
Kona Stab Primo Owners


Apr 1, 2002
I finally hook up with Brian from Brake Therapy at the Big Bear Nationals. I own a Kona Stab Primo and finally put on a Brake Therapy. OH MY GOD it really works well allowing the rear end to fully function while under any type of braking. I suggest that all Kona Stab Primo owners and other riders that are dealing with MBJ ( Major Brake Jack) contact Brian at Brake Therapy and fix your MBJ... I only got to do like three practice runs and one race run and I’m pretty stoked. I will be doing some more testing over Memorial Weekend and will update after more testing. Really I was sold after the first steep hill that had major braking bumps and my rear suspension was not affected by the brakes. That it’s for now but will keep you posted on future testing. Jason

:thumb: :nuts:


Jan 3, 2004
Ontario, Canada
Apparantly Giants are bad too. I tried one in whistler with the Brake thearapy, I didnt notice mine jack till after. MY fix was cheaper. I use less brake :)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Originally posted by racenjason
I finally hook up with Brian from Brake Therapy at the Big Bear Nationals. I own a Kona Stab Primo and finally put on a Brake Therapy. OH MY GOD it really works well allowing the rear end to fully function while under any type of braking. I suggest that all Kona Stab Primo owners and other riders that are dealing with MBJ ( Major Brake Jack) contact Brian at Brake Therapy and fix your MBJ... I only got to do like three practice runs and one race run and I’m pretty stoked. I will be doing some more testing over Memorial Weekend and will update after more testing. Really I was sold after the first steep hill that had major braking bumps and my rear suspension was not affected by the brakes. That it’s for now but will keep you posted on future testing. Jason

:thumb: :nuts:
Does it work with the Ringle hub? Have you seen that Kona is speccing floaters on the '05 Stab Supreme?