
Lance not a good athlete??

Joe Pozer

Mullet Head
Aug 22, 2001
Redwood City
I wouldn't pay too much attention to that wind-bag. Remember, it's his job to create controversy to garner readership for his columns.

Also, he writes the exact same column every year that Lance wins the Tour.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
eh, he is doing a good job of pissing cyclists off by really not saying anything of substance.

You can't compare apples to oranges.

Comparing Lance to say Jordan is just rediculous


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
He's a moron

Armstrong doesn't qualify as the greatest all-around athlete because cycling doesn't test enough athletic talent or skill.
He's never done a 100 KPH mountain descent. Or a climb Cycling is one of only two sports where ahteletes can give themselves heart attacks, the other is marathon running.

And he doesn't qualify for greatest performer because his sport doesn't have the equivalent of last-second shots or throws or catches, of two-outs-in-the-ninth swings or of final-hole putts.
Never seen a finish line sprint, or a time trial either...

The pressure through 21 Tour stages is constant, but rarely if ever acute.
I'd argue it's acute for 24 days. Any mistake will ruin your chances.

Does Armstrong's sport demand hand-eye coordination or full-body athleticism the way ball sports do? No
100 Kph descent... Sprint.... I like to see an unco try to sprint a race bike. How riding in a peleton with a hundred and sixty five guys...

I have no idea how genetically gifted they are at processing oxygen in endurance sports. Iverson's VO2 max might surprise you. But the point is, none of the three had any desire to subject themselves to the grueling training required to win long-distance bike races.
Yeah, it's too F'ing hard, for the ball babys. They could turn a quick buck somewhere else.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Bayless is the reason why we have the big 3 sports in America, and everything else is 5th place.

I know the Lance PR machine is at its most acute right now, but you don't hear articles about how Tiger is not an athlete, Dale Jr. is not an athlete, blah blah blah.

I wonder how the golfing or the NASCAR audience and sponsors (two much larger groups than cycling participants) would react if Bayless got on a rant on their heroes. Maybe that is why he can pick on the cyclists...

American sportwriters want to write about a single defining moment. There is no "The Catch", "The Hit", or "The Fumble" to write about in cycling. Racing is a series of events culminating to the finish line. The early attack affects the final sprint. The loss of a rider affects the team 3 stages from now. Even the training months before affects the race now.

Try reading the coverage for a race then reading one for a basketball game. You see how lengthy race coverage is compare to the "sound bite" b-ball story. I think that is the other big reason why American sportwriters really hate cycling: they don't know how to write about it.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Here is a little more intelligent coverage:

NY Times

I really liked the Audio Slide Show by George Vescey. Here is a general sport columnist who has the intelligence to write about cycling and compare it smartly to other sports.


Jun 10, 2002
he said this morning on Cold Pizza that he can say these things because he used to ride bikes. uh....yeah.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
DRB said:
Bayless, while not only slagging Palmeiro, claimed that Emmitt Smith was overrated. That one got him run out of Dallas.
It's fun to see Bayless on PTI with Stephen A Smith. Smith tears him a new one every time.



Jack Ass Pen Goo Win
Oct 15, 2004
South Bend
the Inbred said:
he said this morning on Cold Pizza that he can say these things because he used to ride bikes. uh....yeah.
Oh so thats criteria he used, so since as a cub scout I tinkered with model rocketery I have the technical qualifications to dissect information with NASA and their Shuttle problems...

What a Jag....


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
MunkeeHucker said:
Oh so thats criteria he used, so since as a cub scout I tinkered with model rocketery I have the technical qualifications to dissect information with NASA and their Shuttle problems...

What a Jag....
I guess that means since I once wrote for a school newspaper I can tell him he's a hack and worthless as a journalist and human baing.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Obviously this could never happen, but it would kick ass if Lance said OK, Allen Iverson, or whoever, I will give you 1 year to train, then we do a 50k time trial for a million bucks. See how many takers he gets.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
TreeSaw said:
OMFG...I just spit water all over the place! 100% AWESOME quote!!! :thumb:
Why thank you. And may I say, you have excellent taste in quotes. :)

Echo said:
Obviously this could never happen, but it would kick ass if Lance said OK, Allen Iverson, or whoever, I will give you 1 year to train, then we do a 50k time trial for a million bucks. See how many takers he gets.
Some challengers might have a chance if Lance "swims in food" for the year...nah, scratch that, he'd probably still spank all challengers.

