I was commuting home this evening on my Road bike , and I was taking a Longer way home, it was on a generally less traveled way ( the kind of roads I like ). and I was on a climb and this old geezer was behind me and was afraid to pass , a few cars had backed up behind him when he fianlly decided to pass me , he swung it way wide , which I didn't mind , and I'd say there were 6 or 7 cars behind him, they all gave me a wide berth , except the last person, this guy in a Pickup truck cut it way Close to the point I felt the exhuast from his tail pipe on my legs as he went past , and also as he went past he yelled at Me "get off the road you F***ing F**got ! " I was annoyed but more worried about landing in the ditch , I was barely able to hold the edge of the road , and just kept climbing. I topped he hill and started down and As I got to a Stop sign at the main road I could see 3 or 4 cars waiting including the pick up truck ( waiting to Make aright ) . and As I got close I could see his eyes looking in the mirror at me , and fianlly just before I got there the car in front of him went and he immediatly followed him with out even slowing for the stop sign. well the bone head Might have been a little smarter to look where he was going , because AS I pulled up to the stop sign I see a Police car coming the other direction Banging a U turn and turn on the lights ! and I watched As I saw him pull the guy over just before they turned out of sight ! I was pumped ! I had to make a left there but I was tempted to go down the street just to wave to the guy!
But needless to say I had a Smile on my face the rest of the way home !
But needless to say I had a Smile on my face the rest of the way home !