

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Okay, so keyboards are a very personal thing. Some people like the clickity-clack kind, some people like soft touch keyboards. Some people like short-throw keys (laptop style), some like a more standard throw. There's membrane style, scissor style, ones with special buttons, ones with LCDs... Who knew that there was so much variation in keyboards?

It's time. It's time to bid farewell to my favorite keyboard that has served me so faithfully for 10+ years, to step out of the world of PS/2 and beige, and step into the brave new world of USB and black -- or even, if I'm feeling especially daring, two tone.

It pains me, but the keyboard has just been cleaned one too many times. It's got stains that were permanent five years ago. And I can't swap it easily to my laptop, since it's still PS/2 (I hate adapters).

What are you using for a keyboard, what do you like about it, and what would you recommend? I'm not really someone who cares about keyboard features (I almost never use those programmable buttons, as much because I have to load yet another piece of software into memory as anything), but if anyone has found one feature or another to be essential, I've got an open mind.

I typically prefer mid-throw, with some resistance; I really dislike soft touch keyboards. I'm actually a little fond of laptop keyboards but I've never used a full sized one and am not sure that I'd like it enough for full-time use.


Turbo Monkey
Microsoft Comfort Pro Wireless w/ an optical mouse. It's 1/2 PS/2 1/2 USB. I'd like to find one that's full USB.
You can find them at SurplusComputers.com for pretty cheap. It's curved, but not split like the old MS ergo KBs
I think I'm going to switch to Dvorak during the winter break so I'll be ordering some stickers to re-letter my keys.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Pau11y said:
Microsoft Comfort Pro Wireless w/ an optical mouse. It's 1/2 PS/2 1/2 USB. I'd like to find one that's full USB.
You can find them at SurplusComputers.com for pretty cheap. It's curved, but not split like the old MS ergo KBs
I think I'm going to switch to Dvorak during the winter break so I'll be ordering some stickers to re-letter my keys.
binary visions said:
What are you using for a keyboard, what do you like about it, and what would you recommend?
Currently, you're batting 1 for 3.

Also, WTF is up with friggin' curved, split, mounded, indented keyboards? I want my fuggin' keyboard to be rectangular, dammit, wrists be damned.

I was shopping for keyboards online and found it frustrating. All of these damn funny shaped keyboards, or they have six bajillion extra buttons (give or take a bajillion), or the layout is non-standard... Doesn't anyone make a nice, normal, good quality keyboard?

Maybe I'll just take a drive downtown and see what Best Buy, Circuit City and Staples have in-stock.

Maybe I'll just keep my old one.

Back in my day, we didn't need no steenkin' extra buttons :mumble:


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Pau11y said:
Microsoft Comfort Pro Wireless w/ an optical mouse. It's 1/2 PS/2 1/2 USB. I'd like to find one that's full USB.
You can find them at SurplusComputers.com for pretty cheap. It's curved, but not split like the old MS ergo KBs
I think I'm going to switch to Dvorak during the winter break so I'll be ordering some stickers to re-letter my keys.
Yup, I fully agree here!!!! I bought one 3 weeks ago and it is THE BOMB!!!

I type SO many papers for school, that a standard keyboard simply does not work anymore.

It's like a bike or bike parts, you get what ya pay for.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
binary visions said:
Currently, you're batting 1 for 3.

Also, WTF is up with friggin' curved, split, mounded, indented keyboards? I want my fuggin' keyboard to be rectangular, dammit, wrists be damned.

I was shopping for keyboards online and found it frustrating. All of these damn funny shaped keyboards, or they have six bajillion extra buttons (give or take a bajillion), or the layout is non-standard... Doesn't anyone make a nice, normal, good quality keyboard?

Maybe I'll just take a drive downtown and see what Best Buy, Circuit City and Staples have in-stock.

Maybe I'll just keep my old one.

Back in my day, we didn't need no steenkin' extra buttons :mumble:

It's amazing how quickly it is to get used to it, then realize it makes it easier to type. :thumb:


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
binary visions said:
Currently, you're batting 1 for 3.

Also, WTF is up with friggin' curved, split, mounded, indented keyboards? I want my fuggin' keyboard to be rectangular, dammit, wrists be damned.

I was shopping for keyboards online and found it frustrating. All of these damn funny shaped keyboards, or they have six bajillion extra buttons (give or take a bajillion), or the layout is non-standard... Doesn't anyone make a nice, normal, good quality keyboard?

Maybe I'll just take a drive downtown and see what Best Buy, Circuit City and Staples have in-stock.

