
Just bought 'between the tape'...


Aug 10, 2001
where everyone is
yes, however it is fairly well known that many race vids are run at 105-108%...I'm pretty sure this is at least that. This is a stupid argument... Here I am thinking that all viewers know these vids are on FFW.
REAL video nerds chime in to correct me if i'm wrong.

can video be smoothly sped up at rates like 105, 108% etc? don't frames just get dropped and the footage gets choppy? as in you can tell a frame is missing? if you go to 1/3 or 1/2 faster it might work smoothly, but then it'd look "ludicrous speed."


Nov 25, 2001
seriously... watch the spectators, photographers, etc in the periphery of the shots and you will see there is nothing out of the ordinary
Yeah sped up, not sped up, it's always hard to tell. I know I HATE when the footage is sped up but I have looked at some of the footage I took myself at some races and straight from the camera it sometimes looks way sped up. Weird. I guess the camera angles can go a long way to how things are perceived


Jun 20, 2007
Back on the east coast!
Duncan's part is on fast foward especially. Watch their legs when they pedal too. They're going crazy fast.
I pulled Clay around on the zip line all day for Duncan's section and I didn't think it looked sped up at all when I watched it. In fact there are a few shots that looked slower than real life (that weren't in slow-mo).

My only criticism with the movie is there is an awful lot of swearing, both in songs and in rider interviews, for a movie that was aimed at more mass appeal.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Yeah sped up, not sped up, it's always hard to tell. I know I HATE when the footage is sped up but I have looked at some of the footage I took myself at some races and straight from the camera it sometimes looks way sped up. Weird. I guess the camera angles can go a long way to how things are perceived
Well I havent seen the movie. Don't give a flycing crap whether footage was sped up, slowed down or whatever as long as it's good. I can say that camera angles and lense can change EVERYTHING about how you perceive something on film.

You can lay with a viewers depth perception at will pretty much, which screws with your head when it comes to distances and speed.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
I wonder if there is a connection between people who are baked, and thinking the footage was sped up.

"That was like unnatural fast Brah. Pass the Combos, and how do they get the cheese in there?"

CrabJoe StretchPants

Reincarnated Crab Walking Head Spinning Bruce Dick
Nov 30, 2003
Groton, MA
people just can't accept the fact that they are slow, and others can ride at ridiculous speeds. it's much easier to say the footage is sped up than to admit you suck in comparison to the guys on film.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I confess that I bought Chlorophilla and BTT at the same time and couldn't help thinking if I could only combine the cinematography and editing of Chloro with the riders and zip lines of Clay.


Apr 27, 2005
Auckland New Zealand
I first saw BTT at the premiere on Rotorua with Whoops, and my first impression was not good. As Whoops said, the AV set up was crap and we were basically in a tent strapped to the side of a pub in the worst weather we had had this winter so far, so that was never going to be a good look.

But, I purchased the DVD anyway.

On 2nd, 3rd, 4th viewing, the movie impresses more and more. I like the 'road trip' feel to it. The locations are varied and interesting. The rider interviews provide perspective to the racing action. At first, I thought the narrators voice over was cheesy but I'm warming to it.

The extras are great, particularly the 4X and Sam Hill sections. The credits are hoot and the Steve Peat love-in gets me all inspired. God I hope that guy wins at Fort Bill.....and I'm a paid up member of the SH fan club.

I own synopsis and hypnosis and BTT is by far a superior work. I'd rate it as good as the Earthed series, different, but as good.

8/10 from this monkey.

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
Sped up footage conflicts with my ability to truly gauge what others are capable of. It doesn't look real, there are plenty of spots where you see people in the background moving erratically. Watch the vigo and brazil sections. Those are the easiest to tell. There is one section where you see a guy waving something in the background in the right hand upper corner and it's pretty funny how fast it's moving. You would be surprised at how easy it is to do it, it goes up pretty gradually and doesn't "appear" different until a certain level and that level is different with each shot but generally is about 10-20 percent before it gets silly. If you can't tell, enjoi the film, for me it defeats the purpose. I like to learn by watching and if everything looks unnatural I can't feel the flow if you know what I mean.


Aug 26, 2005
The old "movie is sped up" conspiracy again.... heard it a million times. Kinda like the JFK 2nd shooter, or contrails from jets are actually mind control spraying operations. The stuff is not sped up but there's no convincing those folks who believe likewise no matter what you do. Maybe they can fly to Clay's studio for the next movie and watch over his shoulder ................!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 22, 2007
I saw it a bunch of times recently, and I never once considered that it was 'sped up'. I'm not into racing at all, but it was still pretty cool. I think anyone that's into racing will like the film a LOT, the people I watched it with are, and they love it.
I Talked to Clay at Deer Valley this year, i ask him if anything was sped up. Take a WILD guess what his answer was: Sped up or not sped up???? Heath... your guess is wrong. There is no Fast forwarding or speeding up of the The Riding Footage. Only a few Panning shots of the scenery were sped up for the movie, and if i remember right there is one scene where it is OBVIOUSLY sped up (one of those 2 hour long clips compressed into a few seconds to show time and make it look cool)

But to Clearify for you heath... NONE of the riding is sped up.

You got to remember... They are WORLD CUP and WORLD CLASS riders. They are MUCH faster than ANYthing you will see Locally or at the NORBA's. they make You and I look Slow

OK, I love Clays videos. Hypnosis is my favorite vid to date. I love his style, his view, the way he appeals to the rest of the world and tries to make dh racing something they can comprehend and relate to. I am very impressed with his work and his vision and the composure and ability he has at such a young age. That being said, I was very disappointed with Between the Tape. To me, all of the footage seems sped up to the point where I can't even watch the whole film. I have tried to watch it three times now and have to take a break every time. The film is difficult and frustrating for me because I love to watch things as they occurred, so I can learn and glean from them as much as I can. When footage is sped up I can't relate or connect with the riding in the film so it becomes as relevant to me as the news. I want to watch it. I try to watch it, but I cant. I still have faith in Clay and his vision and I can't wait to see his next edition. I was just really thrown by his choice and cant watch the film because of it. Keep up the good work Clay, I hope you don't feel this as a bash, I understand how personal criticism is when you pour out your heart and soul in to something. I would love to talk to you about your vids if you're interested. I was the guy talking to you at Deer Valley that used to work for Thrasher mag. Oh yeah, and the cussing makes it a no go for me being a dad. I know lots of dads that have sons coming up the ranks that feel the same.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 31, 2005
San Francisco
Has anyone who's claimed the footage is sped up ever been to a WC event? Have you ever seen in person how FAST these guys are? It's really rather depressing. It's like, wow, I can't even dream of being that fast. The videos are real, they are just THAT much better than you. Then again, you wouldn't expect to play basketball like michael jordan, or drive like michael schumacher, so it makes sense.


Jun 1, 2006
On an Island
The first "Duncan Riffle" scene is almost to silly for me to watch. If anything should have been sped up it should've been the Lisboa Downtown, they looked so slow in most the shots. I for sure enjoyed Hypnosis 10x over.


Jun 1, 2006
On an Island
Yeah why was the narrator blowing into the mic during the opening of the movie COME ON! That can be easily edited. I bet there was spit all over it to hahaha.


Jul 31, 2003
Mount Vernon
Has anyone who's claimed the footage is sped up ever been to a WC event? Have you ever seen in person how FAST these guys are? It's really rather depressing. It's like, wow, I can't even dream of being that fast. The videos are real, they are just THAT much better than you. Then again, you wouldn't expect to play basketball like michael jordan, or drive like michael schumacher, so it makes sense.

Lets say WC top pro winning time over 2 mile course is 5 minutes making his avg speed 24 mph. Let's say your local fast pro's time is 5.75 min resulting on an avg speed of 20 mph on the same 2 mi course.

24-20=4 mph difference. Therefore 4 mph results in a sped up footage optical illusion.


Jul 31, 2003
Mount Vernon
oh yeah and I should add I think 24 mph is a a generous guesstimate. I think most course's have a lower avg mph which results in an even smaller difference of "theoretical sped up optical illusion mph gap between wc riders and slow local pros".

the F.H.B

Jun 2, 2006
Syd, Australia
I've never been to a world cup but I have seen Rennie, Hill, Atkinson etc plenty of times at national races over in Australia. I know how fast they are. I still think some of the footage is sped up...
To be honest I dont really think it detracts much from the film, it's still my favorite of the year.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
I do not care, sped up, slowed down, black and white, put through photoshop....if it makes me want to ride my bike-mission accomplished and usually no matter how lame I think a bike flick is, I usually want to ride after watching. Have not seen this between the tape BTW, but I might just get it someday.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I do not care, sped up, slowed down, black and white, put through photoshop....if it makes me want to ride my bike-mission accomplished and usually no matter how lame I think a bike flick is, I usually want to ride after watching. Have not seen this between the tape BTW, but I might just get it someday.
Get it dude, you'll like it.


Apr 26, 2007
I first saw it at a premier party in S.F. It seemed long, dry.. but hindsight says it was all the socializing, beer drinking flirting etc.

When I purchased it for home, it became awesome. I like it more than E4. Oh, and put me in the category of loving the creepy narrator voice.


Mar 22, 2006
Between the tape...hmmm

Clay Porter really needs to stop putting his friends/the people he wants to be friends with in his videos.

Cameron Cole won Jr Worlds because he was the fastest junior rider, it doesn't matter who was "supposed" to win, because they were slower and didn't.

Also Clay really needs somebody who knows how to write come up with his commentary because even after a few seasons of trying he still really sucks at it, he could use a professional narrator too, his voice is weird.

the F.H.B

Jun 2, 2006
Syd, Australia
Between the tape...hmmm

Clay Porter really needs to stop putting his friends/the people he wants to be friends with in his videos.

Cameron Cole won Jr Worlds because he was the fastest junior rider, it doesn't matter who was "supposed" to win, because they were slower and didn't.

Also Clay really needs somebody who knows how to write come up with his commentary because even after a few seasons of trying he still really sucks at it, he could use a professional narrator too, his voice is weird.
That was a professional narrator:biggrin:


Turbo Monkey
Dec 9, 2004
I gotta say i like it. It wasn't the same old movie with new footage. It's seems like everyone wants the same old movies over and over again. Narrator wasn't bad, but they needed a pop filter on the mic.

As for putting his friends in it, who else is he going to put in? He's got like the top 10 in the worldcup in it. By that regard Alex Rankin would have the same issue cause it's the same guys for the most part in the Earthed vids.


Oct 21, 2006
There seems to be a lot of New Zealanders angry about the non-focus on Cameron Cole. Clay obviously makes a conscious decision on who he wants to follow and this generally stems from riders riding quick in world cups. Blenkinsop was the top junior in a few world cups (did Cameron Cole go to any world cups anyway?). I thought he got a decent amount of footage in anyway considering in Hypnosis Amiel Cavalier wasn't even mentioned for winning juniors.

Put simply every rider who won a world cup featured heavily, what more can you want.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 9, 2006
New Zealand

Based on this statistically valid sample of one (me)...

I thought the film was pretty average tbh - though it was at a 'premiere' = too loud pub with crap AV, so may update my opinion with a re-showing. I think a lot of the value of btt is in the commentary which I couldn't hear very well.

It was also kind of weird hearing '2006' all the time and feeling that it was soooo out of date. Have I become that fickle?

Oh - and I was standing next to Cam Cole for all the (justified) praising sections for Sam B... Cam won the race and hardly got a mention. Boo. Sam B rode too hard and made a mistake = too much celebration of second place in a film that's about racing (= winning) for me.

VO was a bit ott for my taste, but lots of you yanks seem to like that saccarine style so no biggie.

Composition was mostly sweet - didn't mind the fastforward stuff much - it just seemed that the camera placement at the races missed many of the best sections of the tracks (not enough camera's at the races?).

for all that... it's still a film, about mtb dh racing... which is always good. :-)
Ok - second viewing, in much better conditions (my lounge). Whereas before I'd have given it 5/10... now having heard it properly I'd say it's worth an 8/10.

