I can't get to photobucket from work anymore...so I don't have my awesome "Broken Sarcasm Meter" jpeg on hand...but that's what I'd put here if I had it.
Never thought of it in terms of police.....moreso in terms of the military.
And you're right. The same guys that will berate any and all government funded and run organization as inherently faulted, also act like the military shlts gold in everything they do.
Funny thing is, conservatives will defend police actions, including brutality, to no end, and it's a completely socialized, government run system.
But say the government wants to socialize healthcare, and you get the opposite of support from these same people. Why would you blindly support a system that routinely victimizes people and then blindly hate one that wants to help them?
How he looks, what he did, what kind of person he is has absolutely no bearing on whether or not it's ok for a cop to be abusive after he has surrendered.
How he looks, what he did, what kind of person he is has absolutely no bearing on whether or not it's ok for a cop to be abusive after he has surrendered.
exactly. however, i can almost guarantee that the douchebag suspect in question gave up because 1) he knew he was caught, and 2) he resisted before, had his a$$ handed to him and didn't want a repeat.
there are enough legitimate "resist arrest" butt-whoopin's that make a cheap shot like this unnecessary.
exactly. however, i can almost guarantee that the douchebag suspect in question gave up because 1) he knew he was caught, and 2) he resisted before, had his a$$ handed to him and didn't want a repeat.
there are enough legitimate "resist arrest" butt-whoopin's that make a cheap shot like this unnecessary.
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