
Kill it With a Dry Rub!


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005

I was watching a friend prepare a game bird for dinner. Mindful of the dental damage steel shots can cause, he started by discarding portions of the bird - too small, too much trouble. Then, to my amazement, he took the breast and started to mash it. Here a BB, there a BB - If he misses any the dentist is sure to know. What started out as a game bird, became a small pile of glop. Grab a bottle, a top, and a label, and you got baby food. DANG!
I left my friend to his dining experience, went home, and started testing. A little of this, a little of that, a dash or two of such and such, gun powder, a shell, hardened seasoned pellets BANG! The bird falls down - the seasoned pellets are in place. The heat from the stove melts the pellets. The result? Nibbles of wings and drummies, chunks of breast - no glop. No glop. No dentist. Hello world! Let’s eat!

As news of my invention spread, the reactions from hunters and non-hunters alike have been electrifying - first amusement, then amazement.



trail builder
Jun 17, 2002
Calgary AB
I'm sure someone must have tried to use bacon bits at some point in time...we used to use salt shot for various wild animals that we didnt really want roaming our yard.

Jeff P.

Nov 13, 2006
East Bay, Ca
Mythbusters did a thing on ice bullets and meat bullets. Ice didn't work so well but meat didn't work half bad. Although not as tasty as seasoning it is softer than shot.