
just wrap the tinfoil tighter guys


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I read that same article, and I'm reserving enthusiasm... it sounds simply too good to be true. How stupid would we feel as humanity if we've been sitting on an energy source that is clean, cheap, safe, plentiful, and carbon neutral that we've KNOWN about since the 50s? It's an impossible proposition. That it didn't emerge during the oil crisis of the 70s, the electricity crises of the early 00s, or during any of the environmental/climate change debates of the last 5 years...
I'd be ecstatic if that article was true.

However, I have to point out the asshattery over the flu vaccine this year. Nuclear misinformation is a thousand times worse. I can see how those fears, combined with a regulatory regime and the defense budget clout could have conspired to bury the technology.

I'm not saying it's likely, but I can understand a plausible set of circumstances that could do it. Too Rickish?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
How stupid would we feel as humanity if we've been sitting on an energy source that is clean, cheap, safe, plentiful, and carbon neutral that we've KNOWN about since the 50s?
Exhibit A: :think:

I'd be ecstatic if that article was true.

However, I have to point out the asshattery over the flu vaccine this year. Nuclear misinformation is a thousand times worse. I can see how those fears, combined with a regulatory regime and the defense budget clout could have conspired to bury the technology.

I'm not saying it's likely, but I can understand a plausible set of circumstances that could do it. Too Rickish?

:tinfoil: :panic:?


Feb 23, 2006
Chinafornia USA
TARP was passed under GWB. Regardless, read up on "credit crunch" and what it means for main street. While you're at it, read up on 1929-1932...
enter Hoover?

And has stated that combat troops will be gone from Iraq by August, 2010.
He did say (repeatedly during his campaign) that he was planning on refocusing our military efforts to the afghan/pak region for a more efficient, scaled down, approach to sustaining the areas security in regards to minimizing new emerging terrorist cells, while removing our troops from Iraq in a responsible fashion.

Problem is, 9 out of 10 average Joe voters only comprehended key phrases in there like “removing our troops”, “scaled down”, “responsible”, etc. Therefore, that type of rhetoric could be extremely misleading while being an excellent way to gain votes and popularity from the antiwar crowd, which made up a significant portion of his support on election day. Much of this country thought they were voting for an administration that was done with the Bush war mentality, not one that was going to escalate it.

No answer.
it was all just talk to attract the greenheads as well

You're holding Hillary (as sec of state) responsible for something her husband did? Me thinks you're reaching just a tad...
Not a stretch at all really... With this one I’m just making the connection in ideology… apples don’t rot far from the tree and if one would think that Hillary and Bill aren’t of the same feather, one would be fooling themselves. Clintons should be banned from U.S. politics for life in my humble opinion.

I hold Democrats in Congress responsible for this. Also, technically the Patriot Act was a bill, not an Executive Order, and if Obama were to issue an Executive Order contradicting it, it would theoretically put him into a questionable legal status.
You’re right, it was a bill and I knew this.. I think I was too eager to get to the Patriot Act extension being buried in the new jobs bill, and lapsed out on where I was heading.

When we were told that Bush reversals where in are near future, it seemed only proper to start with:
#13279 http://img.slate.com/media/79/13279-faith.pdf,
#13438 http://img.slate.com/media/94/13438-stable.pdf,
#13290 http://img.slate.com/media/18/13303-iraq.pdf
#13292 http://img.slate.com/media/98/13292-vp.pdf
#13233 http://img.slate.com/media/41/13233-records.pdf

And the all mighty NSPD 51 in regards to martial law http://www.fas.org/irp/offdocs/nspd/nspd-51.htm

Less than one month after closing Guantanamo Bay prison he has agreed to keep denying trial rights to terror suspects held at home and in Afghanistan at what some would call "Obama's Guantanamo". Plus, he has clearly stated that he will not seek prosecution for torture or abuse, if the acts were the result of carrying out specific orders. It’s also been stated that he will not seek investigations of war crimes related to Bush Administration claims of wmd’s, pre-emptive strikes, and torture tactics that defy the Geneva Conventions.

The above mentioned in conjunction with the Patriot act extension being buried in a bill that Congress can’t say no to, it’s pretty clear where he stands on peoples rights.

However, he can be credited for reversing #13435 stem cell research. Regardless of one’s religious beliefs we shouldn’t hold back science, so I feel this was a good move.

Not true. He increased the budget from 1.3t to 1.6t. The 2009 budget was done and complete by the time he actually took office (and Bush passed it on to him as a way to score political points)
Hold on a minute:

proposed or not, there is much doubling all over that chart