But it is funny thinking of a Lance all ballooned out like Eddy Merckx from a few years ago.


Aug 14, 2001
OGRipper said:
But it is funny thinking of a Lance all ballooned out like Eddy Merckx from a few years ago.
Doubt we'll see that. From the Outside Magazine interview:

What about staying fit?
Lance: Ex-athletes get soft and they're not as fit as they were, but I've got to be fit. Forever.

No beer gut?
Lance: No. I mean, I get a little beer gut in the winter. You know, I'm not going to turn into a Greg LeMond. Forty extra LBs.

Now we've got our scandalous headline.
Lance: I thought about it before I said it.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
riderx said:
Doubt we'll see that...
I think you're probably right, but do you think LeMond or Merckx would have answered the same questions by saying "Hell yeah buddy, I'm gonna blow up like that blueberry chick in the Willie Wonka flick!!" :blah:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Carbon Fetish said:
I hate narrow minded sport columnists. I guess Skip forgot Lance was one of the top triathletes in the world but those are just minor details :think:

Well most narrow minded sport columnists have never participated in any competition harder than spanking their monkeys, so their opinions are bound to be biased.


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
Jeremy R said:
But he did another tour after that.
Not exactly an excuse for porking up.
Maybe hating is fattening.
That would explain it. :blah:
Uh, Greg Lemond implied that Lance has to be on something because no way he could be this successful without doping.

"If [Armstrong's] clean, it's the greatest comeback. And if he's not, then it's the greatest fraud," LeMond said.


On the other hand, Lance seems to find enemies everywhere.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
sanjuro said:
Uh, Greg Lemond implied that Lance has to be on something because no way he could be this successful without doping.

"If [Armstrong's] clean, it's the greatest comeback. And if he's not, then it's the greatest fraud," LeMond said.


On the other hand, Lance seems to find enemies everywhere.

Lance is the most drug tested athlete in history...It's just inconceivable he wouldn't have been caught. They even surprise tested him a day after the official TDF drug test.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
dh girlie said:
who is this Iverson character? baseball playa? football playa?

He dribbles. Apparently walking up and down a court dribbling a ball for 30 minutes is so much more demanding than riding a couple of thousand miles..


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
dh girlie said:
who is this Iverson character?
Basketball. And I have to say, b-ball players are also amazing athletes. They need incredible endurance, strength, hand-eye coordination, and skills that can only come from years of practice. I don't care for pro ball at all - I have no taste for the bling - but still, much respect.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
Reactor said:
He dribbles. Apparently walking up and down a court dribbling a ball for 30 minutes is so much more demanding than riding a couple of thousand miles..
Don't get drawn down to Bayless' level. Basketball is hard. If you think all they do is "walk" for 30 minutes, you are wrong. Try stepping into a local playground game and see how long you last.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 6, 2002
The intercomparison of accomplishments or relative talents in different disciplines is pretty meaningless. Bob Ford of the Philadelphia Inquirer put it very well...

"Comparing Armstrong's accomplishments with those of other athletes is always a difficult business because his sport of road racing on a bicycle is unique, and because his particular story won't be replicated....

...Is his seven victories in the greatest bike race in the world bigger than 755 home runs for Hank Aaron or 197 touchdown catches for Jerry Rice? More impressive than 894 goals for Wayne Gretzky or 11 championships for Bill Russell? Silly to even ask, really. Does a shark swim better than a leopard runs?"


dh girlie

Reactor said:
He dribbles. Apparently walking up and down a court dribbling a ball for 30 minutes is so much more demanding than riding a couple of thousand miles..

Ohhh..basketball player...i don't pay too much attention to TEAM sports cuz there is no I in TEAM and it's always about me...:D

Actually...I give props to basket, baseball and football players and all other athletes alike...it's not about who is the best athlete overall...how the hell are you gonna compare apples to oranges? I'm sure Lance couldn't kick ass on a basketball court no more than this Iverson fellow could pedal through the Pyrrenese (sp?) mtns...I don't understand why every year everyone argues this point...I bet I could out bike and out snowboard just about any football or basketball player, but I certainly could not take a hit from a 300 pound dude or do some smokin fancy slam dunk...GAWD! There is so much HATE in the world... :help: