
Just when you things are at there worst


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
Well ,things just go worse for my lousy life ,My wife has filed a restraining order saying I have abused the kid`s and here :eek: :eek: :eek: ,which has never happened ,nor will it ever .You see I have a problem I suffered a severe brain injury in 1992 and one of the know problems with a brain injury is anger well I had seen many Dr`s and then I moved ,so when I go to Socal and see my Dr there for the last time and he refers me to another Dr here (btw one week after I saw my Doc in Socal my daughter Alexa was killed so I never got around to see him until Jan well then I went to see a shrink who deals with people that are Effed up like me( March 15) then one week later out of the Blue my wife slaps me with divorce papers ,I had no idea ,I know that we should go to counseling together so we can get through all of the problems we have had the past few months ( the major is of course the loss of our Alexa :( :( ),I hope and pray that some how we get back together cause I really love her with all of my Heart and I have beeen faith full to my wife God please bring my wife back ,I have an idea wher she`s living but I will go to jail if I go there ,and yesterday was the first time I had seen my kid`s in a week I had no idea where they where ,now the live in some crappy apartments ...............


Oct 17, 2002
Call Oprah.

I can't think of anything to say, cuz I don't have anger issues and I'm all kinds of pissed off hearing about what you're going thru.

Seriously tho, if you get a stupid celeb like Oprah involved, you might force the situation and get joint custody.


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
Better yet hire a good attorney who is really good ,at this ,the part that hurts me most is that she never talked to me about the problems she might have yelled at me so I never really paid attention ,I just with she would get a grip and get back together with me :heart: :heart: :heart: ,isn`t that crappy though not one sign of her leaving me ,I think she has already been seeing one of the Dr`s she has been seeing as a patient :thumb: :thumb: ,thats what this has come about and hell maybe I `am just getting parnoid cause I sit here alone in my house out in the middle of a forrest :eek: :eek: :eek:


Aug 14, 2001
shocktower said:
I think she has already been seeing one of the Dr`s she has been seeing as a patient :thumb: :thumb: ,thats what this has come about
If that's the case the Dr. should have his license yanked. I also think it would help a lot with throwing out the restraining order and getting to see your kids. Sounds like you need a private eye in addition to the lawyer.

I know you want to get back together with her, but it sounds like you need to move on and make sure you've got yourself covered. It sounds like she is pulling out all the stops and, if what you say is true, making things up to get the results she wants. Even if you got back together with her who says she won't pull it again? You need to take care of yourself so you can then work on taking care of your children.

Start documenting everything. If it's legal, I'd install a recording device on your phone so you a record of all conversations with her.

Disclaimer: this is not legal advice, just opinions of the writer!

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
I hate to say it but some of the monkey's are on the right track. It sounds like she's pulling out all the stops. You need to do whatever you can to cover yourself. Hire the private dick so that you have some info as to what she's up to. And record and document everything that goes on. It's sad to think that this is how you need to live now but I've seen too many people get really fuked over by stuff like this. Good luck and keep us posted(on what you can of course).