
LBS Needs Help!


Jun 21, 2005
bellevue, wa
As some know I moved here 3 years ago from NYC and my ex-LBS (sid's; www.sidsbikes.com) is up for a Microsoft award that will help them totally re-vamp their computers and network with a $100,000 prize making them an ever better shop and they will finally be able to get a on-line store too!

This is an NYC shop and even in Manhattan they carry all the big bike gear and have the best service from the best mechanics.

I used to live down the street and they were like family right down to the shop dog who would lay out on 34th street.

Here is the link to vote, you dont need to register and it will help one of the best shops in the country (as rated by bicycling magazine) get even better!


Thanks for the help! :monkeydance: