I am seriously saying that the Oath Keepers should not be considered a militia group. You know why? Because their stated beliefs on their website indicate that they are not a militia group.
Seriously, that's your best argument as to why they're not a militant militia group, is that they say so? Would you also believe that the Crips were a benevolent community organization established to ensure the equal advancement of colored people? It's what CRIPS stands for, Communities Responsible for Involvement in Polite Society. Just look it up on their website.
And I apologize for neg repping you twice now (in a short period of time, now that I think about it), but jeez, if that's the best argument you can come up with, just stay quiet. They can't call themselves a militia since then active military personnel can't be members. So they don't call themselves one, and proceed to act EXACTLY LIKE A MILITIA.