
Killer bees in skookum flats?


Dec 7, 2008
So me and a friend went and rode skookum flats yesterday evening. We stopped and took a break not too far from the entrance near a sign that said "the falls 2 miles". After about 15 seconds my friend got stung in the ankle, then about 5 more bees started attacking his legs and shoes. There was a bee on his shoe stinging like crazy, maybe 10 times in a few seconds. More and more came from nowhere so we ran screaming like little girls until we lost them. Anybody else have this problem??
I doubt it was killer bees but man they were pissed!


Apr 25, 2007
Well, we've had an unusually dry summer, so the bees are pretty wicked everywhere from what I've seen. Got stung a couple times last week doing trailwork and my dog had them all over him.

Gotta be careful where to stop.


So me and a friend went and rode skookum flats yesterday evening. We stopped and took a break not too far from the entrance near a sign that said "the falls 2 miles". After about 15 seconds my friend got stung in the ankle, then about 5 more bees started attacking his legs and shoes. There was a bee on his shoe stinging like crazy, maybe 10 times in a few seconds. More and more came from nowhere so we ran screaming like little girls until we lost them. Anybody else have this problem??
I doubt it was killer bees but man they were pissed!


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Probably yellow jackets. They get very ornery late in the summer and since they are part of the wasp family they can sting multiple times. They nest in the ground and if you step on or near their nest entrance they go ape****.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 22, 2004
What EB said. It's almost shut down trail building in my neck of the woods.
Poured some gas on a nest in my dirt jumps this afternoon and molotoved the bahstahds... Colder weather and rain will help. Carry an epi pen if you think you are allergic. After 9 bites/stings in one freakish moment at Colonnade, I think I'll live.


Dec 7, 2008
the smell of sweat also makes them crazy...or so i've heard
Weird. Ill have to look that one up.

Probably yellow jackets. They get very ornery late in the summer and since they are part of the wasp family they can sting multiple times. They nest in the ground and if you step on or near their nest entrance they go ape****.
They didnt look like yellow jackets. These looked more like your average bees you see around the yard or wherever. Im used to just not moving and the bees going away. Not these guys, must have been a bad day or something.
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Dec 7, 2008
Well I did look it up, and apparently many bees are attracted to sweat.

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Lipotriches sp of Halictidae

Sweat bee is the common name for any bees that are attracted to the salt in human sweat. In its strict application, the name refers to members of the Halictidae, a large family of bees that are common in most of the world except Australia and Southeast Asia, where they are only a minor faunistic element. In the USA, the common species are black, brown, red, or metallic green, and sometimes with yellow markings, and usually 1/4 to 1/2 inch (4-10 mm) in size. Their attraction to sweat makes them a nuisance, as they will sting if squeezed or squashed against one's flesh. Their sting is only rated a 1.0 on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, making it almost painless. However, individuals with allergies to any kind of insect stings should seek immediate medical attention. Pest control is not recommended due to their beneficial nature in pollination.