
Juveniles on Death Row


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
As usual - this issue has me wishing for a mumble/think/sitting on a fence smiley ;). My kid brother is still a super kiddo at 14...and while he's a sweet kid he's also got the typical teenager angst going on. If he were ever to take out his frustrations in an angry physical attack on someone...a large part of me would support a well thought out punishment, regardless of how much I love and care for the squirt.

So when I read stories about these kids, who are 16/17 years old, and murdering people in brutal, obscene fashions, I somewhat support the death penalty. I've always been an eye for an eye kinda person - you do the crime, you deserve the karma that comes back to you - even if it is delivered to you by your peers.

Yet - there is the more "compassionate" side of me that argues in my head that a kiddo should be given a chance to redeem themselves. But...I'm not comfortable with killers loose in society...can't they like dedicate their lives to being monks who must serve the society, the poor, the needy?

Ruling Is Awaited on Death Penalty for Young Killers

Published: January 4, 2005

In August, six months after the United States Supreme Court agreed to consider the constitutionality of the juvenile death penalty, Robert Acuna, a high school student from Baytown, Tex., was put on trial for his life.

The jury convicted Mr. Acuna of killing two elderly neighbors, James and Joyce Carroll, when he was 17, shooting them "execution style," as prosecutors described it, and stealing their car. At sentencing, when jurors weighed his crime against factors counseling leniency, Mr. Acuna's youth should have counted in his favor.

Instead, his brooding and volatile adolescent demeanor may have hurt more than helped, and the Houston jury sentenced him to die.

"They probably thought that he wasn't showing remorse," said Mr. Acuna's mother, Barbara.

Renee Magee, who prosecuted Mr. Acuna, now 18, agreed that his behavior at the trial had alienated the jury.

"He was very nonchalant," Ms. Magee said. "He laughed at inappropriate things. He still didn't quite get the magnitude of everything he did."

Mr. Acuna is the latest person to enter death row for a crime committed before age 18. He may also be the last. If the Supreme Court prohibits the execution of 16- and 17-year-olds in a case it accepted a year ago, involving a Missouri man, the lives of Mr. Acuna and 71 other juvenile offenders on death row will be spared.

A central issue before the court, which is expected to rule in the next few months, is whether the plummeting number of such death sentences - there were two last year - lends weight to the argument that putting youths on death row amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. Supporters of the juvenile death penalty argue that the small number proves instead that the system works and that juries are making discerning choices on whom to sentence to death, taking due account of the defendants' youth and reserving the ultimate punishment for the worst of the worst.

But a look at the cases of some of the juvenile offenders now on death row raises questions about how reliable and consistent juries have been in making those decisions.

Age can shape every aspect of a capital case. Crimes committed by teenagers are often particularly brutal, attracting great publicity and fierce prosecutions. Adolescents are more likely to confess, and are not adept at navigating the justice system.

Jurors' reactions to teenagers' demeanor and appearance can be quite varied. The defendants they see have aged an average of two years between the crime and the trial. And jurors may not necessarily accept expert testimony concerning recent research showing that the adolescent brain is not fully developed.

The Supreme Court in 1988 banned the execution of those under 16 at the time of their crimes. During arguments in October on whether to move that categorical line to 18, Justice Antonin Scalia said the drop in juvenile death sentences was proof that juries could be trusted to sort through and weigh evidence about defendants' youth and culpability.

"It doesn't surprise me that the death penalty for 16- to 18-year-olds is rarely imposed," Justice Scalia said. "I would expect it would be. But it's a question of whether you leave it to the jury to evaluate the person's youth and take that into account or whether you adopt a hard rule."

Juries in capital cases involving juvenile offenders certainly place great weight on the defendants' youth. The defendants seldom testify, but jurors inspect them closely and draw conclusions from how they look and handle themselves. And the very same factors may cut both ways. Adolescent recklessness may suggest diminished responsibility to some and a terrible danger to others.

The youth of Christopher Simmons, the defendant whose case is now before the Supreme Court, was such a double-edged sword. Mr. Simmons was 17 in 1993, when he and a friend robbed, bound and gagged Shirley Crook, 46, and pushed her into a river, where she drowned.

During Mr. Simmons's sentencing hearing, a Missouri prosecutor scoffed at the notion that Mr. Simmons's age should count as a mitigating factor in his favor.

