
laser eye surgery


Jan 14, 2005
Los Angeles
Good headshot = good doc? Yeah...why didnt anyone tell me?
Ya, he does a lot of news pieces and TV stuff where he comes off kinda cheesy but he was super nice in person. He talked me out of Lasik since PRK would be the better choice for me in the long run. Other doctors (even in his office) were telling me Lasik was no problem, so I was glad to hear that the guy who's name is on the line giving me his honest opinion.


Jan 14, 2005
Los Angeles
DAY 5:

Drove for the first time. Could see the roads and all the cars fine but reading street signs was pretty hard. Other than that more of the same.

DAY 6:

Back to work. Working is definitely harder than expected, I have to do a lot of reading on a computer and its proven to be pretty difficult. Went at lunch to have the contact lens removed. Its more like a film they peeled off. I think some of the healing layers went with it cause afterward I was definitely seeing a little blurrier. Rest of the work day was pretty tough.

DAY 7:

I really wish I had taken this week off of work too. I can get everything done but I'm really having to concentrate to see all the text on the screen. Vision seems about the same as yesterday, maybe a tiny bit better. I don't mind the blurriness so much as the mild double-vision. It just feels like I can never quite focus on anything. I'm really hoping I start noticing a difference, there's no way I could ride like this. The doc told me when I had the surgery that he'd have me riding by this weekend. That's a couple days away so I'm hoping its true, if its like this for the next couple weeks I'll start to get grumpy.

My next appointment with the eye doc is in a month, he said by then we'll have a really good idea of my final results. I just hope that doesn't mean that I'll be dealing with the double vision for the next month, that would put a damper on my Mexico trip in a couple weeks.
The good news is I haven't had any problems with dry eyes. I took some drops this morning around 9 and haven't needed any since (about 2pm now). I've heard some people have it really bad where they need the drops every hour or they get really dry, so far so good for me.

To those that have had PRK how long was it before you saw 'normally'', even if it wasn't as perfect as your final vision?


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Damn, I feel for you. 5 days post op I was driving home from San Antonio back to Cali...not a problem at all. I have developed a slight loss of acuity in my r. eye, but doc here says dont sweat it...its still healing.

Stay on the drops...even if you dont feel dry.

Did they advise you to take Vitamin C to help the healing?


Jan 14, 2005
Los Angeles
Damn, I feel for you. 5 days post op I was driving home from San Antonio back to Cali...not a problem at all. I have developed a slight loss of acuity in my r. eye, but doc here says dont sweat it...its still healing.

Stay on the drops...even if you dont feel dry.

Did they advise you to take Vitamin C to help the healing?
Ya, they told me everyone heals different and that you really can't gauge your final results until about the 2-3 month mark. They keep telling me I'm healing really fast, especially in my left eye, but its still slow going.

Ya, I notice that taking them regularly seems to keep everything happy. I have noticed more than anything that when I take little breaks every so often and close my eyes for 30 seconds it helps, there's a big difference when I open my eyes but it slowly fades away. I know it will be fine eventually, every once in a while I'll blink and everything is almost perfect but when I blink again its back to blurry.

Nothing since I finished the medicated drops, just the Systane. I have also read that folic acid is supposed to help so I've been eating more salmon lately, been thinking about getting supplements too.

I've been reading some blogs I found online of people who got PRK. The vast majority had the exact same experience as me so I'm not too worried about it, just anxious for my new vision :clue:
Of the many blogs I read people said they finally thought their vision had surpassed glasses around 3 months after, some a little earlier but many said that until the 2 month point they didn't feel like they were on-par with before the surgery. Its just a different recovery than I expected; I thought things would be clear up close (like before) and slowly the background would fade in as I healed. Instead everything is slightly out of focus, from 2' to down the block looks about the same.


Jan 14, 2005
Los Angeles
DAY 21:

I have noticed lately that my vision is getting a little better. Words on the computer aren't as smeared as they were before. In the early days I never found myself forgetting I didn't have glasses cause my vision was worse that I had with them. Now that its getting better I'm constantly forgetting I'm not wearing them. As I step into the shower I'll reach to take them off. Getting ready for bed I'll reach to take them off. I smile every time I forget :)

I still really can't believe I did it. In hindsight its all gone so fast and I'm still not even fully healed yet. Over the weekend I went swimming for the first time since the surgery; playing in a pool suddenly had a whole new level of fun. What I'm really looking forward to is my trip to Mexico this Friday. It will be the first time I can see while swimming in the ocean and riding jet-skis :banana: