
Lance's Oakley Sunglasses/MP3 Player in one...


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
5150 said:
Check this out:

Click Here!

An MP3 player built into Oakley sunglasses! What do you guys think?

An MP3 player? I'd be curious to see the source on that info. It's not like he is listening to music while racing. It would make more sense to be an ear bud so he could communicate with the team car/manager. They all wear them and it woul be cool to integrate them into glasses.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
buildyourown said:
An MP3 player? I'd be curious to see the source on that info. It's not like he is listening to music while racing. It would make more sense to be an ear bud so he could communicate with the team car/manager. They all wear them and it woul be cool to integrate them into glasses.
I bet they have an MP3 player version. I don't know if he would use it in the tour however, but it sure would be cool to have for a training ride.

It would be cool if they could have the ear bud in there, but that would meen that he would have to have the glasses on the whole time. If he swapped for a different color lens or if he took them off for a climb then he would be radio less. I would guess he was just wearing them as a novelty after a stage and someone got the shot and info


Turbo Monkey
Jun 14, 2003
Megan calls me a babe.
Pretty cool. I am huge Oakley fan/user. And Armstrong is a realy good guy to.
It's looks a bit like a Half Jacket, with added on mp3 player. But knowing Oakley, they don';t compromise on how it will look.

- seb

Turbo Monkey
Apr 10, 2002
Armstrong is the man, if you've not yet read Every Second Counts and It's Not About The Bike pay a visit to Amazon now!


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
I was just looking at the videos on letour.fr and they have a whole video about them. It looks like there are only 3 in the world and Lance doesn't even have a set yet!


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Earbud? How passe...bone-induction would be the way to go for those.


Oct 4, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Am I the only one who thinks they are kinda dumb and look like sh*t?

About as lame as their huge glasses from a few years ago that go over the top of your head, or the M-frames which don't even close. I'm not to big on their storm trooper camo fad either.

I've had a few pair of Oakley's (glasses and goggles) over the years and they just never have impressed me... not enough for the 2x retail price you have to pay over other quality glasses. They scratch and break just as easy as everything else.


Born Again Newbie
Sep 5, 2001
Blah Blah and Blah
ssaddict said:
Am I the only one who thinks they are kinda dumb and look like sh*t?

About as lame as their huge glasses from a few years ago that go over the top of your head, or the M-frames which don't even close. I'm not to big on their storm trooper camo fad either.

I've had a few pair of Oakley's (glasses and goggles) over the years and they just never have impressed me... not enough for the 2x retail price you have to pay over other quality glasses. They scratch and break just as easy as everything else.
I don't care much about these ones and don't care much about the over the top model either. But I do like their other models such as the Monster Dogs and Jackets. Their goggles are also well priced - even at Retail they are pretty cheap. Their optics are pretty good as well...but I guess other sun glasses also have as good, if not better optics, but at a price I'm sure.

Matt D

Mar 19, 2002
charlottesville, va
I think they're pretty awesome. Good for them for innovating. The flip up lenses thing is dorky, but oh well.

Franky was showing them off during the OLN coverage yesteday.

I agree that the sunglasses aren't any better than any others and not worth the extra charge. Luckily there are a lot more manufacturers than there were 10 years ago when you HAD to have a pair of O's. Never like them much.


Oct 4, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
partsbara said:
schweett... but can i wear em with my oakley medusa ?? :)
Is that what those big over the head looking things were called?

I don't mean to rag on Oakley, they do make some awesome stuff, and I use to swear by their glasses for shooting because they were bullet proof. But some of their styling is a little over the top sometimes.


Jan 10, 2002
Acadian said:
oh man...first the sunglasses, now THIS :think:

next MP3 players will be in goggles, helmet, gloves....
I'm sure after that, the next thing will be mp3 implants...

If funny how they're calling it "new technology" for the shorts. It's just shorts with special pocket that holds mp3 player.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2004
South Seattle
I'm currently working on the Giro helmets that have the headphone built in for MP3 and cell phones. I'm sure they will have integrated MP3 players soon.


