

Oct 29, 2003
San Diego
From NaturalNews:

In the latest example of absurd disease mongering to receive widespread media attention, the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee has announced that infants as young as two years old need to be screened for high cholesterol, and children as young as eight years old should be put on prescription statin drugs. This absurd advice is being offered even though statin drugs have never been tested on young children. But the FDA, in its ongoing drug-pushing campaign, has granted approval for the use of such drugs on children as young as eight. (Will they now expand that approval to children as young as two?)

The point of all this? To sell more high-profit prescription drugs, of course, to yet another group of victims being targeted for medication by Big Pharma. This is called "market expansion," and it's the only way drug companies can continue to grow their profits and keep shareholders happy.

As drug companies continue to expand their profits and influence over the now-utterly-corrupt medical industry, they are also expanding their customer base by continuing to push medications for increasingly younger demographic groups. Not content to drug more than half the adults in western nations, Big Pharma now sees children as its next area of market growth, in much the same way that soda companies once sought to persuade parents to feed their babies soda pop as a way to instill the desire for sugary beverages at a very young age.

The conventional medical profession -- which has long since sold its soul to the drug companies and now functions as little more than an elaborate pharmaceutical vending machine -- is likely to follow this absurd advice and place children as young as eight years old on statin drugs, even without a single safety test having ever been conducted with children taking these powerful chemicals. NaturalNews readers need no reminders that statin drug side effects include:

• Severe disruption of hormone production, including sex hormones
• Extreme loss of cellular energy
• Devastating loss of muscle function (rhabdomyolysis)
• Kidney failure
• Erectile dysfunction
• Mental confusion
• Homicidal impulses
• Amnesia

... and many others you can read about at: http://www.naturalnews.com/001353.html

Are these the kinds of results our medical community wishes to see in eight-year-old boys and girls? Do we really want to send adolescent boys off to school, doped up on drugs that cause homicidal impulses, erectile dysfunction and mental confusion?

The medical community apparently thinks so. After all, they're already drugging up the children with psych drugs that cause suicidal thoughts and violent outbursts (school shootings, anyone?). The thought of adding yet another mind-altering, body-damaging drug to a child apparently doesn't earn a second thought from modern medical doctors, most of which are too busy cashing "speaking fee" checks from drug companies to invest any real time actually protecting the health of their patients.

But what if these children really have high cholesterol?
I can already hear the drug pushers chanting in unison: "But what if these children really have high cholesterol? Don't they deserve treatment?"

"Treatment," of course, is a clever euphemism for "drug 'em!" It's the call-to-arms of the medication industry, and it really only means pushing more drugs onto more people who don't need them.

I'm all for real treatment -- that is, treatment that reverses the underlying health condition. But the medical community won't stand for that. It is currently illegal in the United States to offer a patient any treatment whatsoever that claims to reverse cancer, for example. Doctors are only allowed to offer prescription drugs and surgery, and that's it. Neither option, of course, will resolve the underlying health problem.

And what, exactly, is the underlying health problem in this case? Any child diagnosed with high cholesterol at the age of eight has been a victim of dietary abuse and physical neglect. To imbalance a child's cholesterol at such an early age requires the consumption of large quantities of:

• Milk and dairy products (like cheese)
• Fried foods and trans fatty acids
• Processed meats and animal products

Such a condition also indicates a dangerous lack of plant-based nutrients in the child's diet, since a plant-based diet focused on unprocessed, fresh foods and living foods reverses heart disease and normalizes cholesterol!

I submit that any child can be cured of high cholesterol in a matter of weeks by being fed a 100% plant-based diet, comprised entirely of non-processed foods, and including fresh, raw vegetable and fruit juices along with numerous superfoods. (The junk food companies, of course, will never stand for this. They earn no profits when children eat fresh produce...)

That's how you solve the cholesterol problems in America's youth. Change their diets, and you change the health results you get. It's so simple that you'd have to be an idiot not to get it.

Why are the nutritionally illiterate in charge of health care?
Interestingly, the health authorities in power today are, indeed, idiots when it comes to nutrition. Having never been taught the absurdly simple relationships between food intake and health outcomes, they continue to operate in a fantasy realm of false ideas where food has no relationship to health and children who exhibit symptoms of disease merely suffer from pharmaceutical deficiencies requiring rectification with medication.

That's right: The mainstream medical profession now thinks of pharmaceuticals as essential nutrients, believing that children who are not given numerous medications are somehow lacking treatment or missing out on the benefits of those drugs.

