
Just wanna know about bails


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Wytheville Virginia
Just wondering monkeys, if it's not to painful, what's your worst wreck and how long were you out?

Mine---cornered too fast on a berm and my tires slid out and broke my collarbone. I was out for 6 weeks


Jan 29, 2004
annandale, VA
i think my worst wreck would be the time i went of a kicker and my front tire fell off, i ended up sliding down the strret about 10-15 feet. I sliced up my whole left side, and the tendon on my left pinky knucklle was showing, um i wasnt realy out for more than two or 3 days, 4 at the most... maybe a month before i did any more serious ridin but that was do partly to not having a decent bike


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
I havent had to many bad wrecks. I went over the bars at the top of two tree chute at WG last season and flew all the way down the thing and smashed my right shin on a rock through my pad. After that my shin got really swollen like stick a baseball under my skin size and the nerve endings kinda died so i can barely feel when i touch it in the spot i got hit. Another time on Dayglo right at the top of it hauling ass i slipped off my pedal and my balls got nailed on my rear tire and i rid the rear tire 30-40 feet down the hill.


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
i went over my bars and drug the back of my head on the ground for about 10feet....but thats just what i'm told because i don't remeber:dead:


Jul 11, 2001
longest time out: landed sideways with my leg extended, ripped my acl in half, tore a bunch of cartilidge and dislocated my knee. including surgery, out for 4 months

most painful: severely dislocated shoulder. out of the socket for 6 hours. had to get of the mountain and into "downtown" Frederick MD's emergency room. (the words "PO-DUNK" are pretty accurate here).

just ask biggins, dislocations suuuuuuuuck. :dead:


Apr 8, 2003
Raleigh, NC
I aired out a jump and nosed over(about 10ft high), cliped in, decided to bail, got my right foot out but the left one stayed in until the down force of the handlebar snapped my left femur in two pieces, trashed the tendons that hold my right color bone down, cracked a tooth.....but hey, the bike was ok. I was out for 7 months....but thanks to an excellent Doctor, great therapist, and an 11" titanium rod and 3 screw....I'm back racing DH and MTNX.

....I may be that stupid?:D



Dec 3, 2003
Annandale, VA
My worst injury so far has got to be when i got too much rear wheel on a stair gap and fell on my back from 6 feet in the air. I slid for atleast 10-15 feet on my back on the concrete. Most painful experience I've ever had. Luckily I was out for only 1 day. After that I could ride, but I was still in pain for about a week. :dead:

Originally posted by mobius
I went over the bars at the top of two tree chute at WG last season and flew all the way down the thing and smashed my right shin on a rock through my pad.
I also had a similar accident on two tree shoot. I clipped one of the two trees w/ my handlebars, went down, rolled 2 times and popped back up into a run unscathed ... until I uncontrollably ran into a tree. ;)


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Chain slipped on a 4' Wheelie drop :angry: My shoulder + the brick sidewalks in Georgetown = broken collarbone. I was out for about a month and a half.


Jul 21, 2003
in 1999 i over jumped the big tripple they had at plattekill on the mountaincross course. i landed stiff legged ,and flat footed from about 15ft.in the air,and shattered my left ankle completely!!!had to have an external fixator on my leg for nine months,and then a cast for three months after that. just ask anyone that knows me, they'll tell you my ankles are still really messed up. i have three screws and four pins in my left ankle,two pins in my right ankle,and 4 pins in my right knee. at the start of this season,i have already broken both wrists but they are ok now.i rode some moto-x yesterday,and my wrist felt fine. US OPEN here i come.


Apr 8, 2003
Raleigh, NC
Originally posted by banche
at the start of this season,i have already broken both wrists but they are ok now.i rode some moto-x yesterday,and my wrist felt fine. US OPEN here i come.
LOL...you are such a tool:D

..your new name should be "tin-man" or roborider



Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by rideLIKEjehu
most painful: severely dislocated shoulder. out of the socket for 6 hours. had to get of the mountain and into "downtown" Frederick MD's emergency room. (the words "PO-DUNK" are pretty accurate here).
I popped my right shoulder out going OTB just off the Catoctin Trail in Cunningham Falls. I was snowplowing through Fall leaves and debris on a steep section when my front tire found a big hidden hole with a rock behind it. I did a superman/front roll in the air and landed on my right shoulder in some soft dirt...and it "stuck". As it was the same shoulder I had initially dislocated doing bench flys with too much weight, the ligaments were already loose enough for it to pop back in without much effort. All the same, I couldn't raise the arm above shoulder level for several months w/o excruciating pain.