Apr 17, 2004
I wonder if they have replaceable batteries or do you have to buy a new one when they run out like I've heard about the I-pods?


flip ups may be dorky but if you've ever had your glasses steam up while climbing and you take em off only to have to fumble around at top of hill to put em back on. I 've been using flip ups for 2 years on the trails and i think nothing beats the way they handle the fogging...Dorky or not..very functional. MP3's however...i'm not a big fan of biking with tunes on...i like to hear my bike or traffic or my buds crashing behind me..lol.

DS Dom

Nov 14, 2001
Denver, Co
Matt D said:
I agree that the sunglasses aren't any better than any others and not worth the extra charge. Luckily there are a lot more manufacturers than there were 10 years ago when you HAD to have a pair of O's. Never like them much.

Check out some of the independant testing that was done on sunglasses. Oakley scores WELL ABOVE the other name brands in all categories. There are a lot of little things that make the Oakley lenses worth the added price.

check out some of this..... http://oakley.com/private_pilot/ i know that its on oakley's site but thats just so the rest of the world can see it, i actually have the magazine and its legit.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
DS Dom said:
Check out some of the independant testing that was done on sunglasses. Oakley scores WELL ABOVE the other name brands in all categories. There are a lot of little things that make the Oakley lenses worth the added price.

check out some of this..... http://oakley.com/private_pilot/ i know that its on oakley's site but thats just so the rest of the world can see it, i actually have the magazine and its legit.
It's BS. It costs them about 5 cents to make their little injection-molded pastic frames, and then they charge $150 or more for them. My A-wires may have cost around $5 to make since they are made out of metal, but they ain't worth the $120 or whatever that they cost...there's just no way.

And about optics, yeah, that's a wash as well. Polycarbonate is dirt cheap, and the polycarbonate that is good enough for everyone that uses perscription glasses is dirt cheap, and it's free of distortion and anything crazy, and to cap it off, it usually only costs about $30 to get prescription lenses made.

Oakley is overpriced to the extreme, they are in no way the first company to do this in the sunglasses/eyeglass area. My dad worked with some 3rd world countries to provide perscription glasses to them, so I have a good idea how cheaply glasses can be cranked out, as well as the intricacies of actually making the lenses. Yes, some glasses are a little harder to make lenses for when they are curved more, but it's not that much harder.

By and large, they may make some nice sunglasses, and they work well, but the reason that the top end ones cost $300 and not $30 is because they've found enough people that will pay $300.

For something that costs them from about a dollar to maybe 10 dollars to make (depending on the materials they are using to make them), they are making insane amounts of proffit....hey, anyone noticed how oakley has been able to enter a lot of new markets in the last few years....wonder where they got all that cash?? :p

I wear perscription oakleys cause my insurance covered most of it. Oakley is not doing anything that is out of line with the rest of the "eyeglasses" industry, but the whole industry is a farce in terms of what you get vs. what you pay.

DS Dom

Nov 14, 2001
Denver, Co
As far as Optics being a "wash" thats BS. Take a pair of heavily curved lenses from any other manufacture and hold them up in the air and look through them at a straight line, the line wont be straight anymore because the lenses distort them. There is a reason that all oakley glasses use the same basic lense curvature and its not because it looks good. And the reson the High End ones are so expensive is because some of them contain over 30 peices which is a lot compared to a basic sunglass that contains at little as 5 peices.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
DS Dom said:
As far as Optics being a "wash" thats BS. Take a pair of heavily curved lenses from any other manufacture and hold them up in the air and look through them at a straight line, the line wont be straight anymore because the lenses distort them. There is a reason that all oakley glasses use the same basic lense curvature and its not because it looks good. And the reson the High End ones are so expensive is because some of them contain over 30 peices which is a lot compared to a basic sunglass that contains at little as 5 peices.
yeah, but it's dirt cheap to do, people have been making optics like that forever, it's no big deal. Almost any eyeglass maker can make excellent curved (perscription even!) lenses for oakleys, it's not rocket science.

30 peices? yeah right...mine cost like 194 or some crazy **** and there's like 9 parts, and "parts" aren't any indicator of how expensive something is.


Turbo Monkey
Nov 6, 2001
Sydney, Australia
6 hour battery life and 128 meg memory? weak features. stupid idea. impractical too. But I bet they'll sell bucketloads.
They're putting MP3 players in EVERYTHING, it's getting boring. I want to see an mp3 player with integrated sunglasses. That'd be a better idea.