
Laptop for college. Need help.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
I'm off to Harvey Mudd to become an enginerd, and I need a laptop. I'm debating PC vs. Mac, and am struggling a little there. The school isn't going out and saying that I should get one or the other, though the fact that their computer labs are 3:1 PC:Mac may be somewhat telling. I generally prefer to use Macs, but there seems to be a lot of engineering software that only runs in windows. I could run boot camp, but is it worth the bother, or should I just get a PC? If I get a PC, I AM "downgrading" it to XP. I fvcking hate Vista. Any thoughts about how I should go about doing that if I take the PC route? Any other thoughts on other stuff I should be considering?


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
If you have enough HDD space, bootcamp.

If not, just get a Vista box and hope it lives. If you weren't an engi major I'd say get the Macbook, buuuut...

I've been running a hacked copy of Vista on my main machine for the past week and thus far it hasn't been any worse than XP...it is, to its credit, much prettier. Not incredibly stable, and it does seem very half-finished in areas. I think if your computer has the balls to run it, like I said, it's not any worse than XP.


Chelsea from Seattle
Apr 28, 2007
Disc space shouldn't be an issue, so boot camp would be viable. Does it work as well as it sounds like it should, or are there issues? I agree that I'd just go for the Mac if it weren't for the whole engineering thing, but that's giving me pause.

Whatever I get is going to be fairly well pieced out. Either a Mac Book Pro with a few upgrades, or a windows machine with similar (a little better if I spend the same amount)stats.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
mac. BSD core rocks, and run Parallels or Boot Camp if you need windows here and there.

<-- macs were the choice of most harvard CS kids, including me (graduated '03), for what that's worth