
Last night's ride. AKA: Cramps.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
So I went riding last night with my XC friends again. We ended up riding for 2.5 hours. I started off riding well but after about 2 hrs, I hit a wall and it all went to hell. My calves were cramping real bad and I felt like I had lead in my shoes. One of our riders got a flat and I got a little break.

But right about then a thunderstorm kicked up and the sky went black and the trail was almost impossible to see. We were at the top of a really technical and steep descent with lots of 1-2 foot drop offs. I had never ridden it before so it was pretty sketch, it being dark and me being as tired as I was.

Once back on the level it commenced to raining those huge rain drops that hurt when they hit you. Not pleasant. I started getting the leg cramps again. At some point my right leg stopped working all together, so I unclipped it and kept spinning with my left. It was really weird my leg was just like click - I ain't working no more. It made for a long long 2 miles back to the car.

When I got home, I had to force myself to eat I felt so bad. My stomach was real upset. I couldn't even down a bowl of ice cream for dessert. Even now I keep burping and feel generally crappy. I'm not sure what I did wrong. I had plenty of water and gatoraid for the ride and ate a bunch of salt peanuts pre-ride. Usually that does me right. But not this time. Uggg. I need a nap.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
Hmmmm.....I haven't had my legs cramp up ever on a XC or road ride, But i have had my hands back and midsection cramp up right in the middle of an epic ride.

Be sure to keep drinking lots of water and electrolytes


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Weird! Did you eat plenty for lunch before your ride? Also, do you water down your gatorade? I find that it's way too sweet for me and I generally have to add some water or better yet, buy the mix and make my own. I don't usually get leg cramps either...sometimes in my back or side, but I have definately been so tired that the only reason I was still pedaling was because I was clipped in. Hope you're feeling better.


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
loco said:
I've never ridden while I listened to the Cramps.

Actually, I prefer the Germs to the Cramps.

Thanks for the concern. I'm perking up a bit. I still have indigestion/heart burn. I managed to eat lunch but really didn't feel like it. Totally strange.

While I was riding I had a small bottle (16 oz?) of full strength Gatoraid that I sipped on during breaks and a 2 liter hydropack of water which was pretty much drained by the end of the ride. Before the ride I had a liter or 2 of water spaced out through the day. I had the usual sandwich for lunch and pasta and a salad the night before.

I usually use powered gatoraid cut to about 1/4 strength mixed right in my camel back. For what ever reason I did it different last night.

What are other people using to replace electrolites? I've used Emergn-C before when backpacking and liked it OK. But I do like a little sugar to keep me humming a long.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
jdschall said:
rain drops that hurt when they hit you.

At some point my right leg stopped working all together

I couldn't even down a bowl of ice cream for dessert.

Even now I keep burping

I need a nap.







the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Echo said:
Gatorade is a recipe for dehydration... too much sugar.
Gatorade pretty much sucks for cycling. Desinged for 1hr football games. Never tried the Gatorade Endurance stuff but I guess it would be much better suited for folks like us.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 18, 2002
G14 Classified
jdschall said:
While I was riding I had a small bottle (16 oz?) of full strength Gatoraid that I sipped on during breaks and a 2 liter hydropack of water which was pretty much drained by the end of the ride. Before the ride I had a liter or 2 of water spaced out through the day. I had the usual sandwich for lunch and pasta and a salad the night before.
Could this have been enough to overhydrate?