Maybe I'll just keep my old one.

Back in my day, we didn't need no steenkin' extra buttons :mumble:

I use a generic black IBM keyboard that I've had for years.

I just built a system for my sister and I can say that this keyboard was a huge surprise:


They had a $3.99 special on it. I thought it would suck but it felt great and was quiet but had a positive feel.

I didn't install a single driver and all the extra buttons worked great under XP.


Turbo Monkey
sirknight6 said:
Yup, I fully agree here!!!! I bought one 3 weeks ago and it is THE BOMB!!!

I type SO many papers for school, that a standard keyboard simply does not work anymore.

It's like a bike or bike parts, you get what ya pay for.
If you truely type an enormous amount, perhaps you should think about switching to the Dvorak layout. It's much faster. I'm seriously thinking about converting during winter break. What I've heard is it takes like 4 full weeks to convert. Here's a site for some really techy KBs (and they have stickers to help you w/ the conversion toDvorak.


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I read about that a while ago.

It's cool, but I'm not an avid gamer and, as I said, the program launch buttons don't really interest me (I've had keyboards with them, and I simply don't use them), so outside of the bling factor or the simple draw of a unique product, the keyboard doesn't hold any interest for me.

Awesome thing for those who game a lot, though, imagine all of your letters disappearing and the keyboard remapping to every game you start up?


Turbo Monkey
Tenchiro said:
If you can wait until 2006, go for the Optimus
OLED keys :drool:
Whoa! Now THAT is pretty damn kewl! Now if it was only curved, I'd be all over it!

Edit: one more thing, meeces: I like track balls altho I'm not using one now. I was looking at the Kensington RF one. It's kinda expensive tho ~ $140.00 or so (I think). Best thing...no arm movements.


Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
I replaced my 1988 PS/2 keyboard with a Logitech Elite, after the "coke incident" :grumble:

It is a good keyboard and has help up pretty well. It feels nice and has nice multimedia controls on the top.

Logitech makes good stuff, even if that one isn't available.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Pau11y said:
Edit: one more thing, meeces: I like track balls altho I'm not using one now. I was looking at the Kensington RF one. It's kinda expensive tho ~ $140.00 or so (I think). Best thing...no arm movements.
Yeah, that's another device I can't get used to.. track ball. It's okay for web browsing but for gaming and photo editing, I can't use 'em.

Looks like a nice keyboard, Tench. I found a couple old stock ones. Hmm...


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
At work I use the crappy dell keyboards that come with the PC's... At home I use a cheappy 10 dollar low profile short throw keyboard. I want one of these.... (The LETTERS on the keys light up)

I had one of these... (which i didn't like... laptop keyboards suck)...

As for meeces... I like either the Logitech optical or my Logitech cordless optical... I like a heavy feeling smooth gliding mouse with the pointer set to very very fast so there is minimal hand input. I never could get used to trackballs.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Ciaran said:
I want one of these.... (The LETTERS on the keys light up)
Okay, give. What's special about it? It lights up, which is cool (though you shouldn't be using a computer in the pitch black anyway, it's bad for your eyes and it makes the colors on the monitor look wrong) and it appears to come with a built-in wrist rest, which is nice... but not $55.00 nice.

What's going on with this keyboard?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Just did some reading on that saitek, now that's something I can dig on... Super flat, thin keyboard, good tactile action, high quality build. Hmm.

Why must you suggest things that have me considering a $55 keyboard? That's insanity.

I suppose, considering the life of a typical keyboard, it's not all that bad, though.



Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Logitech Wireless, I love my one at home and at work.

I've had both for 1yr and never replaced the batteries yet.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
binary visions said:
Ciaran... Here's your chance to own one of those Saiteks:


NewEgg has the cheapest price online, then knocks $5 off, then has $4.99 3-day UPS shipping.

I ordered one. Figured it was only a few bucks more than Tench's Logitech that I was looking at. Thanks for tip!
Heh heh... I love causing other people to buy new toys. :D

Not much cheaper on e-bay... http://cgi.ebay.com/Saitek-Eclipse-Backlit-Keyboard-Model-KU-0418_W0QQitemZ5832605997QQcategoryZ4706QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Pau11y said:
If you truely type an enormous amount, perhaps you should think about switching to the Dvorak layout. It's much faster. I'm seriously thinking about converting during winter break.
I just don't see Dvorak being widely adopted and that can pose a serious problem for a lot of people.

