
>>*<< KMA Monderrp>>*<<


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
I've ridden there many times a long time ago. I used to take my bike to Huntsville all the time when there for work and ride at Monte Sano.

Not sure he was FTE, if he was I don't think it had been for that long.
The one time I got severance I was a contractor but they had *planned* to hire me full-time. But they outsourced to IBM before they could hire me.

I don't know if they felt bad or what, but that was a good 6 months. :cool:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Fortunately IDGAF. It was REAL good for me. :D

Currently 15F and *dumping* at the Jane. :brows:
Are you skiing? Or just watching the camera eh

Snow stake only has 4”. I’ll consider moving appointments around tomorrow if we hit a foot+ (an elective ultrasound for my curiosity and a visit to a hot tub vendor. Can’t move a 1:30 interview but could do it from the car at MJ.).


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Shop just sent me a text saying that the car needed an oil pressure switch. WOOHOO.

They said oil pressure at idle is 35psi and at 3500rpm its 55psi.

So, should be good. Knock on wood.....


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I will do it from time to time when drinking super fancy coffee from my favorite roaster but my meds + coffee = feeling cold and anxious
I had to quit drinking canned coffee drinks because I started getting unpleasant belly rumbles.Similarly, I gave up energy drinks a few years ago when they started going through me like a wrecking ball. I miss the rush.



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Shop just sent me a text saying that the car needed an oil pressure switch. WOOHOO.

They said oil pressure at idle is 35psi and at 3500rpm its 55psi.

So, should be good. Knock on wood.....
You could have just put some tape over the warning light


Joe Dalton
Apr 18, 2002
Went Hok skiing. Half way thru winter and already done with it. Might have a thing to do with the fact that we decided last night that we were long overdue for a trip out west. :rockout:


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
You could have just put some tape over the warning light
I'm pretty good at ignoring them. The check engine light has been on since I purchased the car. :rofl:

Freakin' evap codes. I purchased it from Toyota and took it back the next day calling their bullshit, "yall just cleared the codes etc etc". They tried to troubleshoot it, ended up replacing the charcoal canister (which is $$$$ on this thing) and looked some other things, but could never figure it out. So I just left it.... car has ran fine since then, which is about 250000km. :)

But that oil light, I can't ignore that one. :panic:


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Double fx'd.

Fittingly, he rides e-moppeds as well.
complaints about being over the line are 100% irrelevant when the next space over is a RTI ramp made out of snow

ain't nobody else parking there


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Just keeping an eye on things. I just got back from a weekend in Taos, and am letting my legs rest as I have a dumb 3-day trip upcoming with my Idiot Friends™...
'tis looking ok

but I haven't rearranged my appointments yet. 12". 12" it must be + whatever comes in overnight... I'll make the call by 4 PM. Any way you're in despite your tired legs?


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Severance? Tell me there's some severance...

I get like 2 weeks because I was only there a couple years. I am still getting my bonus and I am paid through Friday.

He said he didn't expect me to come in but if I had things to finish up I could. He also said should things not hit the fan and they get open req's, I would be a first call. I told him I would come in tomorrow to turn in my dock and simulator. I will get my latest stuff checked in so they have that, too.

It sucks for sure. Very unexpected considering the project and outlook. But it's not a small company anymore since the buy out.


Jun 7, 2007
Warsaw :/
Is that not how everyone over the age of 24 feels anyway?
Naah. I have ADHD which sometimes makes me on edge but generally I'm only anxious and cold when I argue with Gary.

I had to quit drinking canned coffee drinks because I started getting unpleasant belly rumbles.Similarly, I gave up energy drinks a few years ago when they started going through me like a wrecking ball. I miss the rush.
I actually like good coffee for the taste of coffee. There are some people who do amazing things with the bean. I wish it just didn't have caffeine. Also lighter roasted coffee should be easier on your stomach.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
I get like 2 weeks because I was only there a couple years. I am still getting my bonus and I am paid through Friday.

He said he didn't expect me to come in but if I had things to finish up I could. He also said should things not hit the fan and they get open req's, I would be a first call. I told him I would come in tomorrow to turn in my dock and simulator. I will get my latest stuff checked in so they have that, too.

It sucks for sure. Very unexpected considering the project and outlook. But it's not a small company anymore since the buy out.
I hope you are planning on a nice meal of Indian food so you can leave them with a nice present tomorrow.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
North East?
Alas not this year, maybe 2025? This year is pretty much full and I've already got a bunch of potential stuff on the 2024 agenda. This one will be heading across to Virginia for the Shenandoah 100 (@Westy I think you've said you've raced it before?). I've done it many times, just not since 2015 with my wife and then we moved out west later that year. Then circling down to northern Georgia for a 60 mile race the following weekend that I did the 100 mile version of in 2013; plus wifey will catchup with a bunch of friends in GA she hasn't seen in forever.

Slight potential that some North Carolina monkeys might get a shout for an easy ride between those two races as we head south.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Well, that was a really intense day. Traditional conservative Jewish funeral, followed by an internment ceremony with full military honor guard proceedings. FIL was an incredibly loved chief physician at the Hartford hospital, and retired Army officer. Big event. We all pitched in and filled the entire burial plot with dirt by hand, which was a little unusual.
Neither really had anything to do with the military after their service, and both were pacifists.
My wife was a puddle, but everything happened with significance.
I’m spent, gonna make one last Pastrami sandwich and wind down.
We sit shiva for a few days,and then I drive my mother back to Syracuse, where my family is meeting to plan and arrange my fathers funeral (we don’t know when, but we are sorting out the details). He also has full military honors, but is not being buried, his brain is going to be saved for ALS research, and his body possibly composted. (Which is legal now in New York).
My kiddo has been a trooper, and is really learning a lot about both sides of his families and grandfathers.
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bagpipe wanker
Dec 3, 2009
Cackalacka du Nord
Well, that was a really intense day. Traditional conservative Jewish funeral, followed by an internment ceremony with full military honor guard proceedings. FIL was an incredibly loved chief physician at the Hartford hospital, and retired Army officer. Big event. We all pitched in and filled the entire burial plot with dirt by hand, which was a little unusual.
My wife was a puddle, but everything happened with significance.
I’m spent, gonna make one last Pastrami sandwich and wind down.
We sit shiva for a few days,and then I drive my mother back to Syracuse, where my family is meeting to plan and arrange my fathers funeral (we don’t know when, but we are sorting out the details). He also has full military honors, but is not being buried, his brain is going to be saved for ALS research, and his body possibly composted. (Which is legal now in New York).
My kiddo has been a trooper, and is really learning a lot about both sides of his families and grandfathers.
liked, then unliked...do we have a "monkey bro support" reaction? keep your chin up man.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I’m actually all good. Really content with how things are working out with regards to my family, it’s a little bit of a luxury to plan all of this out not under duress. Wife’s situation was a little more difficult, but both of our dad’s are/were almost 90, so that’s kind of awesome, really.