
Just ordered my Plasma TV on monday!!!!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Sweet, I'm recycling my old components.

Lexicon DC-1
Sunfire Cinema Grand Amp
Sony 7700 DVD player
Yamaha CDX1100 CD player
Pioneer Elite tuner

Klipsch Forte I's
Sunfire True Subwoofer 2700 watts.

I want the new Lexicon MC-12, but that's like $12K:huh:
I have 3 old Caver Blade Amps sitting around. 200 watts each. I need to Ebay them.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Ok for you guys that have a Plasma and LCD TV and want almost HD quality out of your 480i signal, try this. Pure AV RazorVision Video Cable. You have to have HDMI or DVI connection on your TV to use it. It clears up a lot of the fuzz and lines you see on your big screens using a 480i single. Now when you send a 1080i single in using it its even better. I could not believe my eyes on how much better this thing makes your picture look.

Here is the link for the product:



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
I'm in agreeance.

we've got the whole dolby 5.1 yada yada and most of the time I don't bother turning it on.
maybe i just listen to more music; if i'm watching sports, i've got music on.

but really, i don't see the downside to hearing higher fidelity sound while watching a TV broadcast, versus listening to it via the crappy stock TV speakers. you have to push one more button?

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Ok for you guys that have a Plasma and LCD TV and want almost HD quality out of your 480i signal, try this. Pure AV RazorVision Video Cable. You have to have HDMI or DVI connection on your TV to use it. It clears up a lot of the fuzz and lines you see on your big screens using a 480i single. Now when you send a 1080i single in using it its even better. I could not believe my eyes on how much better this thing makes your picture look.

Here is the link for the product:

Does that cable hook up to the cable box?


Oct 17, 2002
versus listening to it via the crappy stock TV speakers.
actually, the TV speakers on mine are pretty damn good. I came home yesterday and my woman was listening to a cable music only channel and I didn't realize the sound was coming strictly from the TV.

or maybe I'm old and all those years of 100+ decibel concerts toasted me :D

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
maybe i just listen to more music; if i'm watching sports, i've got music on.

but really, i don't see the downside to hearing higher fidelity sound while watching a TV broadcast, versus listening to it via the crappy stock TV speakers. you have to push one more button?

One button press rules them all....



Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
You're a sucker to consumerism. :p
really? you should see my car. :poster_oops:

the relative lack of sharpness is pretty telling, esp compared to the new, dinky TV we got for our bedroom a few months ago. i think i'd rather watch the bruins lose in sharper detail. :huh:

seriously though, back to the surround sound, what is the drawback to not using it for TV viewing?

smoke 'em if you got 'em.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
The room I have to work with is significantly smaller so a 42" is perfect. Projection would suck here anyways due to the house's orientation. Too much sunlight, :(. I wanted projection bad.
don't you still live with your folks? perhaps time to move out and get that nice room?

Nice TV Brian, I'm sure that thing is gonna look good in the living room!

I never owned a TV...


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
actually, the '96 civic was the 1st new car i ever had (upgraded from the '86 escort, which i needed after my job moved out of the city and i couldn't take public transport anymore).

cars have never held much allure to me. seems like a big waste of cash; i'd rather retire earlier.

maybe i should hold off on the HD purchase...


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
i agree. i watch one show and that's south park. and even then i just tape it and hardly get around to seeing it.
and worst is people with TiVo who records every frickin' show and spends all their free time catching up...and while they are catching up they are still recording current shows! :disgust1:


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
It must be TV day. I just got back from the store after purchasing a shiny new 42" Sharp Aquos 1080p LCD (and mega comfy sofa and chair to go with it). All of the plasmas were the same price for bigger Tvs, but i'm afraid my ridiculous amount of CNN watching and Video gaming woudl have led to burn in.

Super stoked though. Will go awesome in the new place. woo.
I think it must be because the hubby & I were talking about a new TV as our X-mas gift to each other.


Sep 14, 2006
The Right coast
TV's are such a time waster......I don't know how people do it (e.g. watch TV for hours on end)
I used to be a big TV watcher, now it seems like I barely have time to catch half an NFL game on Sundays. I really, really don't miss watching TV. I can't imagine spending big $$ on a freakin' TV. Go to the bar or find a friend with a nice setup - let them shell out the money. I've got bikes and a house to maintain.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
awww, look at all the elitist coming out to preach anti-TV. Makes one all warm and fuzzy inside.
are you calling me an elitist? LOL... I'm not against them I just choose not to have one. why does that make me an elitist? I watch TV every not and again when I go to my girls - but I'm the type that has a hard time standing still for more than a few minutes let alone watch a full tv show ;)

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
are you calling me an elitist? LOL... I'm not against them I just choose not to have one. why does that make me an elitist? I watch TV every not and again when I go to my girls - but I'm the type that has a hard time standing still for more than a few minutes let alone watch a full tv show ;)
How many thousands of times have you sat through bike vids over the years? Don't lie. I know you.:busted:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
this is recent then!

TV's are such a time waster......I don't know how people do it (e.g. watch TV for hours on end)
I don't watch much TV anymore, I have a little 15" flat screen on my desk in the office that I'll have on while I'm working. Other than that, the only time I really have now a day is when the kids go to bed. I'll watch TV in bed, last for 20min then fall asleep.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Halo 3 will look pretty damn sweet on the 42" screen...
Well, gears of wars just officially took the title of prettiest and most immersing damn game ever created. if halo 3 looks 1/2 this good, i will poop myself. Epic screwed up matchmaking though. :( It is nowhere near as good as halo matchmaking.