Anyone working in IT is going to work on so many computers that they can't count on each or any) keyboard being Dvorak.

Anyone in school is likely going to be typing in more places than their dorm room - libraries, friends' rooms, etc. That kills their typing speed.

Anyone looking for clerical work may have to take a typing test, and that typing test sure as heck isn't going to be on a Dvorak keyboard. Not to mention clerical functions sometimes end up moving around between computers - again, are you going to carry a dedicated, hardwired Dvorak keyboard with you at all times?

I like the idea, I just don't know if it's feasible. Might rearrange the keys on my old keyboard to give it a shot sometime. Kind of like the U.S. adopting the metric system, though - there's simply too many widespread English measurements to convert without a serious initiative.


Turbo Monkey
BV you can set any keyboard to have Dvorak layout within windows.
The stickerset I'm talking about is only for visual reference where a layout map can accomplish the same thing. You don't need to incure any extra costs w/ hardware. I understand what you're saying about IT geeks, but in his case, he prob has his own lappy or desktop.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Pau11y said:
BV you can set any keyboard to have Dvorak layout within windows.
The stickerset I'm talking about is only for visual reference where a layout map can accomplish the same thing. You don't need to incure any extra costs w/ hardware. I understand what you're saying about IT geeks, but in his case, he prob has his own lappy or desktop.
Hell, I hardly no wher the danm ceys are now.


binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I understand that you can remap the keyboard, but my point is that you aren't often in a place where you have the luxury of remapping your keyboard - not to mention, just remapping it doesn't put the letters there for visual reference, so unless you have a lot of Dvorak experience under your belt, you've got nothing to fall back on if you get disoriented.

Public computers are often locked up from performing admin tasks like remapping the keyboard layout, most offices have users locked out of admin functions as well.

What would be really cool and would make the whole situation more practical is if someone came up with an adapter that went between the PC and the keyboard (on the end of the keyboard USB cable), and converted the keyboard to a hardwired Dvorak setup. You still wouldn't have the letters in front of you, but at least you'd have a portable way of ensuring that all keyboards you use can be readily set up as Dvorak.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
binary visions said:
I understand that you can remap the keyboard, but my point is that you aren't often in a place where you have the luxury of remapping your keyboard - not to mention, just remapping it doesn't put the letters there for visual reference, so unless you have a lot of Dvorak experience under your belt, you've got nothing to fall back on if you get disoriented.

Public computers are often locked up from performing admin tasks like remapping the keyboard layout, most offices have users locked out of admin functions as well.

What would be really cool and would make the whole situation more practical is if someone came up with an adapter that went between the PC and the keyboard (on the end of the keyboard USB cable), and converted the keyboard to a hardwired Dvorak setup. You still wouldn't have the letters in front of you, but at least you'd have a portable way of ensuring that all keyboards you use can be readily set up as Dvorak.

:think: Sounds to me like we can make some money on a patent for something like this.... :thumb:



Attention K Mart Shoppers
Jul 19, 2002
New England
My old PS/2 keyboard had caps on each key so that they could be cleaned/re-arranged easily.

I don't think they make keyboards like that anymore though. Although that Optimus keyboard would make quick work of that.


Turbo Monkey
Tenchiro said:
My old PS/2 keyboard had caps on each key so that they could be cleaned/re-arranged easily.

I don't think they make keyboards like that anymore though. Although that Optimus keyboard would make quick work of that.
Exactly what I was thinking. Now if that industrial design artist would just mod that one to a more ergo friendly shape...

Edit: can you imagine the confusion someone would have if they jumped on your machine (without the stickers) to check their e-mail :D

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Most keyboard keys can be removed, some more easily than others. Prying them off with a butter knife usually works well.


Turbo Monkey
Yeah, but I dont' want to ruin any of my boards. I have several, but they're all either the curved or split ones (and all are RF ones). The key sizes down my index fingers are different on all of them so it won't just switch w/ another key which is why a sticker set is needed if I need a visual reference on the board. You can also print out maps w/the layout, they're all over the 'net.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Pau11y said:
Yeah, but I dont' want to ruin any of my boards. I have several, but they're all either the curved or split ones (and all are RF ones).
Sorry, didn't quote... my response was to Tench's comment about how he didn't think boards were made like that anymore.