"Seventeen years old," the prosecutor, George McElroy, said. "Isn't that scary? Doesn't that scare you? Mitigating? Quite the contrary, I submit. Quite the contrary."

Mr. Acuna had a tough-looking buzz cut at the time of the killings, said Tim Carroll, the son of the couple Mr. Acuna killed. At the trial, he looked different.

"He appeared as though someone had tried to make him look 8 years old all over again," Mr. Carroll said. "His hair was all combed down, almost in little bangs."

That did not sway Mr. Acuna's jury. But the youthful appearance of Lee Malvo, the teenager who participated in the sniper shootings in the Washington area in 2002, may have saved his life. Mr. Malvo, who is short and slight, wore boyish, baggy sweaters most days. Although a Virginia jury convicted him of a killing he committed at 17, it voted against putting him to death.

"He's very lucky that he looks a lot younger than he is," Robert F. Horan Jr., the lead prosecutor in the case, said at the time.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
But Mr. Malvo is growing older, and he still faces capital charges in other states.

"They're talking about letting him grow a five o'clock shadow and then trying him in Alabama or Louisiana," said Victor L. Streib, a law professor at Ohio Northern University and an expert on the juvenile death penalty, referring to prosecutors in those states. "Prosecutors don't mind delay in juvenile death penalty cases."

Beyond wrestling with the appearance of youth, juries must also often balance the brutality and recklessness of much juvenile crime against young people's immaturity.

Studies support the common view that adolescents tend to be reckless and do not calculate the risks and consequences of their actions as adults do. They are moodier, more susceptible to peer pressure and do not have an acute sense of mortality.

The law seems to recognize this, with most states using 18 as the dividing line between childhood and adulthood in many areas, including the ability to vote and to serve on a jury.

Mr. Carroll, the murdered couple's son, said a categorical rule made no sense in the context of the death penalty.

"If you're going to make the argument that someone's cognitive reasoning is not developed at 17 years and 8 months but would be at 18," he said, "we should rethink whether they should be able to drive, and make split-second decisions in an 8,000-pound vehicle, or get married, or have children."

When the Supreme Court heard arguments in the Simmons case, a brief supporting Missouri submitted by Alabama and five other states with the juvenile death penalty received particular attention.

It set out, in plainspoken prose, the disturbing stories of 10 murders committed by seven young killers, all on death row in Alabama.

The cases cited in the Alabama brief are in many ways typical, Professor Streib said. "The capital crimes committed by juveniles," he said, "are often classic adolescent male bizarreness, often sexual and all the more revolting for that reason."

Mr. Carroll said Mr. Acuna's killings were sadistic.

"The evidence given in the case very strongly indicates that he made my father kneel and shot him in the back of the head, execution-style," Mr. Carroll said. "My mother, who could not walk without the help of a walker - this fellow shot her in the side of her face and blew her teeth out all over the kitchen floor."

Mr. Acuna then gave the woman time to wipe the blood from her mouth with a paper towel, Mr. Carroll said.

"And then he moved in," Mr. Carroll said, "to shoot her through the brain when he thought it was time."

If their youth can make teenage defendants wilder and their crimes more odious, it can also trip them up when they start navigating the legal system.

According to a study of the juvenile offenders on death row by The New York Times, 56 percent confessed or gave incriminating statements to the authorities. Mr. Acuna was in the minority.

"Juveniles are more likely to be more compliant, more naïve and less likely to believe that police do not have their best interests in mind," said Steven A. Drizin, a law professor at Northwestern who has studied false confessions by juvenile defendants. "They are more likely to confess simply to bring an end to the interview process and take their chances in court."

In the case of Mr. Acuna, the evidence in the case was largely circumstantial. He was found with James Carroll's wallet in a Dallas motel. The murdered couple's car was outside, and it contained the murder weapon.

Juries have in recent years been increasingly reluctant to sentence teenagers to death, and the number of death sentences imposed on juvenile offenders is now almost at the vanishing point. In 2003 and 2004, only two juvenile offenders were sentenced to death in the United States. The average annual number in the 1990's was slightly more than 10. From 1999 to 2003, according to a study to be published in The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, the number of juvenile death sentences per 100 homicide arrests of those under 18 dropped to 0.2 from 1.6.