"Downtown" Fredneck? Po-dunk?? BFE??? How dare you malign the stately and dignified city of Frederick! ;)


Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by llkoolkeg
"Downtown" Fredneck? Po-dunk?? BFE??? How dare you malign the stately and dignified city of Frederick! ;)
i think the doctor that hooked up my IV was rubbing skoal. and my nurse once guest-starred on 'Hee-Haw' :D

i'd been laying in their waiting room for 4 hours, shoulder out of socket. when my wife drove up to find me, the hospital had no record of me there, it took them an hour to find me.

next time, i'm just driving back to virginia :dead:


shifty S

Jun 6, 2002
i was riding the ledge on the side of the rollers in g-town and hopped over the top of the last one into a manual down the back, slipped off my pedal and landed on both feet....shattering my right ankle/heel and putting me in a cast and on crutches for my friends prom in chicago the next day

total time not riding ~1 month


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Originally posted by shifty S
i was riding the ledge on the side of the rollers in g-town and hopped over the top of the last one into a manual down the back, slipped off my pedal and landed on both feet....shattering my right ankle/heel and putting me in a cast and on crutches for my friends prom in chicago the next day

total time not riding ~1 month
See, you should stop talking trash about transitions, they WILL attack you!

shifty S

Jun 6, 2002
Originally posted by BigMike
See, you should stop talking trash about transitions, they WILL attack you!
thats why i talk trash about em! came close to ruining my weekend! fortunately it wasnt that bulky of a cast so it was possible to work around it.


I'm normal
Oct 2, 2001
Northern Va.
Worst wreck I came out of basically untouched.

Lost it in a shoot in P-kill, could not make the turn ended up plowing into the base of a fallen tree, flipped over the base of the fallen tree, don't "remember" how I landed, actually don't remember the rest of the race! What i do know its I crashed so hard I lost my shoe! Slight concussion though......oh, and a new helmet. Thank god for full face!

Worst wreck I did not fair well.............

Platty again, Riding a race line slowly to see if I would be able to haul thru it later , I lost it, fell off a drop off and destroyed my right knee!

4 hour surgery, 2 pins and really messed up cartilage I was out for 9 months and I still cannot run and it hurts to walk up steps to this day! 1 1/2 years later! But I am still racing and Djing, if that is what you call it!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 19, 2004
Wytheville Virginia
i was riding down moutain road from a park, and my buddy was on a bmx bike holding onto the down tubes of his handle bars when he hit a wash board in the road and started to loose control of his bike, then his wheel went sideways making him to a frount flip on his back sliding over into my bike senting me down right onto my hands , i wasn't wearing gloves so i put big gash's into my hands.. out for two weeks..... then my first try on this new DJ i built, and crashed right into the front wall...:stosh: :nopity:


wait... that last post was mine, Pete forgot to logout and i used his name...ops!


Jan 29, 2004
annandale, VA
i think i now hold the lead for the stupidist, on my part, bike related injury.
i was fixin my brakes and i got my left index fingure caught in my rear wheel. i was at the hospital for 6 hours and got 8 or so stiches. ill post pic when i get a chance

edit:ok there wont be a picture, it didnt come out


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Spinal compression fractures...dislocated left shoulder(4 times now & currently recovering from the 4th)...cracked knuckle in left middle finger...concussion w/temporary bald spot(from subcutaneous scalp bleed and compression damage)...nerve damage in right shin from hitting horizontal log hidden by overgrowth at full speed on pipe run(@ Watershed), etc...I won't even get into all the lacerations, hematomas, muscle strains and deep tissue bruises.


Apr 23, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
Freride_Pyro said:
i think i now hold the lead for the stupidist, on my part, bike related injury.
i was fixin my brakes and i got my left index fingure caught in my rear wheel. i was at the hospital for 6 hours and got 8 or so stiches. ill post pic when i get a chance

i did something similar about 2 weeks ago. i was adjusting my rear hydraulic brake trying to get it all centered up... spun the wheel... my thumb got hung up in the spokes and spun into the rotor (those edges are SHARP) which lopped off a small piece of the tip of my thumb. it wasn't anything major, but sure was an annoyance.


Jamis Slayer
Sep 7, 2001
Freride_Pyro said:
i think i now hold the lead for the stupidist, on my part, bike related injury.
i was fixin my brakes and i got my left index fingure caught in my rear wheel. i was at the hospital for 6 hours and got 8 or so stiches. ill post pic when i get a chance
done that, except i got my right index finger in the back rotor, cut almost to the bone, still can't feel very well near the scar. three stitches, but i still raced the next day with a finger condom on ( the ER doc was a MTBer)