And yet, at the same time, the real essential nutrients -- vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals -- are scoffed at by conventional medical practitioners who claim that VITAMINS exhibit no health benefits whatsoever in the human body!

You got that? Vitamins are useless, they say, but pharmaceuticals are essential!

Why no drug company will face my $10,000 health challenge
Which brings me to my $10,000 health and fitness challenge. Two weeks ago, I challenged the drug companies to produce a single person who could beat me in a physical fitness contest, pledging that I would personally pay $10,000 to anyone who could beat me. The catch? They have to provide a contestant who is experiencing the "benefits" of multiple pharmaceuticals that the drug companies claim enhance consumers' health. You can read the full details on that challenge here: http://www.naturalnews.com/023476.html

To date, not a single drug company has dared to meet this challenge. Can you guess why? Because pharmaceuticals make you sick, not healthy. The more medications a person takes, the worse their health gets! It's true with adults, it's true with senior citizens, and it's true with children as well.

Big Pharma is an industry based on fraud. It is, in fact, a criminal operation that preys on the bodies of innocent children who will only be harmed by these patented, high-profit synthetic chemicals that have no place in the human body to begin with. What children need today is:

1: Regular access to honest, fresh, unprocessed foods.

2: An honest education in health that isn't influenced by the junk food companies.

3: Protection from all the chemicals, additives and refined ingredients in processed foods and popular beverages.

They aren't getting that in the public schools, and they sure aren't getting that from the USDA's laughable Food Guide Pyramid. (See www.HonestFoodGuide.org for a better guide.) And sadly, they're not even getting that in the homes, since most parents know as little about health and nutrition as conventional doctors!

(continued below)


Oct 29, 2003
San Diego

See the shocking documentary: All Jacked Up
Once you understand this, you'll instantly grasp why every parent and child in America should watch the movie ALL JACKED UP, which reveals shocking truths about food, nutrition and health by following the nutritionally-induced tragedies of a group of real-world teenagers.

You can watch a preview and get the DVD yourself (at a $5 discount, by the way, exclusively for NaturalNews readers) here: http://www.alljackedupmovie.com/nt/

This movie should be shown in every school in America, and it should be required viewing for all doctors (who, of course, are too convinced of their own drug-pushing ways to even consider the idea that foods might be related to health).

Read the summary of Selling Sickness
On the topic of disease mongering, author Ray Moynihan reveals the shocking truth about the drug industry and how it is incessantly engaged in disease mongering through his book, Selling Sickness: How the World's Biggest Pharmaceutical Companies Are Turning Us All Into Patients.

Fortunately for you, we've just posted a fascinating summary of his book as a free downloadable PDF file. It's part of a new service we've launched called Health Book Summaries (www.HealthBookSummaries.com). A summary of Moynihan's book is available for download right now at: http://www.healthbooksummaries.com/Browse.asp

In this book, you'll learn:

• How the drug companies actually "invent" disease in order to create demand for their drugs.

• How the psychiatric industry has been bought by Big Pharma, turning psychiatrists into pill-pushing doctors who put profits above patients.

• Why many so-called "diseases" are really just fictitious imaginings of the drugs companies and their clever marketing departments.

• Why keeping people sick is far more profitable than teaching people how to be well.

• How the entire system of modern medicine is based on the continuation of disease as the primary way to accomplish an expansion of profits.

Read the rest of this jaw-dropping book at: www.HealthBookSummaries.com

Call 911: Your child is under a chemical attack!
Once you realize the truth of how drug companies are engaged in fraudulent, illegal and downright dangerous efforts to expand their profits at the expense of the public's health, you might find yourself asking the question, "Well what can we do about it?"

If you're as fed up with the mass poisoning of our children by drug companies, corrupt psych doctors and misinformed pediatricians, just invoke the law enforcement resources your tax dollars pay for: Call 911 if a doctor tries to poison your child with synthetic chemicals.

In terms of saving our children from modern medicine, you see, given all the chemical assaults on our childrens' bodies -- endless vaccines, mercury fillings, dangerous drugs and toxic food additives -- we're way past the point of playing nice with the people in these industries of death. It is time to start demanding the safety of our children. It's time to start making arrests of the doctors, health authorities and drug company executives who conspire to poison our children with an ever-increasing list of toxic chemicals that have absolutely no justifiable medical use.

