
Kona is home!!!!!


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
For those of you who have been following for the last 15 days, we have a happy ending to Kona's story! She was sighted basically every other day the entire time, and today she was seen inside an off leash dog park--a fenced area!! Hubby and I rushed there from work and all the dog parents, probably about 20 humans, and their dogs had their eyes on the area of brush she was hiding. A malamute led us back through some brush trails straight to her, and she ran out into our arms! She was crying, I was crying and she kept licking our faces. We were so happy to see her! I took her to the vet, and she had an open fracture of the femur, the bones were actually side by side if that makes sense. Tomorrow she goes in to surgery to put pins in her leg. I cancelled my Boise trip and will happily stay home to nurse my baby girl, my hiking biking, swimming buddy, back to health. Ahhhh.... relief. :)
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Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Awesome! Assuming car hit?
That is what we are guessing, but until they perfect the bark to english translator... we'll never know for sure!! It is probably the only reason we got he'd slowed down enough to catch her, so a blessing in disguise I guess!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
i don't know what was more stomach turning when i worked at vet clinics....the great dane with the bottom part of a back leg removed from a walk behind mower or the golden retriever with the front leg fracture and it twisted backwards.....

good luck.


e-douche of the year
Dec 1, 2006
Denver, CO
I just called the owner who put flyers up finally of the year old boxer that I found wandering around my house.

It is a great feeling to have an owner find their pet!


triple nubby
Jan 7, 2011
hopkinton ma
glad to hear you got your dog back, my dog wonders off every once and a while and it freaks me out but she always show up at home around dinner. i couldn't imagine my dog being lost for 15 days.


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
apparently, I have much rep to spread. In other news, she's doing great! Maybe a little too great! Kona is not supposed to use stairs or jump up or down from anything for seven weeks. She's not even supposed to have a 5 minute walk for FOUR weeks... but she is a sneaky little b!tch and keeps dodging me in the battle for couch position! Ha! She has forever been my mole in the yard and I am weekly looking for her new escape route, but now the little lady has a new game!

So I am suppose to be in Boise for my girls trip right now, but I stayed home for some girl healing (does that even make sense? I'm trying to say I stayed home with Kona), while hubby still went on his boys' trip to Whistler. (Lucky little fvck!) So Kona and I have been taking large doses of drugs (her) and wine (me) this evening, and I know you guys know how serious the internet is and all, so I've decided to share a serious message.

My awesome dog kicks a$$. She lived in a tent with me before I got knocked up. Then she was there for me when I was knocked up and alone (except for her and the second heart beat in me). Then she was there for me when I moved back in with my parents so I had help with my boy since sperm donor was too immature to be around. Then she moved into my hubby's house BEFORE me because he was better to her than my parents, and I followed shortly after. She has always been patient and kind with my son, and is one of those dogs that should be a service dog because she's super empathetic for those who have been through a loss (when I met her, I had just lost another dog, and she came up to me, sat, and licked my hand. The owner cried and told me to take her home because she'd scared everyone away by barking.).

After losing her and seeing all these people in one of the sketchiest neighborhoods in seattle come together to help me... she also showed me the kindness in humans. Holy sh!t I had lost that after being left alone with a baby. Sperm donor is still not involved and I haven't heard from him in years, but through this whole mess I don't have that same jaded wariness of society in general. I now remember that the majority of people are amazing, and there is no reason to avoid them, or distrust them. Yes, take some time before you bare your soul (unless you are on the internet, apparently) and develop a relationship with those around you, but I once again remember that deep down, people are good.

I am floored by this lesson. Someday, when we have more than seven short years under our belt, I will have to write a book about the lessons of Kona. Kona who stands for coffee, beer, bikes, and paradise.

Geez. Maybe next time I have a monologue, we'll try margaritas! See what happens then! I've got a few more nights to myself here! Things might get interesting!