"Over the past five years, there has been a very strong decline in willingness of juries and judges to sentence adolescents to death," said Jeffrey Fagan, a co-author of the study with Valerie West. "The decline is greater than you would expect knowing the decline in the homicide rate, the decline in juvenile homicide arrests and the decline in adult death sentences."

It can be hard to say, then, what made the crimes of Mr. Acuna and Eric Morgan, the only two juvenile offenders sentenced to die last year, worse than other murders committed by teenagers around the nation. Mr. Morgan was convicted of killing a convenience store clerk in South Carolina during a robbery.

The jury that spared Mr. Malvo's life heard many days of testimony about his difficult childhood in Jamaica and about the influence that his surrogate father and accomplice, John A. Muhammad, wielded over him.

Mr. Acuna's lawyers had less to work with.

"Robert wasn't on drugs, he wasn't abused, he wasn't mentally retarded or mentally ill," Ms. Acuna, his mother, said.

The prosecutor, Ms. Magee, agreed that there had been nothing in the youth's personal life that would help explain the killings.

Mr. Acuna's lawyers were left to rely almost entirely on his age in pleading for his life, and that was not enough, Ms. Magee said.

"The crime just far outweighed the mitigating factor that he was a juvenile offender," she said. Ms. Acuna said it was hard to listen to Ms. Magee's pleas for her son's death at the trial.

"Here is my son that I love and that I protect with my life," she said. "And here's a person who stands up and says, 'I'm going to do everything that I can to legally kill him.' "

At bottom, Professor Streib said, only a few themes run through the 72 men on death row whose lives depend on how the Supreme Court rules on the juvenile death penalty. Most of the men, unlike Mr. Acuna, come from troubled backgrounds, and all committed terrible crimes. But that is true of many thousands of other juvenile killers.

"It's not a rational process," Professor Streib said. "We can't look at juveniles on death row and say they are the worst of the worst. Some have killed entire families. Some shot a clerk while robbing a convenience store like thousands of others, and you have no idea why lightning struck in this or that case."

Toby Lyles, Tom Torok and Margot Williams contributed reporting for this article.


Sep 7, 2001
Molalla Oregon
BOOO FRICKIN HOO ,Like you said you do the crime you do the time :nuts: :nuts: :nuts: :nuts: ,these scum bags had zero remorse for the people they killed for fun ,I think their family should be able to shoot them to death with BBand pellet gun`s ,make those guy`s suffer ,do you know how long it would take to kill some one with a pellet gun ,I do`nt .Maybe thats a little out landish :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ,give them .22`s with just CB caps :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :dead:


Jul 29, 2003
Montgomery county MD
Jr_Bullit said:
've always been an eye for an eye kinda person - you do the crime, you deserve the karma that comes back to you - even if it is delivered to you by your peers.

If everything were an eye for an eye, the whole world would be blind


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
Indeed....not a good scene.

There was a case 'round these here parts in like '95 I think, where an elderly couple was beaten to death in their home by two teenagers. The kids broke into their house and attacked them with bats. The husband was a local religious figure of some sort. It happened about an 1/8th of a mile away from where I live now.

That house was pretty tough to sell......

It was the Toope famliy


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Death penalty vs spending 80% of their lives in jail? They are being done a favor by being put to death IMO.


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
BigMike said:
If everything were an eye for an eye, the whole world would be blind
There should also be measurable consequences for every action. So ya, you take one of my eyes, I get to take one of yours. All's fair, and let the strongest come out on top ;).


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
Westy said:
Death penalty vs spending 80% of their lives in jail? They are being done a favor by being put to death IMO.
What I don't get is, why aren't the lifers required to give something back to the communities they so wronged? Seriously - I think that if these kids murder someone, another "optional" punishment should be something like - life sentence of monkhood and do-gooder-ism ;). i.e. your only women are those you find in the prison shower, but every day you are required to work...

Bring back the chain gangs that have to clean up the roadways....or lets make em dole out soup for the homeless (under careful scrutiny of course)...

Or - we make it across the boards, if you murder someone, then if found guilty by a jury of your peers, then you, in turn, are removed from society.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Jr_Bullit said:
What I don't get is, why aren't the lifers required to give something back to the communities they so wronged? Seriously - I think that if these kids murder someone, another "optional" punishment should be something like - life sentence of monkhood and do-gooder-ism ;). i.e. your only women are those you find in the prison shower, but every day you are required to work...

