
Just ordered "The Big Ring"

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
I would NEVER buy a diamond on line EVER!!!!!! How do you even know what you're getting as far as quality? I got lucky, my dad is in the jewelry bus, so he ordered 10 different diamonds of the size we wanted and we chose the best one.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Megan Black said:
you may use that one for aubrey when the big day comes!

it always kinda cracks me up when i hear guys talk about their wives and that they married them cause they put up with them. i think it's a funny joke but sometimes i think people are serious, like they're saying, "no, really, she's the only one i could treat like sh*t and she still stuck around...she's AWESOME that way!"
Sometimes my humor doesn't go over that well on her... even though I didn't think of this one myself I could see the looks I would get....
Although she's always said I'm the type of guy who would probably ask her some night as we were going to bed or watching TV.... or something dumb...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Brian HCM#1 said:
I would NEVER buy a diamond on line EVER!!!!!! How do you even know what you're getting as far as quality? I got lucky, my dad is in the jewelry bus, so he ordered 10 different diamonds of the size we wanted and we chose the best one.

I wouldn't even know WTF I'm looking at.


stosh said:
I'm her door to the world, the information she knows flows thru me first.
If this statement is true, I fear much humor is lost on her. Is she a vegetable for krissakes???


Megan Black said:
ahahahaha! then i would have called him cocky for calling it the "big" ring! :blah:
Hahaha - liar... you would have called him for a date. :think:

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
Congrats Greyhound. I went through a bit of sticker shock myself a few years back.

Engagement story was kind of simple. We met at Penn State, we were lab partners, then neighbors, then well, married. There is a tradition there about hiking up one of the local mountains and she had never done it before so I got her to go for a walk on Homecoming weekend. We hiked the mountain then while sitting at the overlook on the top, I did the old one knee deal.

As for those looking to buy diamonds, do yourself a huge favor and head to diamondtalk.com forums (the ridemonkey of diamonds) and get educated. Forgot what most women obsess about, that being size, CUT is king. I can highly recommend one of the regulars over on DT, Jonathan at goodoldgold.com. BTW Stosh, Jonathan's shop is on Long Island and I went in person about a year after buying the e-ring from him to do some other shopping. If you thought we analyzed bikes and parts, you haven't seen anything until you see how they find, determine, and cut the ideal and super-ideal diamonds. I ended up with an AGS 000 ideal hearts and arrows set in platinum for about 1/2 of the price of local jewelers, and at least 1/3 less than the big online dealers.

I'm a numbers kind of a guy and being able to analyze the heck out of the diamonds made it fun for me.

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
stosh said:
I wouldn't even know WTF I'm looking at.
Most good diamond dealers will give you a quick education on what you are buying and you can loop the stone yourself to look for any flaws that may bother you or stand out too much.


I learned a ton about diamonds when I bought Julie's ring. I forgot most though.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Mike B. said:
Congrats Greyhound. I went through a bit of sticker shock myself a few years back.

Engagement story was kind of simple. We met at Penn State, we were lab partners, then neighbors, then well, married. There is a tradition there about hiking up one of the local mountains and she had never done it before so I got her to go for a walk on Homecoming weekend. We hiked the mountain then while sitting at the overlook on the top, I did the old one knee deal.

As for those looking to buy diamonds, do yourself a huge favor and head to diamondtalk.com forums (the ridemonkey of diamonds) and get educated. Forgot what most women obsess about, that being size, CUT is king. I can highly recommend one of the regulars over on DT, Jonathan at goodoldgold.com. BTW Stosh, Jonathan's shop is on Long Island and I went in person about a year after buying the e-ring from him to do some other shopping. If you thought we analyzed bikes and parts, you haven't seen anything until you see how they find, determine, and cut the ideal and super-ideal diamonds. I ended up with an AGS 000 ideal hearts and arrows set in platinum for about 1/2 of the price of local jewelers, and at least 1/3 less than the big online dealers.

I'm a numbers kind of a guy and being able to analyze the heck out of the diamonds made it fun for me.
I guess I'm looking for something unique mostly. All diamonds look the same to me I guess.

I'll check out thoes sites thanks for the heads up! LI is kinda of a hike but the internet isn't. :)


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Brian HCM#1 said:
Most good diamond dealers will give you a quick education on what you are buying and you can loop the stone yourself to look for any flaws that may bother you or stand out too much.
"loop the stone" what's the mean?


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
I'm gonna go into the shops wearing these. Atleast at first they'll think I know what I"m talking about.


Megan Black

I rocked whistler in a mini skirt and f$@* me boot
Jul 28, 2004
Beaver-town, OR
stosh said:
I'm gonna go into the shops wearing these. Atleast at first they'll think I know what I"m talking about.

better put on your sweater vest too, they won't DARE mess with you in that power-outfit!


stosh said:
I'm gonna go into the shops wearing these. Atleast at first they'll think I know what I"m talking about.

Good thinking - then you will look equally as dumb as you will likely sound.


Brian HCM#1 said:
And they'll look at you and say.......The bathroom is that way, poor guy needs super glasses to find it.
Nice - :thumb:

You should start the "I owned Stosh" club.


Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Wow! Check out all the responses. Thanks guys!

Lessee......I do think I need to clarify something to Burley Shirley. I think we're misunderstanding each other a bit, but both thinking the same thing. What I was trying to say earlier, and I'm pretty sure that it didn't come out the way I intended it to come out, was that "yes" I agree that anyone who tells you that the size of a diamond is in direct correlation to how much you love your girlfriend is full of sh*t. I think we're both saying the same thing, but just not realizing it. I know it sounds a bit on the sketch side of things, but these guys are on the up and up legit. Their CEO was on the money channel the other day talking about his company, and how much they are able to pass the savings on to their customers and all that. I suggest you check theur site out and then do your homework. This wasn't a decision I just made overnight.....I did a lot of research before ending up there, and I can save any other monkey's some hassle if they're gonna be going through this any time soon. Shoot me a PM and I can give you the low-down on what is what. Thanks again for all your support.....y'all are a big help.



Mr. Big Hot Pastrami
Feb 26, 2003
Bozeman, MT
I certainly hope the woman I ask to marry me is understanding when i give her a "cheap" ring but even that will probly be around 1000 :think: thats a lot of money for a speck of a rock and peice of metal

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Its nice to be able to see the actual stone you're buying though. I bought my wife a 1.5 carat stone for her wedding ring and would never do it without seeing what I'm buying.


Brian HCM#1 said:
Its nice to be able to see the actual stone you're buying though. I bought my wife a 1.5 carat stone for her wedding ring and would never do it without seeing what I'm buying.
Show off - most of us would never buy a 1.5 stone, period. :think:

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Greyhound said:
Cripes!! 1.5 carat?

Damn....you're in the Kobe Bryant category.

I would want armed guards escorting me out if I dropped that dime. :D
For my mom's 60th b-day my dad got her a 5.5 carat stone, its so huge it looks fake. Its nice to have a dad in the business:thumb:


Brian HCM#1 said:
For my mom's 60th b-day my dad got her a 5.5 carat stone, its so huge it looks fake. Its nice to have a dad in the business:thumb:
What exactly do you mean by the "business"???


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
I'm fortunate that my wife is not that thrilled with Diamonds... I ended up spending about 1/2 of what I had saved up for, and she got the ring (big sapphire and small diamonds) and matching earrings. I got a new bike…

BTW - Diamonds are not traditional. It only became fashionable in the 20's and 30's (I think) in America... and that was because the Diamond companies gave huge rocks to celebrities as a marketing tool. Granted people still gave diamonds before that time, but it was not the ‘only’ stone…


the Inbred said:
everything i learned about diamonds, i learned by watching the Americus Diamonds infomercial.
Did you learn that Americus in SA and in Austin ain't the same peeps??? Julie's came from there in SA.

flat broke

Nov 18, 2004
Long Beach, CA
Congrats Greyhound,

I got married last July. My wife had stuck with me through some ups and downs for almost 4 years before I finally wised up and asked her to stay around for the remainder of the ride.

Cool deal on the ring, and I'm with most folks that would say that its all relative to what YOU can afford, not what the jeweler says you should drop. Also cudos for knowing your pre-disposition to being upsold and removing yourself from the potential situtation. I'm fairly up-sell resistant and still got sucked in on my wife's ring... But the setting was what she wanted, and it just looked right, so oh well :)

Anyhow, I didn't see if you mentioned it, but definitely ask her parents/father for permission if you haven't already. I'm a little old school that way, but I think its just one of those things you should do, and her parents will probably respect you even more than they already do. I went the route of getting the ring first, to have for presentation if requested when I asked for permission.

As for the proposal, I did mine on the deck of a friend's boat on the Colorado River at Sunset. The whole deal was stealth with "go codes" and everything :) My friend asked if we could get on the bow of his boat for a picture, so she got up on the bow first, and as she was turning around, there I was on one knee with the ring in hand. Hopefully you're response will be better than mine as I had to pop the question 3 times before I got a "yes". It's hilarious watching the video because every time I asked, she replied with "are you serious". But the point is that the river is a location that is central to our recreational pursuits and some good memories, so it was a perfect setting to start the next chapter of our lives. The added plus of the video meant that she could share the proposal with her family when we got back from the trip. Our friends were unobtrusive in the proposal itself so it still had the personal feeling that I wanted it to have.

Good luck with the proposal and the subsequent wedding, and no matter how well you know your soon to be fiance, be prepared to see some new sides of her once the wedding planning starts... Oh and keep your fingers crossed that her parents have been saving for a wedding fund :D



Trail Rat
Jul 8, 2002
Alamance County, NC
Thanks, Chris. Those are very kind words. I'm sure things are going to work out just fine. I did do the permission-thing with her father back in August when he and I were out fishing one day. He was cool with it, and so was her mom. They love me to death. They're from Illinois, and get a kick out of my slow, Southern draaaaaw and simpleton humour. :cool:

We've actually got the wedding thing planned out pretty much. Some friends of ours have offered to let us use their sailboat, so we're gonna get our buddies together, tie up all the boats, and have the ceremony out in the sound sometime in June or July. Small wedding.......BIG party!! :blah:


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
BurlyShirley said:
What in god's name does a $3500 ring do that a $200 one dont? Sparkle? **** that. Im usually not one to harp on tradition, but what people pay for jewelry litterally drives me crazy. That is insane for something that does nothing. Not bagging on you, cause that's just the way it is, but g-zus, its some metal with a rock in it. :help:
I am with you on this one. When The GF and I started talking about rings we thought about the whole 2 months salary thing and decided that if we are going to spend 4500 on a ring then we would spend 500 on a ring and take the 4000 and have an extra long honeymoon or put it into our house fund. I am lucky though, as my GF doesn't want a diamond. She said that she would rather have something with color in it. Also mentioned the bad african mines, and such... said something about diamonds being a relatively modern tradition... anyone know if this is true? (She's a medieval history scholar and so I am always trying to figure out what they did back then so I can do the same and impress her). I think it sucks that the jewelry and diamond industries try to guilt us into buying expensive rocks. The cool thing isn't the rock, it's that you and your GF love each other so much that you want to get married.