
Just replaced oil in '03 Super T and have issues...


Sep 18, 2006
I filled both legs with the recommended 245cc of 7.5wt oil and it feels good, except I'm only getting about half of my travel and it feels as if the springs are binding up or something. After about 4 inches of travel, there is no more compression. As far as I know, I put everything back the way it came out (long springs on bottom, shorter springs on top) so I was wondering what else could be going on causing this problem? I guess if I have to I'll take it all apart again, but I'd rather not have too and loose all that oil I just put in...


Turbo Monkey
Jan 7, 2005
You have too much oil in your fork.

When you just pour the old oil out, you dont remove all of the oil. The silver cartrages inside the fork are filled with oil and it takes a bit of work to get all of that oil out. At the very least, you would need to cycle the cartrages several times to pump some oil out, nad then let them 'drain' for a couple of hours to get every last drop.

The spec that I have for that fork says that the oil level should be 75 - 80mm down from the top with the springs removed and the fork fully compressed...measure yours ..i am sure it will be way too high.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
San Francisco
I did this with a 2002 Super T... afterwards there was a little bit of a clunk when pulling up on the front fork quickly. What's the fix?