
laptop shopping, chapter 2


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
So I took my SIL (sis in law) out took look at laptops today, mainly we just wanted to get a sense of what size she'd like and work out from there. She is in a wheel chair, slightly speech impaired but she's still very sharp, and puts herself together.
We go to store "A", an national office chain where I am in there at least once a week and the tech guy knows me. He is incredibly embarassed he can't find the tools to undo the display. He takes my cell number and says he'll call me as soon as he can find them.

So off to store B, large computer chain store. I hate this place, but since we are just looking what the heck. Enter tech guy. Imagine Office Space Stapler guy crossed with Comic Book guy from the Simpsons. Gross, so absorbed with tech he can't hear what we are asking for... I ask if we can weight test and feel some of the notebooks since she'll be using it from her chair, and first thing this guy does is rant about security and how he can't unlock them etc.... I just tell him his attitude probably lost a $1000 sale, because if she's disabled and can't even tell how much it weighs, how is she supposed to buy it? Gah, this kind of **** just makes me want to blow my stack when I take her out to help her with stuff. I'll spare the details of listening to him try to sell us computers... as soon as I whispered "Comic book guy meets stapler guy" we had to leave the store because we started to loose it laughing.

Saved, tech guy from store A calls me, has the tools to unlock as many as we'd like to look at. He then spends 45 minutes with us, letting her try 13", 14", 15" and 17s. He looks at and talks to her, which scores big points, although I have to ask the technical questions. Now, that is service. I was thinking mail order but this guy was so nice, I may just have to buy one there. They have Viao, HP, Levaro (??) and compaq ( which I'd never touch)

ciao. I just had to rant about that creepy guy.



Oct 17, 2002
take pictures next time :D

What if your SIL is using her walker? How will she transport the laptop? If a backpack doesn't work, how about something like a frame bag for a touring/road bike attached to the walker?

PS: I have a Compaq laptop and it works fine.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
take pictures next time :D

What if your SIL is using her walker? How will she transport the laptop? If a backpack doesn't work, how about something like a frame bag for a touring/road bike attached to the walker?

PS: I have a Compaq laptop and it works fine.
she has this basket that's pretty secure on her walker, she's managed four bags of groceries before. We were checking 15" notebooks and then putting them in different kind of cases to see how they would work. Backpacks are out because of balance issues, but I think the basket on her walker will work just fine.

MTB content, I took her walker to the lbs and got new brake cable housings for it for her, took about 6" of excess cable that was getting caught on things off for her.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Sony Vaio's, Lenovo and HP laptops are all good... and FYI, Compaq = HP now, it's just different branding. Lenovo has been making IBM's Thinkpads for years, and IBM finally sold them the whole line.

Given an unlimited budget I'd buy a Lenovo in a second, but any of those with the features and the pricetag she's looking for will be great.


Turbo Monkey
May 2, 2002
pnw -dry side
It has brake cabling? Yeah, I want to see a pic of this walker as well.
You can see the difference in the side that was fixed (shorter cable) and the side I haven't done yet. Regular old brake cable and housing.
It's got a seat that folds down, and a cargo basket on it that you can really get a lot into, but the basket isn't on it in this pic.