Update: Got the kid a half-decent bike. It works well. He loves it. https://ridemonkey.bikemag.com/threads/kids-bike-woes.284663/post-4360209
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My son loves his strider, but it's getting too small. Want to try to get him on a bigger bike before the end of the summer. Tired of waiting for me to pick out a decent bike for the kiddo, a bike was picked for him (ahem). It's slightly better than a department store bike and about twice the price. It's a 16" wheeled, front/rear rimmed brake + coaster. Getting it prepped for him to ride, I noticed the little problems were actually hiding some major problems. The worst of which being the hubs are either total crap or so badly adjusted to make me fear they are crap. I haven't taken them apart yet to see how salvageable they are. Front hubs drags and catches at multiple spots like the bearings are dry and the cups are pitted. The rear coaster brake wheel is almost locked solid. When pulled off the bike and spun it and it won't spin a full revolution.
Other issues that I can either overlook or fix are:
- Both rim brakes were rubbing.
- Hand brakes default position is further out than any 4-6yr olds fingers can realistically reach.
- The chain tension was so tight the wheel could barely spin.
- Chain is bone dry.
- Pedal bearings are super draggy.
- It weighs a metric ton. Hoped removing the training wheels would save a bit, but nope.
Is this the state of kids bikes these days?!
On the plus side,
- the tires are nice
- the bb and headset spin smoothly and are tight.
Have spent part of the morning looking over my collection of parts to see what I can swap out. Didn't find much. I would happily swap these hubs out and put the bike back together and get him on his way.
Really just want to just take this thing back, but the kiddo love the damn thing and is looking forward to riding it.
Any thoughts/suggestions/recommendations?
- dump
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My son loves his strider, but it's getting too small. Want to try to get him on a bigger bike before the end of the summer. Tired of waiting for me to pick out a decent bike for the kiddo, a bike was picked for him (ahem). It's slightly better than a department store bike and about twice the price. It's a 16" wheeled, front/rear rimmed brake + coaster. Getting it prepped for him to ride, I noticed the little problems were actually hiding some major problems. The worst of which being the hubs are either total crap or so badly adjusted to make me fear they are crap. I haven't taken them apart yet to see how salvageable they are. Front hubs drags and catches at multiple spots like the bearings are dry and the cups are pitted. The rear coaster brake wheel is almost locked solid. When pulled off the bike and spun it and it won't spin a full revolution.
Other issues that I can either overlook or fix are:
- Both rim brakes were rubbing.
- Hand brakes default position is further out than any 4-6yr olds fingers can realistically reach.
- The chain tension was so tight the wheel could barely spin.
- Chain is bone dry.
- Pedal bearings are super draggy.
- It weighs a metric ton. Hoped removing the training wheels would save a bit, but nope.
Is this the state of kids bikes these days?!
On the plus side,
- the tires are nice
- the bb and headset spin smoothly and are tight.
Have spent part of the morning looking over my collection of parts to see what I can swap out. Didn't find much. I would happily swap these hubs out and put the bike back together and get him on his way.
Really just want to just take this thing back, but the kiddo love the damn thing and is looking forward to riding it.
Any thoughts/suggestions/recommendations?
- dump
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