
last place I want to be today


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
dh girlie said:
Amen brother...I'm so f'n bored today...it's raining and ikcy and cold...I can't WAIT for Cancun...it can't come soon enough...

When ya goin?

dh girlie

mtnbkr4235 said:
That sucks.

My district is weird so I have the day off for Veterans day. So i'm going to go buy halo2 in a little bit. :D

That's not weird! That's how it's SUPPOSED to be...I shoulda been a county worker cuz THEY get Veterans Day...California Admissions Day...Columbus Day...BASTARDS! Stupid cheap ass city holidays! Sheesh! County gets 16 holidays and we only get 13! :angry: :D


Mr. Excitement
Feb 3, 2002
Over there somewhere.
dh girlie said:
I leave next weekend!!! 9 glorius days of sun, carribean sea, snorkeling, exploring the mayan ruins, pool bar, beaches, FOAM clubs...gaaaahhhhh...I can't WAIT!!!!!
We're going to need pics when you return, ALL of the pics.


dh girlie said:
That's not weird! That's how it's SUPPOSED to be...I shoulda been a county worker cuz THEY get Veterans Day...California Admissions Day...Columbus Day...BASTARDS! Stupid cheap ass city holidays! Sheesh! County gets 16 holidays and we only get 13! :angry: :D

I kind of feel this way about that :nopity:


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
dh girlie said:
That's not weird! That's how it's SUPPOSED to be...I shoulda been a county worker cuz THEY get Veterans Day...California Admissions Day...Columbus Day...BASTARDS! Stupid cheap ass city holidays! Sheesh! County gets 16 holidays and we only get 13! :angry: :D
Bastards, the rest of the working class only get 8 hoildays, some don't even get the day after thanksgiving so subtract 1 for folks working for those sorry employers.

My drive was suprisingly pleasant this morning though down to about 28 minutes from a usual 45 and up. I didn't realize there are that many county workers who have the day off.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
My boss, I mean the guy I work for, is such a wad he only pays a half day of Christmas Eve. Who the hell is gonna come into work on Christmas Eve - work 4 hours and go home? He knows it too, just his way of stickin it to us.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
stoney98 said:
cry me an f'in river.
mon: 7.30-6.15 (ate lunch at desk)
tues: 7.30-5.30 (extremely hard day after finding out about kyle)
wed: 7.30 - 6, 7.30-11 (ate at desk)
today: 8 - ? probably 5.30

I get salary, based on 40 hours. I haven't worked less then 50 in almost a year.

you get paid more then I do to.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
stoney98 said:
cry me an f'in river.
mon: 7.30-6.15 (ate lunch at desk)
tues: 7.30-5.30 (extremely hard day after finding out about kyle)
wed: 7.30 - 6, 7.30-11 (ate at desk)
today: 8 - ? probably 5.30

I get salary, based on 40 hours. I haven't worked less then 50 in almost a year.
This kinda begs the question: why? :confused:



Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
I leave next weekend!!! 9 glorius days of sun, carribean sea, snorkeling, exploring the mayan ruins, pool bar, beaches, FOAM clubs...gaaaahhhhh...I can't WAIT!!!!!
Haha...somebody has been watching too much Wild On! Anyhow, Ibiza is the place to be for fiestas espomas, dhg. I would caution you against partaking in the spectacle, however. Lots of interesting things go on early AM just below the foam line- knees that would otherwise be dirtied come out buffed to a sparkle at those things. :thumb:

dh girlie

llkoolkeg said:
Haha...somebody has been watching too much Wild On! Anyhow, Ibiza is the place to be for fiestas espomas, dhg. I would caution you against partaking in the spectacle, however. Lots of interesting things go on early AM just below the foam line- knees that would otherwise be dirtied come out buffed to a sparkle at those things. :thumb:
I refrain from sitting in front of the tv with my hand down my pants watching Wild On, so I have no idea what they show on that show...however, I have no issues with kickin it at a 5 star resort on the beach in the Carribean and doing some snorkeling and visiting the Mayan ruins and all kindsa other stuff, then partaking in the wild night life...noooooo problem at all with that...better than sitting here having bitches bitch at me on the phone all day, staring at the rain and waiting for clowns on the interet to entertain me (juuuust kidding!!! I love you alllllll!) I'll be sure to send you a post card with the chicks in thongs in the back of a pickup truck with the caption of HAULIN ASS! :D Or haulin burro or something...I'll get back to you on that...


dh girlie said:
Yeah me too brother...bastard city...I suppose the 24 floating holiday hours could be taken off on those days the county gets...eh...who knows...:D don't be a hater...get yourself a boring city or county job...and YOU TOO will have ridiculous holidays off!!!

I already have 14 days. It's kind of weird, but we close at Christmas.


dh girlie said:
I'll be sure to send you a post card with the chicks in thongs in the back of a pickup truck with the caption of HAULIN ASS! :D Or haulin burro or something...I'll get back to you on that...

You have my address, so I had better get one. Wait, just send my CD. :think:


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
dh girlie said:
I refrain from sitting in front of the tv with my hand down my pants watching Wild On, so I have no idea what they show on that show...
I guess I'm not so disciplined. Sometimes you can even get lucky and stumble across one of those "Girls Gone Wild" infomercials. Why do you deny yourself the privilege, dhg? :D

dh girlie said:
I'll be sure to send you a post card with the chicks in thongs in the back of a pickup truck with the caption of HAULIN ASS! :D Or haulin burro or something...I'll get back to you on that...
Make sure that if you do, you select one with chicks on it who fall within my typecast- 5'9+...125#-150#...brunette...C-D cup...leggy...voluptuous...well-groomed...pretty but in a non-typical or exotic way...