Bring back the chain gangs that have to clean up the roadways....or lets make em dole out soup for the homeless (under careful scrutiny of course)...

Or - we make it across the boards, if you murder someone, then if found guilty by a jury of your peers, then you, in turn, are removed from society.
Part of the problem is the security costs could cost more than just hiring some one else to do the prisoners work. Why not give a job to a good member of society instead of a bad one. I say we use prisoners for medical training. Give each lifer to a plastic surgeon in training for a nice set of bitch tits.


Mar 22, 2004
the thing that suprises me IS THAT THERE ARE 72 ADOLESCENTS ON DEATH ROW...
wtf? whats wrong with this picture?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
BigMike said:
If everything were an eye for an eye, the whole world would be blind

Oh, wait, I get it. You can't put forth an original thought on the subject, so you fall back on a tired cliche that isn't even entirely logical.

Jr_Bullit said:
Bring back the chain gangs that have to clean up the roadways....or lets make em dole out soup for the homeless (under careful scrutiny of course)...
There are so many other people who could use those jobs, or who want to do good work for the community... I agree with the sentiment, but wouldn't it be better to take a few guys out of the homeless shelter and pay them out of what it would cost to transport the prison inmates & have security guards watching them all the time? Or let those people who want to do community service (or need to for less violent crimes) do it for free?

These aren't drunkards who are serving six to eight months in the county farm, and require one supervisor per dozen of them. These guys have not much to lose by trying to escape - by simply running, or by more violent means. That bumps up the security requirement considerably, and in the end, it could end up costing a lot of money.


Jan 29, 2004
Marietta, GA
I agree that this guy should be executed immediately, but he's 17. What about someone that is 14? Or 11? The fact is, we have to draw the line somewhere. I think that by 16, while you still make very bad choices sometimes, you at least have a full understanding of right and wrong, and pretty decent grasp of what "long-term" consequences are.


It's a messed-up situation and there really is no way to "make it better", but would executing a kid that f-ed up when he was 13 do anybody any good? Is there truly no hope for a child this young? I can't believe that. At least I don't want to...


I'm sooo teenie weenie!!!
Sep 8, 2001
North of Oz
binary visions said:

Oh, wait, I get it. You can't put forth an original thought on the subject, so you fall back on a tired cliche that isn't even entirely logical.

There are so many other people who could use those jobs, or who want to do good work for the community... I agree with the sentiment, but wouldn't it be better to take a few guys out of the homeless shelter and pay them out of what it would cost to transport the prison inmates & have security guards watching them all the time? Or let those people who want to do community service (or need to for less violent crimes) do it for free?

These aren't drunkards who are serving six to eight months in the county farm, and require one supervisor per dozen of them. These guys have not much to lose by trying to escape - by simply running, or by more violent means. That bumps up the security requirement considerably, and in the end, it could end up costing a lot of money.
For the first point - the jobs I suggested are ones that are typically volunteer based. So it should technically free up those individuals who like to donate their time to do other things.

But I agree with the 2nd point, you're right that they have more to gain by simply running...but it costs society so much to keep them penned for life, well fed, with all the amenities...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Jr_Bullit said:
but it costs society so much to keep them penned for life, well fed, with all the amenities...
...and that, right there, is a problem. Hell, Thanksgiving dinner for the prisoners at the jail one town over is more food than I get on Thanksgiving.

However, let's not hijack this post :D


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
Kids that do crap like this......I don't want them growing up to be adults in my neighborhood. Working at a gas station, meth lab in the basement for some extra cash on the side. I know, stereotype, but this is the type of person that lives all around me. We had 164 meth lab busts in my county in 2004.

Nor do I want them institutionalized and set free on good behavior in 20 years as a "born again Christian/hardened criminal/psycho" living at home with mom and having zero responsibility.


Turbo Monkey
May 23, 2002
Bellingham, Washington ~ U.S.A.
This might be a bit off topic, I didnt read much of this thread, but... Malvo went to my school, bellingham high school. My english teacher had him in his class, and in one of his more serious conversations with the class said that he was a good kid, quiet, but good. He said that he almost told the calss to "raise the bar" because he was doing so well and the others weren't as good. In other words, my teacher said that he would have gone far in life if he hadn't had to live with the other guy.
In this case I dont know what to think... its just too bad that he had bad influences around him.