prevents dead sailors.


Originally posted by Dog Welder
What I've found helps...and which a lot of more experienced jumpers have told me is that when you take off a jump and you throw in a bit a style points, ie. whip it out, throw a tabletop, pump...it helps keep you body loose and prevents dead sailors.
I've been afraid to try and do anything in the air for fear of throwing myself off balance and not being able to land it. I do know I tend to be kinda tight when I jump. I've loosened up a bit, but I know I need to loosen up more. I was thinking about practicing tail whips while doing bunnyhops to kinda get a feel for it before I try it in the air.

All of you guy have given me some good tips which I will try to incorporate into my jumping. Thanks!


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
If you have a skatepark nearby (with a foam pit would be even better), take a cheap BMX down there and jump away. It's really easy to learn stuff on a BMX because the bike is so small and simple... no gears, no suspension, etc. Then when you get back on a MTB you will "feel" the jumps better.


Originally posted by Echo
If you have a skatepark nearby (with a foam pit would be even better), take a cheap BMX down there and jump away. It's really easy to learn stuff on a BMX because the bike is so small and simple... no gears, no suspension, etc. Then when you get back on a MTB you will "feel" the jumps better.
They just built a skatepark at our local trail. Bikes are allowed in there once a week. Now, I just have to find myself a cheap BMX bike. :D Of course it'll be crowded with all the kiddies that would put me to shame. :eek:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
hey zibbler you hang out with all those free ride south knuckle heads? i know they can show you the finer points of jumping at TOE or lakeland or somewhere.once i started whipping the end out and laying the bike over it got to the point that i cant jump without doing it. if i try to just aim straight it screws me all up


Originally posted by biggins
hey zibbler you hang out with all those free ride south knuckle heads? i know they can show you the finer points of jumping at TOE or lakeland or somewhere.once i started whipping the end out and laying the bike over it got to the point that i cant jump without doing it. if i try to just aim straight it screws me all up
Yeah, I've watched those guys do some jump sessions. Some crazy sh!t I would never do, but still would like to do it on a smaller scale. There's been some talk of having a jump clinic, but nothing has come about yet. I think once we get the intermediate jumps going, they might have one. Eric (4th Horseman on FRS), would be a good teacher, as well as some of the others. We'll be starting to build the jumps tomorrow at trail maintenance, so I'll bring up the subject of a jump clinic again.


Dec 16, 2001
It's basically the same as riding over a steep mound. Just with a jump the top of the mound is cut off. So you want to land as if there was a top to the mound and you rode over it normally.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
boombatsz is a pretty good friend of mine and i rode with those guys up here in nc in october last year when they made their trip to hick park to ride with the hick hucksters. if you know scott ( boombats) then have him give ya some pointers or something.

Dog Welder

Turbo Monkey
Sep 7, 2001
Pasadena, CA
Originally posted by Echo
If you have a skatepark nearby (with a foam pit would be even better), take a cheap BMX down there and jump away. It's really easy to learn stuff on a BMX because the bike is so small and simple... no gears, no suspension, etc. Then when you get back on a MTB you will "feel" the jumps better.
OH No...its not easier to learn on a bmx. I got a BMX bike and jumping it takes balls cuz its can be so skittery. It all has to do with mass. I have a friend who races MX and does HUGE jumps 40+ ft gaps. Yet can't jump for s#it on a DH bike. I can jump alright on a dh bike but the bmx is whack..

Oh and Zib..throwing a small tailwhip is all you really have to do...its not like you have to throw the rear end WAY off to the side...just kick it out a little. Or when throwing a "table" you just tilt the bars to one side.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Originally posted by Dog Welder
OH No...its not easier to learn on a bmx. I got a BMX bike and jumping it takes balls cuz its can be so skittery.
I dunno dude... must just depend on the person. I rode MTB seriously for 10 years and never got really good at jumping. One winter on BMX at a skatepark and, well you'll prolly never see me ride, but trust me, it made a huge difference ;)


Aug 6, 2002
Fort Myers, Florida
hey zibbler,
where do you live in south florida? i will be in the fort myers/lehigh acres area soon, and i know there isn't anything for riding but maybe you know of some places in other cities? it is always good to meet riding buddies, and of course i'm willing to travel to ride (cause there can't be much where i will be.) let me know!


Actually I think there is somewhere to ride in the Naples/Fort Meyers area. I'm pretty sure there's a local MTB club over there. I don't know what there trails are like though.

If ya want to buzz over to the east coast, there's plenty of riding here. I'm in the Fort Lauderdale area.