Got it last night, installed it this morning, hooking it up was easy. However I don't care for the magnetic antenna, and how they mount. The thought of wires on the exterior of a vehicle just doesn't sit right with me. I was wishing they would do an antenna like the old built-in cell phones where the receiver of the antenna is inside the car and there's an external one that mounts on the outside glass. I'm going through the FM portion and it still gets static in some areas (I tried different stations), thinking of going with the wired cassette and go through the tape portion of the stereo. All in all sound quality is just ok, but it nice to hear uninterrupted music, and music of my choice. Thought about going with an aftermarket head unit but I don't want to deal with theft, and like the idea of setting it up also in Julie's car for long trips. But again all in all, not to bad.