
Just a reminder to keep an eye out for poachers


Jan 11, 2010
Upper Newport Bay
I finished riding Chutes at Santiago Oaks yesterday around 5:30, and as I came down and crossed the huge sand pit of a wash at the bottom I spied some interesting characters. Two guys with a metal baseball bat were looking for rattlesnakes, going from bush to bush swinging the bat. When they found nothing they moved on to another. These guys weren't really shy about what they were doing either... I'm not sure if they saw me or not, but I clearly heard them say "rattlesnake" at least 10 times as they carried on. I watched them quietly for a couple minutes as I dug through my phone to find the ranger hotline, but came up with nothing so I rode to the ranger office at the entrance to IRP and reported it. The rangers were SHOCKED and took off to look for them without wasting any time. Hopefully they found them.

I'm posting this as somewhat of a PSA, if you love your parks, open spaces, and the animals that live in them, please do what you can keep d!cks like this from destroying them. Keep an eye out, and if something seems suspicious, don't be scared to report it.



May 8, 2003
Simi Valley, CA
Please send those two guys to Rocky Peak in Simi Valley, thank you. It's hard to swing a bat and NOT hit a rattlesnake around here, it would hardly be poaching.

Definitely community service.


3 Dude Approved
Talk like this is why mountain bikers are not allowed in Wilderness areas:rolleyes:
Lol livin in phoenix (while back) half the snakes i wacked i was hiking....
I dont feel to bad some people hunt them to do so ie sweetwater texas home of the rattlesnake roundup... used to live not too far from there for a bit... still let them cowboys go in the wilderness...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Killed one in my backyard awhile back. 'Bout 5 feet worth of Mojave Green. Was going to use hte 12 gauge, but went with the machete instead. Out in the desert, I wont touch them. But near my house and kids...different story.