
Kerry's flipflop


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
You are by far the dumbest, waste-of-skin I've ever had the misfortune to "listen" to. You are SUCH a poser, wannabe, faux "veteran". Like you have ANY first hand knowledge of what it's REALLY like to be a soldier?? You're actually dishonoring the REAL troops more than the us sane people by pretending to be one of them.

You worthless hump.

As I browse the forums daily, I see a never ending spew of armchair quarterbacks calling Iraq a mess....

A waste of US blood.... There's no reason for us there..... They weren't a threat to us..... We ****ed up their country.... No WMDs....

A continuous spew by folks who haven't been there, and base their entire mouthy opinion on what's filtered through mainstream media.

I know what I know, and the stories I've heard belong to the men and women who have been there and know what they saw. For now we will bury the heroes who have fallen and honor them knowing some time soon, the media's attention will shift..

Then we'll have to listen to the BS and misinformation from those who weren't there and/or couldn't be bothered to serve.


I love to climb
Jul 19, 2001
Thing is N8, I used to believe that what you spew you believe, then I changed to attention whore troll.

Now I just think you are a sad, really lonely, moron with a lot of psychological disorders that doesn't know what they believe but is in such dire need of attention and psuedo friendship that you'll do anything for it - as much as possible and as often.

Real surprise you are in the grunt work profession.....


Gang probed by the Golden Banana
Aug 2, 2005
Thing is N8, I used to believe that what you spew you believe, then I changed to attention whore troll.

Now I just think you are a sad, really lonely, moron with a lot of psychological disorders that doesn't know what they believe but is in such dire need of attention and psuedo friendship that you'll do anything for it - as much as possible and as often.

Real surprise you are in the grunt work profession.....
I think he is as stupid as you say, but I also think he believes the crap he posts. What I have always thought was strange is that know matter how much he gets smacked down and humiliated, he's always back for more.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Honestly, as a military career type guy, I am not in favor of the goings on in Iraq. There, I said it.
We didnt need to go in, we went in under false pretenses with no exit startegy (despite the urgings of GWs cabinet, most notably Colin "Been to Viet Nam, got the t-shirt" Powell, who was subsequently rode out of Washington by the haters) and despite what the GOP says, Sadaam posed no threat to downtown Hooterville USA.
The military is now neing gutted $$wise, with budget cuts (To pay for the war) ripping our benefits to nothing and our manpower down to dangerous levels, and do more with less being the new buzz words on the street, along with increased OPs tempos and longer trips to the sandbox to fight a war that most of you are turning against and is filling more bodybags every day. Why?
I went to a function tonight, and a bigwig ended it by reminding us that more lives were lost in a week (on average) in WW2 than we have lost since the GWOT began. I though "Thats the most inane statement I have ever heard." Yes, perspective is good, but these lives did not need to end, nor did Iraq need to be invaded. Bush has written himself into a corner here, and it will be up to the next poor sap in the Oval Office to get us out.
What to waste some time? Google "Psychological profile of George Bush." You should find a fairly interesting book on a profile done of him that contrasts him with his father. Dad was a war hero, an honors student, a star athlete and a succesful businessman before becoming a succesful politician. Jr, on the other hand was (and is) the complete opposite. A mediocre student who avoided the military (by skipping out on the Air Guard) a male cheerleader(!), coke head who ran several businesses and a pro baseball team into the dirt. And the first elected office he held? POTUS!? Jeez, we have become a joke.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
As I browse the forums daily, I see a never ending spew of armchair quarterbacks calling Iraq a mess....

A waste of US blood.... There's no reason for us there..... They weren't a threat to us..... We ****ed up their country.... No WMDs....

A continuous spew by folks who haven't been there, and base their entire mouthy opinion on what's filtered through mainstream media.

I know what I know, and the stories I've heard belong to the men and women who have been there and know what they saw. For now we will bury the heroes who have fallen and honor them knowing some time soon, the media's attention will shift..

Then we'll have to listen to the BS and misinformation from those who weren't there and/or couldn't be bothered to serve.
I know when you wrote this, it was not an attempt to bait anyone here.

I did not serve in the military, and if that diminishes my opinion about the Iraqi War, well, I have to accept that.

I appreciate the efforts of the soldiers in Iraq, and I do think what they do is heroic. Kerry's bad joke insults them, and he should apologize. But what bothers me is how the White House has used this as another attack on Kerry.

I will never think invading Iraq is a good idea. We went to war with Japan for 5 years, and they surrendered and been our ally since. In Korea and Vietnam we also went to war, and for many years we had no diplomatic relations, just memories of lost battles.

We have been in Iraq now for 3 years, and we continue to kill Iraqis by the hundreds and Americans die every day. It might be a just war, but I don't see us fighting battles with other regimes around the world.

We picked this war for a reason, and truth, justice, and the American Way have nothing to do with it.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
And give me a f*cking break about the patriotism and war. N8, you bashed Kerry more than anyone, and he fought and was injured in Vietnam. Bush and Cheney hid out in the National Guard when the bullets went flying...

