
Kingdom Trails --- Day 2


Nam I am
today the plans were to ride , go to the Louis Garneau Outlet then ride some more, well after breakfast
it started to rain, so we changed out plans and went to Louis garneau first , we actually thought about
going into Canada since were about 5 miles from the border , but we had no reason to. but the louis
Garneau outlet was cool. the factory is actually right next door. any way between the 3 of us we picked
up 5 pairs of shorts, 2 jerseys a pair of Gloves anda Pair of winter booties. the 25 % of coupon helped
too:) Came back had lunch then hit the trails.

here is Peter on Herbs

Maggie on Worth it

On worth it just before the monster downhill we came upon this pool full of tadpoles.

Mag and Peter with a large sugar house behind them.

On the way to heavens bench

Heavens Bench , Burke Mt in the background

Rut Ro Raggy!!!!

We saw it moving in on us and there was nothing we could do so we sought some shelter and
waited about 10 minutes for it to pass.

well between Riding Yester , today and doinga Tri-athalon on Sunday Mag was spent , so she wanted to go back. well
on theway back to drop her off we went past the Vermont childrens theater , she stopped and rehersal was just starting so she stayed said she knew the way back , so
peter and I went off on our own. the little twerp is quick and stays pretty close to me and mde it tough for me to get pics of him.

but here he is on Kitchel.

a little farther down on kitchel. I tried to get him on the berms but He was too close to me and I didn't want to stop any way

on the bottom of Herbs just before town.

we got back and a little while later Maggie came back so that was my cue to take off alone .

I decided I wanted Dead Moose alley!!
this ht point I will point out how stupid I am !!

1) BIG BIG road climb
2) It has just rained all the rocks and root are muddy andwet and slick , and I am not wearing any armour and I am alone
3)I am already tired !!
4) did I mention the climb ( any one who has done the toll road understands )??

Ok I have done the easy part,

the toll road is brutally step! while I did not have to walk it it was tough! Finally got off of it but still had a lot of Up.
finally got to the where I wanted , but started with Upper Dead Moose alley

I was very surprised by this more of a roller coaster, much fun!

next !!

DEAD MOOSE ABUSE!! -- I was in over my head on this one!!!

The main line came off of this rock, the easy line was to the right .

next was what ....

this was alot of fun

then I was going to take the "race" trail across the Mt and down.

this was Major muddy ! no fun at all so I got to an access road at the Mid station lode and went down !!

here are ski trails at the mid- station

ahhhhhh , always good after riding !!!

tommorow -- Moose Alley!!

I Are Baboon

The Full Dopey
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
splat said:
but the louis
Garneau outlet was cool. the factory is actually right next door. any way between the 3 of us we picked
up 5 pairs of shorts, 2 jerseys a pair of Gloves anda Pair of winter booties. the 25 % of coupon helped
So how much does 5 pairs of shorts, 2 jerseys, a pair of gloves, and a pair of booties set you back at the Louis Garneau outlet?

Nathan Cloud

Jun 27, 2005
Burlington, CT
Spent my college years snowboarding Burke. Nice to see some pics of it ;) Nice pics, thanks for some nostalgia.

Kingdom trails were a only an idea back then, plus i was not into mtn biking....


Nam I am
I Are Baboon said:
So how much does 5 pairs of shorts, 2 jerseys, a pair of gloves, and a pair of booties set you back at the Louis Garneau outlet?
3 pairs of shorts were $22.50
1 pair of Shorts was $29.00
1 Pair of Shorts $19
1 Jersey $ 19.95
1 jersey $ 18.50
1 Pair of Gloves $11.95
1 Pair of Shoe cover $5

then take %25 off of that ! !