
Lance vs Barry Bonds


Turbo Monkey
Jul 22, 2002
Vestal, NY
I was reading the interesting doping twist thread and the part about Lance and Lemond got me thinking...

A lot of people are pretty sure Barry Bonds is/was on steroids. A lot of other people think he's clean because he's never tested positive. Is his situation similar to Lance's?

I happen to think Barry was on something (actually, A LOT of something) but has lucked out with the tests. I don't think Lance was, however, I'm a fan of Lance and what he's accomplished - could I just be naive because I'm a fan like so many people are (IMO) with the Barry situation?


Jan 8, 2002
Naperville, IL
I personally think they are different. Barry size has grown considerably over the years his hat size alone grew 3/4 of an inch.

Lance's feats are just as much a result of the team around him being more organized and working for one purpose. It's well documented that Lance has some good genetics that also helped him along the way. Lance has said several times that his cancer rebuilt his body. He lost his muscles and built them back with a purpose.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
The big difference is Barry was never tested when he was suspected of doping, he was linked to a doping scandal that in the cycling world would have him kicked of the team. That said I think Lance was on the juice too.


Oct 17, 2002
Barry is an outright tool, that doesn't help his cause any.

Also, while 'roids were against the rule, baseball was NOT testing for them, correct? Hard to fail a test you don't have to take.

Lastly, on the subject of amazing records, both athletes have pretty much forsaken all other goals and distractions for those records. Didn't Lance pretty much ignore all other races and focused his team on TdF almost exclusively?

While I respect what Lance did, couldn't other greats have won seven if they followed the same training and philosophy? Didn't other cycling greats win a lot of other races during the time they won TdFs?


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
The big difference is Barry was never tested when he was suspected of doping, he was linked to a doping scandal that in the cycling world would have him kicked of the team. That said I think Lance was on the juice too.
Yep, that's the difference. How many times was Bonds tested for steroids before 2003? Lance was subject to random testing throughout the year (off and on season) for a period of what, 6 or 7 years?


Nam I am
While I respect what Lance did, couldn't other greats have won seven if they followed the same training and philosophy? Didn't other cycling greats win a lot of other races during the time they won TdFs?
While I agree with what you say, you have to look at the sponsership dealio stuff. He is on an American, riding for an American team, and sadley most americans have only herd of the TDF, they have no idea what the giro or the Vulatta are.


Norman Einstein
Jan 18, 2004
While I respect what Lance did, couldn't other greats have won seven if they followed the same training and philosophy? Didn't other cycling greats win a lot of other races during the time they won TdFs?
The thing is, all the old cycling greats HAD to race year round, they didn't have the multi-million dollar contracts that allowed them to pick and choose races.

And as far as physical specimens, Lance isn't even the "greatest" in cycling, I would argue that Indurain was, and would have probably stomped Armstrong in the tour.


Nov 1, 2003
Mandan, ND
Barry even admitted he did steriods but thought it was flax seed oil. He used what is known as the cream and the clear. Lance has never admitted to it or tested positive.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
And as far as physical specimens, Lance isn't even the "greatest" in cycling, I would argue that Indurain was, and would have probably stomped Armstrong in the tour.
Indurain was a lot like Ulrich physically, wasn't he? Could hang onto the climbs, but was a monster in the time trial.

Lance was a monster climber. Think of what he would have been able to do in the hills if he wasn't worried about the GC...


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Indurain was a lot like Ulrich physically, wasn't he? Could hang onto the climbs, but was a monster in the time trial.

Lance was a monster climber. Think of what he would have been able to do in the hills if he wasn't worried about the GC...
You could probably consider Lance's time trialling adequate as well.


Crusading Clamp Monkey
Sep 27, 2006
Deep in the heart of TEXAS
While I agree with what you say, you have to look at the sponsership dealio stuff. He is on an American, riding for an American team, and sadley most americans have only herd of the TDF, they have no idea what the giro or the Vulatta are.
Is that a coffee from Starbuck's, or do you mean "Vuelta"???