War is declared by politicians elected by civilians. If we declared war on Great Britain tomorrow, our soliders would fight without question. But it does not mean the war was right.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Dad was a war hero, an honors student, a star athlete and a succesful businessman before becoming a succesful politician. Jr, on the other hand was (and is) the complete opposite. A mediocre student who avoided the military (by skipping out on the Air Guard) a male cheerleader(!), coke head who ran several businesses and a pro baseball team into the dirt. And the first elected office he held? POTUS!? Jeez, we have become a joke.
He truely is nothing but the loosely controlled tool of other men.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
And the first elected office he held? POTUS!? Jeez, we have become a joke.
I like everything else you posted, but he was governor of Texas before PotUS. Last I checked, that's an elected position.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
....while immobilized by advanced Parkinson's
Just after being diagnosed with elephantitis of the testicles.
Of course this will all be found out while he's re-enrolling in the armed forces at a time when his country really needs him. Why won't you re-enroll N8?

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Why not? Because he left a word out in a joke about the President?

Seriously how is John Kerry any worse that Bush.
it isn't him personally, it's the left wing nut jobs who's agenda he supports that make him worse than than the Pres.

As a person, I'm sure he sucks no more than any other career politictian


Turbo Monkey
Jun 30, 2004
As a person, I'm sure he sucks no more than any other career politictian
I disagree, it IS that he sucks so much. Not his agenda, but the fact that's his lack of personality and arrogance caused him to lose a lay-up election.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I disagree, it IS that he sucks so much. Not his agenda, but the fact that's his lack of personality and arrogance caused him to lose a lay-up election.
that's the one thing i like about him.... his ability to screw up a sure thing. if the DNC doent take control of congress this election, we can all thank him for it.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I like everything else you posted, but he was governor of Texas before PotUS. Last I checked, that's an elected position.
Yeah, forgot about that. :banghead: 8 Bass ales into a rant, I was rolling...
Besides, Texas doesnt really count anyway!
:biggrin: :biggrin: :cheers: :cheers: :banana: :banana:


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
it isn't him personally, it's the left wing nut jobs who's agenda he supports that make him worse than than the Pres.

As a person, I'm sure he sucks no more than any other career politictian
Again how is that any better than the right wing nut jobs who's agenda Bush supports. Wait he is the right wing nut job..... I guess that's "better"?


Turbo Monkey
Jan 6, 2003
In the hills around Seattle
People join the military knowing that it is a job that may require them to go to war, no matter the cause. If you sign up for that and then try to run, you are a coward. I don't care what your excuse is. If you don't believe in killing people because your country asks you to, don't join the military. But you do not have a choice as to what missions you perform, you know this going in, it isn't like it's some big surprise.

I don't support W's insane rampage through the middle east, but i would turn back any joker at the border claiming he didn't believe in the war and therefore was going AWOL. They were NOT conscripted, there was no draft. They get no sympathy from me, it was their choice to join up.
Yes, they join knowing full well that they might have to lay their lives on the line and there is a chance they will have to take other peoples lives. In todays climate its a guarantee.

I don't have sympathy for people that join the military with what history has taught us about corporate run governments that involve us in situations and wars that benefit ($profit$) corporations.
I am glad that there are people that feel that by joining the military they are helping to change the world into a better place. I am sad that they don't realize that the commander-in-chief is a corporate tool that is ruining their lives and the lives of the people of Iraq.

I am conflicted; If someone joined in the past few years than says I am against the war, then yeah, suck it up. You knew what you were getting into.
But on the other hand, they have been in and now know full well just how unscrupulous this "war" is. Well, I think I have to support them in saying this is facked up and I want nothing to do with this.
You call them cowards? I would think that knowing what they face, jail time (military, not easy street federal), condemnation of the people they regarded as friends and neighbors, etc, makes them anything but. I think the true cowards are the ones that know that what they are doing is wrong but don't speak-out.
Its a conundrum I guess?

He truely is nothing but the loosely controlled tool of other men.
I would think that they have a tight control on him?

And to N8, I have talked to people that have been there and I have yet to here one say they thought they were doing a good thing for the people. They did there duty to obey the orders given to them. But they didn't agree.
Just because a person joins the military and dies in combat doesn't make them a hero. It is truly a sad way to die.
Same goes for police and firefighters.

But back to the reason for this thread.
When I first saw the news article pop up about Kerry's remarks I listened to the little video clip they had and thought he was talking about Bush. It didn't dawn on me until I read the acompanying article that it could be taken as a slight against the military personel. In hindsight I can see how it would be VERY insulting. Kerry is a stiff. His public speaking is horrible. He should have apolagized to the troops immediately. By being so repugnant he just fed the GOP attack machine.
The fact that the GOP is still pushing this even after he apologized shows how desperate they are?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I would think that they have a tight control on him?
I used to think that, but he's done such a bad job, it just seems more likely that he's following the broad direction, but missing understanding of the finer details. Next time when these people pick a puppet president, maybe they'll be sure to get one with enough brains to understand the important bits.

N8 v2.0

Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
I wish Kerry would realize that he is irrelevant and just fade away...much like the numbskulls that still sport his faded bumper stickers like some sort of pathetic, juvenile "I-told-you-so".
while that's a nice hopeful; thought, I'm afraid the same dumb-asses that elected him all this time will elect him yet again... same for Ted "Happy Hour" Kennedy.