
Just did some Home Surgery on an In-Grown Toenail


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I think what just occured was the most painful experience of my life :dead:

I poured some beer on it to disinfect though.

Anyone else done this? Ouch!


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Werd, I had to do it about a week ago.

I just used a razoreblade and some tweezers. Painful stuff man.

I didn't know beer was a disinfectant though..........


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
chicodude01 said:
Werd, I had to do it about a week ago.

I just used a razoreblade and some tweezers. Painful stuff man.

I didn't know beer was a disinfectant though..........
Well, I was drinking the beer, and someone told me to use alcohol as a disinfectant, so I put 2 and 2 together.

I used a steak knife, some tweezers and nail clippers. I slid the steak knife under my toe nail and peeled it up as I pulled the cuticle back with the tweezers. Once I got the edge of the nail out, I snipped it with the clippers. Then hosed it out with beer.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
dh girlie said:
damn y'all'll be lucky if you don't get an infection and have to have it amputated. You should go see a podiatrist when you have those...blech!
Yeah, that's real easy to say if you can afford to waste money on fancy schmancy things like health insurance. :dead:

dh girlie

BurlyShirley said:
Well, I was drinking the beer, and someone told me to use alcohol as a disinfectant, so I put 2 and 2 together.

I used a steak knife, some tweezers and nail clippers. I slid the steak knife under my toe nail and peeled it up as I pulled the cuticle back with the tweezers. Once I got the edge of the nail out, I snipped it with the clippers. Then hosed it out with beer.

Jebus...how many hands do you have? How can you support the ingrown toenail with a steak knife, peel back the cuticle with the tweezers...and then clip the toenail off then pour beer? Perhaps you truly ARE a monkey?


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
dh girlie said:
Jebus...how many hands do you have? How can you support the ingrown toenail with a steak knife, peel back the cuticle with the tweezers...and then clip the toenail off then pour beer? Perhaps you truly ARE a monkey?
well once the edge of the nail was over the cuticle, i didnt really have to hold it back anymore then, did i?

freaking blondes...


Turbo Monkey
Dec 17, 2003
Colorado Springs
I've done it before but with some really sharp scissors and no alcohol so I just kinda cut it while prying it out from the cuticle but ended up cutting off a decent amount of cuticle. It hurt, but oh well. :p


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
GiantDHRider said:
too bad your instruments are not sterile. and the beer is probably too weak to have much of an effect on bacteria.

i hope your tetanus shots are up to date...
It was MGD, so you're right Im sure...

But I really did wash it out good with hot, hot water, then jammed a bunch of neosporin down in there. Im sure it'll be fine. It cant be any worse than the infectious green ooze that the ingrown toenail was causing.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
dh boyeee said:
ive had that ooze, it ****in sucks. would u mind getting us some pics?
WTF is wrong with you first off? I guess this is why they call you "cesspool"

But now my toe just looks like a regular toe, except a little red. No more ooze. :nopity:

dh boyeee

Nov 16, 2004
hiding from your dad
hahaha, i was hoping for some gnarly skin hangage. i had my toe chopped up like 5 years ago, but by a doctor, it was sick, they like took scissors into my skin and just started shredding! i watched the whole thing, it was great! i really just want to see u suffer...


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
dexterq had to have his right big toe removed because it was ingrown. we kept getting him to ride, even though it was like a month after he had it removed "uuhh..I can't ride, the dr. said I shouldn't" it was a pretty sight, almost made my girlfriend vomit.

Velocity Girl

Sep 12, 2001
I've done both the doctor and at-home method. Both hurt like a mofo!

The at home method bit me in the *ss once though. It got infected and ended up postponing my foot surgery...had me on the operating table just about ready to knock me out when then said "Nope, sorry" :(

The only benefit to the doctor method is that you don't have to endure the pain while they are cutting it out....BUT you do have to endure the shots. Sometimes I'm not sure which is worse!!!


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
That'll teach you to stop chewing on your toenails, you sicko... :nope: ;)

i knew a girl that used to do that when i was a kid, grossed me out.

dh boyeee

Nov 16, 2004
hiding from your dad
BurlyShirley said:
WTF is wrong with you first off? I guess this is why they call you "cesspool"

But now my toe just looks like a regular toe, except a little red. No more ooze. :nopity:
i think somone owes me an apology... :think:
BurlyShirley said:
My recent Google searches about Dog Feces have yielded some interesting results...:
perhaps you are the true cesspool...


Turbo Monkey
Mar 19, 2002
your telling me that you have only done it once? ihave operated on my toe somany times it isnt even funny. i have some weird genetic thing (thanks gramps) where my toenails actually grow like a seashell. the wont grow out. i constantly have ingrown toenails. infact, i get them so much that they no longer get infected, the nail just sort of grows in and it hurts like a mother. i have now become accustomed to using my switchblade to fix them, and i can do it now with out bleeding. just dip, and rip.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
dh boyeee said:
at least admit ur a hypocrite
everyone else already knows it, dont you?
yep. now go sniff some cat turds, but dont let your dad catch you again or he'll touch you in the pants like last time.


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
I just had this done earlier this year. Both my big toes had ingrown toenails. My right foot hurt more than the left so I got the right one done.

BUT before this, I used my home operating methond which included:
Tweezerman tweezers
Cuticle cutters
Toenail Clippers
Wire Cutters (small pointy hand ones)

BTW I sitll use these tools on my left foot which isn't as bad. I can stand the left one but the right foot hurt sooooooooo bad.

I went to the doctor, he said it'd be like $450 to do it ($125 or somethin was first patient visit?) whatever, every foot doctor in the area is similar. He let me watch as I explained to him I have a high tolerance to pain and wanted to see how he got it out. He numbed the toe, tied it off, used some fancy clippers and cutters that I can't find online :) and removed a giant silver of my toenail. He then placed some goo on it that he told me will make it never grow back. I said fine with me. I left with a numb toe. When the numb toe feeling wore off it throbed a little bit but nothing I couldn't handle. 3-4 weeks later I was back playing basketball and normal day to day stuff.

I use to get them so infected that puss would come out of the inside edges of my big toes. It was nasty. Even to this day I'd spend the money on it. Best $450 I ever spent on my body.


Jun 10, 2002
my stomach doesn't feel so hot already, but this really makes me feel a little queezy.

i was born with 2, got another in 7th grade, and the last 2 in 8th grade. oh god they were awful. mine got really bad, too (infection-wise). i hated getting the shots. ugh...the doc would wipe me toe with "monkey blood" (iodine), and give me three shots. ah....ah. the last time, i tried watching him cut it out, and blacked out.

oh well, wasn't even near as bad as getting shots in my mouth so i could have my baby teeth pulled. :dead:

dh boyeee

Nov 16, 2004
hiding from your dad
buncha wimps, ill post pics of my toes later! theyre not all chopped up, but its cool how u can see where one is missing the sliver they cut out so it doesnt grow back!