
Kenter conditions


May 19, 2004
THere are still puddles & mud. Please give it some more time. There is serious ruttage from impatient riders in certain sections. One good landslide that will seriously hurt your front wheel is near the top. When you go over the preceeding roller you end up hitting it before you spot it.

More importantly, there have been some ugly rumours about our beloved 151. The little 50s pit bikes have been making illegal & destructive appearances. If you see them, well, you know the drill. :devil:

$ soaked neighbors have been inquiring into buying up the trail from Getty & making it private - as in no more jumps! Their reason? Annoying mtbers pissing them off with trash, loud music, peeling out in trucks, showing their pastey asses when changing in the street, and just being too obviously present in their hood. So let's be cool & keep it down.

Somebody finally got hurt on the rickity see-saw that was in bad shape since day one. Somebody made a feeble attempt at tossing it off the cliff but it only went about 2 feet. Now it looks like a dumpsite - very not cool! If somebody is up there with about 3-4 guys, maybe after you ride you can do us all a favor and pick that thing up & carry it down & out in a pick up or something. Either that or really throw it off the cliff. :D Anything is better than how it looks at the moment. That thing is a definite bust waiting to happen!

Kudos to whoever put in some maintenence time. Thanks from all us 9-5ers! BUT, whoever used the wheel barrel needs to take it out or hide it again the way Kurt used to do. Laying upside down just to the side of the trail is another bust waiting to happen. I noticed some very wealthy (i.e. - powerful) hikers checking out these things & shaking their heads.

Other than that, the place looks good. Almost too good. Like as in it is too good to be true, if you know what I mean. With all the jump sites being plowed down south in the last few months, I think Kenter is one of the last DJs left for us. Lets keep it alive & well. I paid too much for my bike to ride it off the berm at the Encino veldrome! :thumb:


Mar 6, 2004
Wiser words were never spoken. It's not just SoCal spots that are under attack. Some pretty cherry spots in NorCal have been shut down because of apathy and conflict too. Calibasas and some parts of Demo, just to name a few. I think it's pretty safe to say that we're all addicted to dirt, and if we'd like to avoid the hell of withdrawal syndrome, use some common sense and take pride in where you ride. It's too easy for people with money lined pockets to make life difficult for us, so let's not encourage them. Unless of course you like having nowhere to play. Now go ride.

Bobby Peru

Jul 16, 2004
Big Tuna, TX
Kenter will go soon I am afraid....everything I love is being taken away from me!

1st Big Bear, then the N.H.L and then Del Cero (Palos Verdes) and soon Kenter....



Feb 9, 2004
San Diego
Well put Redical. Same goes for that over-flowing trash can, talk about eye-sore. Are people thinking someone is really gonna come empty it?????? Why can't everyone just pack out what they bring in :mumble:

On a good note, I was out there Wed. and Fri. saw a few hikers that "seemed" cool with everything; and the conditions are perfect. Better make the most of it if it's truly going by the way of a dozer soon.


Dec 15, 2004
bfranke said:
Why can't everyone just pack out what they bring in :mumble:
werd. . .

However in an attempt to help fix the existing trash situation. I am going to leave some heavy duty trash bags up there next time I ride and hopefuly a few of the more responsible maintaince peeps can help me out by taking a few of the items down in those bags and dump them in an appropriate place when they head out.

The teeter is also broken down into small pieces now so that it can be disposed of. (With the exception of the actuall long 'teeter" part which is stashed across the trail in the shrubs.)

I dont ride Kenter that often but I do enjoy it and try to do my part to keep it looking "respectable" (whatever that is worth to the neighbors).

On a similar note there has been a ton of building there lately and that is great! However when dirt is taken for a jump there is usually a giant hole left off to the side where the donor dirt came from. This could pose a similar problem if hikers and other users see "potholes" left all over as debris from building. Just take a second to smooth the edges of the holes over and try and blend those spots back in as much a possible and maybe throw a little dry brush over them (and keep the tools stashed). If we can continue to build that place up as a sick jump spot AND make it look as natural as possible it will greatly help our chances of continued use of the trail.