
LBS /Demo Road Ride.


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Well Tonight one of the LBS was doing there Wednesday Night road ride , but they also a Couple of Representives from Serotta with Demo Bikes , This was one of thos things you had to sign Up in advance for . so I emailed and Asked for a 51 CM for my Wife , and a 58 CM for me, Unfortunatly the 58 CM was already Spoken for so I opted for the 56 CM a little small But I'll live . Well we got to the shop and Set up my Wife on the 51 CM Meiveci ( carbon Fibre Lugs and Tubes , with Full Dura Ace. ) Unfortunatly the 56 CM bike I was suppose to be on was no where to be found and all that was left was a 53 CM ( which is Way too small for me ) so I rode My Raleigh instead , I was Bummed but Hey that s life and At least my Wife got to ride one.

here is the Bike My Wife Demo'd she really really liked it !!!

any way Off with the ride .

and My wife was trailing quickly . well she is used to riding campy and it took a few minutes to figure out how to Shift the Dura Ace STI.

But that didn't matter ther ewas no way she was going to hold the hammerhead pace that was being set. so We just made it a lesurly ride.

here she is riding the lovely Serotta

the loop is 20 Miles and we cut off about 5 miles toward the end . and about 1 mile from the end the rest of the pack caught us again ,

go faster Maggie Go faster !!!

oh well Caught on the turn

We got back to the Parking lot she did an additional 5 or 6 laps .

And then We had some snacks and Beverages and the gents from Serotta told us all about Serottas .