Nice work.

luiz carlos

Apr 15, 2002
Brazil-Rio de Janeiro
I saw BTT for the first time yesterday..and it's a awesome video.
I really dont wich is the best 2006 coverage race movie.
All three movies E4,IL and BTT have diferent styles what is very cool.

Kevin G

Jul 11, 2007
Fairfax, CA
The August issue of Decline gave it a great review; if that means anything.

By the way, hello; I'm new, and I did enjoy the flick. For me, it seemed positioned somewhere between Roam and the Earthed series; chronicling while also focusing on the "beauty" of the sport.


Turbo Monkey
May 21, 2002
Orange, Ca
Just got a copy of the movie (Thanks Sven)
When it first arrived I was REALLY impressed the box alone-design came out great and the photo book insert is a real nice touch. It looked top notch professional.

Only watched the movie last night with the mrs's and we LOVED it. It is clays best work yet and it shows how much he has learned in filming, editing, etc. I really like the little flashbacks to Nico and other riders DURING the race coverage. He edits the runs so well that despite being pieced together of practice, qualifiers and final runs you feel like YOU are going down the track.

I could actually ramble on about how much I liked the flick, but you get the point, you really should buy it, it is well worth it, makes you want to ride, tells the season story quite well and has an emotional side to it that was just fantastic-draws you in to these 'people' better than in the past. I can not say I liked his last flick too much, a lot was wrong and unwatchable, but this is a complete 180.

If I had to nitpick....I did not like Larry Longo commentating, the popping in the mic was annoying and he is just better well served as a race announcer, not a documentarian voice. I can only imagine the absolute perfection of the film if Phil Ligget was the voice on this film. There was a lot of cussing from the riders and the music that I could have done without-but was not over the top like a chris rock comedy show ;).

Well done, 2 thumbs up and bla bla bla....I think this is a pretty unbiased review as Clay does not give me the time of day anymore.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
A co worker of mine let me borrow his copy the other day, thanks Shad! So I cant complain all that much.

I did like all of the things this movie covered away from the races, like where the riders go to practice, their home trails, and the programs theyve set up to give back. I also liked hearing the opinions of the trails. Although it wasnt as action packed and flowy as some other bike movies it did portray how gnar some of the trails are and pro riders ability to almost float over it. Something you dont see in the south east everyday.

However I felt like Michael Moore was narrating the film which I guess gave it to much of a documentary feeling. I also went in to this movie thinking it was the "typical bike movie" which i think had something to do with the negative thoughts. I was ready to be entertained not become learned.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 18, 2005
holy s**t!!! Im 5400 miles away from there right now. I hope everything is ok. Theres a ton of scraps and logs we cleared from the trail back there, a broken arm is damn lucky. Hope he gets better, you have any contact info?

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
holy s**t!!! Im 5400 miles away from there right now. I hope everything is ok. Theres a ton of scraps and logs we cleared from the trail back there, a broken arm is damn lucky. Hope he gets better, you have any contact info?
Nah, I just overheard it at the race this weekend.
He was evidently OK though.
Maybe he was going slow and just rode over the top.
If he hit it full tilt like a berm then he would probaly still be in the air.

Heath Sherratt

Turbo Monkey
Jun 17, 2004
In a healthy tension
There seems to be a lot of New Zealanders angry about the non-focus on Cameron Cole. Clay obviously makes a conscious decision on who he wants to follow and this generally stems from riders riding quick in world cups. Blenkinsop was the top junior in a few world cups (did Cameron Cole go to any world cups anyway?). I thought he got a decent amount of footage in anyway considering in Hypnosis Amiel Cavalier wasn't even mentioned for winning juniors.

Put simply every rider who won a world cup featured heavily, what more can you want.
Actually the New Zealand Junior and National Champ is Keirin Bennett. Blenkinsop is not, regardless of what the Turner ads say or what he himself says in his interviews.