I remind you that none of the drugs recommended by these pediatricians have EVER been tested on the young children now being screened for high cholesterol. This fact makes a complete mockery of conventional medicine's claim to be "evidence-based medicine." There is no evidence to support this medication of children, period!

If we the People continue to allow these mad doctors and drug pushers to exploit our children's bodies like guinea pigs, and to turn them all into experimental medical subjects, then we are going to find ourselves at the receiving end of a global medical tyranny where children are required by law to be injected with more than 150 different vaccines and drugs before the age of two. We are going to witness a generation of healthy babies wiped out, decimated by a for-profit industry that has, at every opportunity, abandoned ethics and embraced greed. It is an industry so dangerous that it dwarfs the threat any terrorists might hold against the health and safety of you and your family.

A terrorist detonating a nuclear bomb in a major U.S. city could still not approach the number of casualties (and economic damage) that has been caused by the pharmaceutical industry in just the last five years.

It is no exaggeration to state that Big Pharma is the enemy of the People, and rather than offering the "cures" it seductively promises, it has only delivered ongoing disease, suffering, bankruptcy and death. There are no cures coming from Big Pharma. The drug industry, remember, doesn't even believe in cures! (Any cure would simply cause too great a financial loss. Profits are only to be found when the population is kept in a state of ongoing disease...)

That Big Pharma is now targeting our children for untested, medically unjustifiable pharmaceutical "treatments" is just one more example of the degree of profit-minded evil that has now taken possession of the industry, perhaps in much the same way that a human soul is sometimes possessed by an evil spirit as depicted in Hollywood movies like, "The Exorcist."

I'm not saying Big Pharma CEOs are literally possessed by demons. My own guess is that they're merely possessed by extreme greed combined with the complete abandonment of ethics, compassion and a sense of doing what's right for humankind. Beyond anesthetics and limited-use antibiotics, there is absolutely nothing the drug industry has produced in the last fifty years that didn't have a safer, more effective and far less expensive natural alternative.

We should be embracing the nutrition and natural medicine that can keep our children safe, and arresting and imprisoning the drug pushers who endanger our children's lives, don't you think?

There will be a time when this takes place. Be ready and be informed. Be prepared to take back your health freedom from an industry of greed and evil that has already made plans to profit from the disease and suffering of you, your children, your grandchildren and their grandchildren.

We must either declare this industry to be engaged in crimes against humanity or we will, undoubtedly, surrender the futures of our own children to a system of chemical enslavement that calculates the value of a human life only by the degree of sickness that can be exploited for shareholder profits.

See more at naturalnews.com


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
Once again, a well meaning rant that has some truth to it loses all credibility by making wild claims...that's a growth industry, I guess.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
What a world we have. Lazy fvcktards want a pill to fix everything.

I saw a 6 year old girl at Target that must have weighed 120#. Her mom picked her up and put her in the cart so she wouldn't have to walk.

These kids don't need anti-fat pills. They need to put down the video games and go outside and play. Their parents need to stop stuffing them full of McDonalds.


talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
Geez, not that there isn't some good usage for these drugs, but, seriously...what happened to responsibility? My dad is in his 50s and has had high cholesterol for years. He just lowered it by a big amount (I think 40 points) by watching his diet a bit more and making sure he does some interval work on a stationary bike at the gym.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Obese people live a pretty miserable existence as it is. That some will be able to extend that existence by taking a pill is neither a concern of mine, nor something I can do anything about, so really, who gives a rats ass? Im not about to go on some public speaking tour teaching "personal responsibility" to parents, and neither are any of you judgemental pricks :biggrin:


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Yeah, well, we can still talk **** about them & our pill-poppin' society's attitude on the internet. :p

Obese people live a pretty miserable existence as it is. That some will be able to extend that existence by taking a pill is neither a concern of mine, nor something I can do anything about, so really, who gives a rats ass? Im not about to go on some public speaking tour teaching "personal responsibility" to parents, and neither are any of you judgemental pricks :biggrin:


Get your pork here.
Sep 26, 2001
COlo style
To be fair, they recommended kids be screened if they have medical problems or a family history of medical problems that would cause high cholesterol or heart problems. I can see using these drugs if the alternative is a heart attack at 20.

That said, I don't like the pusher pharm industry any more than the next guy. I can definitely see this getting abused to sell more drugs. Just look at antibiotics, anti depressants, sleeping pills, and pain medication. Way abused and over prescribed.

I just read somewhere about a study that claimed the USA is the most "drugged" nation in the world.