Pau11y said:
Exactly what I was thinking. Now if that industrial design artist would just mod that one to a more ergo friendly shape...
They had a statement on the Optimus page that they'd be making a split one. Never fear, your needs will be met... ya' freak ;)

Optimus FAQ said:
Some day it will be split (and made “ergonomic”).


i heart mac
Apr 15, 2002
I replaced my 1988 PS/2 keyboard with a Logitech Elite, after the "coke incident" :grumble:
Yeah I use a similar model only its wireless with a MX1000 laser mouse. You only need one receiver and USB connection for both devices (if they are both Logitech).

This new MS desktop looks cool and its got an induction charging pad instead of a cradle that charges both the keyboard and the mouse. Might be a cool option in the future, but looks to favor form over function in some of the compromises they made.

Infoweek said:
Microsoft Corp.'s hardware division is developing a slim wireless keyboard that will make it easier for users to access Windows Live services and features in its Windows Vista OS.

Dubbed the Ultimate Keyboard, it will be announced later this year as part of a desktop package, said a source familiar with Microsoft's plans. The system will come with a wireless laser mouse, the source said.

A Windows Live Call button will provide one-touch access to a list of Windows Live Messenger buddies online to initiate a videoconference or chat session. Pressing the button will automatically log a user into Windows Live Messenger and open a list of contacts currently online.

A Gadgets button will provide similar access to Gadgets in Windows Vista, mini-applications that appear on the computer screen to display things such as news, sports and weather information.

The ergonomic keyboard includes a round button at the bottom -- below the space bar -- that initiates the Start menu of Vista or Windows XP, the source said. It supersedes the Start menu buttons traditionally found next to Alt buttons on a keyboard.

Ultimate Keyboard's keys will be backlit, and their illumination will be adjusted based on surrounding light and proximity of users, the source said. The keys will light up if the room is dark or if a user is close by.

A dock will be included with the desktop package to charge the keyboard and mouse simultaneously from a computer's USB (Universal Serial Bus) port. The keyboard and mouse will come with built-in batteries. The cordless keyboard and mouse will communicate wirelessly with a computer within a 30-foot range using Bluetooth technology.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I saw the red, but I like the blue much better, and it's working out great. No issues at all.

I mean, how much more could you ask from a keyboard? :p

Heard there was an issue with the paint wearing off the keys, but after 7 months, this hasn't even looked to be an issue... and I type fast, so my keys get some abuse.


Sep 30, 2003
Dundee, Scotland
i have been through a few keyboards recently, not because of breakages but because i just couldnt get the right feel, now i'm quite a serious online gamer(DOD:S) so feel, comfort and key positioning etc are all very important to me, it is very petty but if i dont feel comfortable with my equipment it really puts me off.

i had used an old crappy compaq standard jobby for years on end, it was comfortable and it worked, most of all i was used to it, but decided i'd try something else as it was a little worse for wear.

first i tred the siatek gamer(same as the eclipse), i didnt get along with this very well, first thing i noticed it felt very cheap, after a fair bit of trying i found couldnt get a comfortable position with or without the wrist rest, the keys felt nice, very smooth quick depression, about he only plus point i found, the add on keypad was all but useless.

next was the Zboard, big gimic, although the standard keyset had a nice feel, the keyboard was just a bit too tall for my liking, also the space bar was split because that was wear the keyset folds so you end up with 2 small spacebars and the threw me off completely, didnt like that at all, the design just didnt fell well put together, the gaming keyset was just pants, gaming part of the keyset just felt horible, the keys were spaced far too far apart and just completly in the wrong positions for my hands, i just felt lost, didnt know where to start with this.
nice idea just very poor implementation.

now i have a logitech G15, i fell in love with this instantly, everything just felt right, very comfortable for my wrists/hands keys are spaced perfectly for my fingers, everything is just where you want it.
now add to this very handy LCD screen that can handle plugins(i have a teamspeak2 plugin that shows you who is speaking etc which has proved itself incredably handy, also the ability to turn off the windows key(dont get me started on this;), there are so many little features like the straight forward media keys, the Gkeys at the side, 2usb slots.
oh and it looks so nice as well!!! beautiful black silver and LED blue colourscheme, very nice robust feeling finish to the keyboard surround.
well its safe to say i found the keyboard for me.:)

also got the logitech G5 mouse at the same time, christ!!! what a mouse:)

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I was very disappointed that they killed the second button on the side of the mouse. I have an MX510 and was very tempted by the G5, but I use both those buttons constantly and couldn't really see a reason to upgrade if upgrading meant actually losing a function I use quite often.

I don't game much so typing comfort is paramount for me. The Saitek feels extremely comfortable for me without the wrist rest. The wrist rest was very uncomfortable for me and went back in the box.