Awesome. :plthumbsdown:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
BTW I never make fun of people directly that don't know me.

Being obese is something I feel would be terrible to be.

But my question (that is self answering) is why are the countries with the most always the ones that are the "most"?


Why don't you have a seat over there?
Jan 27, 2005
I got some 3 year old generic Lortab you can have SS. Happy to say that all of my family and my wife's family are med free. I hope we can keep it that way.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
What wild claims are you referring to?
i think it's the naturalnews.com blurb he's talking about. it's full of hyperbole.

"The conventional medical profession -- which has long since sold its soul to the drug companies and now functions as little more than an elaborate pharmaceutical vending machine"


ask specific questions and i'll try to answer them if i see this thread next time i log into RM.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
What wild claims are you referring to?
Here's one, to start:

If you're as fed up with the mass poisoning of our children by drug companies, corrupt psych doctors and misinformed pediatricians, just invoke the law enforcement resources your tax dollars pay for: Call 911 if a doctor tries to poison your child with synthetic chemicals.

There was also the insinuation that nutrition could reverse cancer close to the beginning.


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
Here's one, to start:

If you're as fed up with the mass poisoning of our children by drug companies, corrupt psych doctors and misinformed pediatricians, just invoke the law enforcement resources your tax dollars pay for: Call 911 if a doctor tries to poison your child with synthetic chemicals.

There was also the insinuation that nutrition could reverse cancer close to the beginning.
So while a lot of the article is poorly-written and seems to alienate its intended audience, I think there's a lot of truth in what is being said.

I think nutrition can reverse cancer close to the beginning in some cases. I can think of two people this has happened to. And there's no doubt we as a society are waaayyy over-prescribed. We are conditioned to look for something to treat the symptom rather than the cause. We look for cures rather than prevention.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I think nutrition can reverse cancer close to the beginning in some cases. I can think of two people this has happened to. And there's no doubt we as a society are waaayyy over-prescribed. We are conditioned to look for something to treat the symptom rather than the cause. We look for cures rather than prevention.
If you can prove that, you'd probably be up for a Nobel prize. Find out what they ate, write a proposal, do some double blind trials, and you'll not only be a billionaire, you'll have the thanks of millions of people worldwide.

Me, personally, if I wanted to do something useless to treat cancer, I'd pray.

I agree we are over prescribed and treat symptoms more often than we do diseases. A lot of that has to do with the fact that we are too sensitive to hear from a doctor that we are fat asses who eat way too much refined sugar and don't get any exercise.

That's hardly the fault of a pharmaceutical company. And a rant that is totally divorced from reality while at the same time being amazingly self confident is hardly the way to get me to sit up and pay attention.


Nov 28, 2007
Professional drug pushers. I RARELY go to the doctor so I was not very familiar to him even after being with him for 3 years.
I fell off my bike and broke my thumb. Went to see my doc and ALL he could talk about was getting me in for a physical, do the blood work, and get me started on cholesterol drugs. (He barely knows me at all and has no idea of my history or family history. But that didn't matter at all. All he wanted to do was get me started on a bunch of drugs that he wasn't even sure that I needed. It was disgusting.) I said no thanks I'm here about my thumb. It pissed him off. After about 5 minutes of his condescending lecture about why I needed these drugs, I cut him off again and told him I was here about the thumb and if he couldn't help me I could find another doctor. In a huff, he passed me paperwork to drive 10 miles across town for an x-ray. I walked out right past the front desk and the ladies started to freak out and chase after me for my signature on a form. I told them they could shove it, I'm finding a new doctor.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Professional drug pushers. I RARELY go to the doctor so I was not very familiar to him even after being with him for 3 years.
I fell off my bike and broke my thumb. Went to see my doc and ALL he could talk about was getting me in for a physical, do the blood work, and get me started on cholesterol drugs. (He barely knows me at all and has no idea of my history or family history. But that didn't matter at all. All he wanted to do was get me started on a bunch of drugs that he wasn't even sure that I needed. It was disgusting.) I said no thanks I'm here about my thumb. It pissed him off. After about 5 minutes of his condescending lecture about why I needed these drugs, I cut him off again and told him I was here about the thumb and if he couldn't help me I could find another doctor. In a huff, he passed me paperwork to drive 10 miles across town for an x-ray. I walked out right past the front desk and the ladies started to freak out and chase after me for my signature on a form. I told them they could shove it, I'm finding a new doctor.
What was he basing the anti-cholesterol drugs on? :confused: