
***Le monderp GMT***


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Successfully completed the workout that kicked my ass two weeks ago...I am happy. My legs, less so.

had a good ride yesterday and ran into an old friend on the road. We played tag a few times before I realized it was him, sadly we figured it out as I was nearing home. He was doing 95 miles, I was doing 20....shrug.ascii


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Today I shuttle wife to post-eye surgery appointment and kids to school. Tomorrow I must resume work, albeit from home w flexible schedule.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
Eff me, my 0315 alarm did not go off. Woke up at 5 should have had two clients on board by then, Luckily for me One was still asleep when I got there and the second was in the hospital. Picked up the 0500's with the 0430 and got everyone to dialysis.....Now time for espresso

Somehow notifications got turned off on my fitbit so no alarm vibration or noise. quite annoying. I hope the rest of my day doesn't suck


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

I don't know why my life has to continuously be so difficult. Sometimes it just feels like too much. As if having a newborn weren't enough, surgically repaired doggo took out her other knee yesterday and will need to have that fixed. So here's to 2 months of carrying her up and down stairs.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
supposed to be like 80 or something today...

im alright with that...


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Just found a lunch here at work in the fridge, which for whatever reason, I did not eat. From weeks ago.

It has fish and vegetables in it.

Do I let it ferment some more and see how long it stays in there? :brows:


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Just found a lunch here at work in the fridge, which for whatever reason, I did not eat. From weeks ago.

It has fish and vegetables in it.

Do I let it ferment some more and see how long it stays in there? :brows:

toss it into someone's desk drawer, or perhaps a ceiling panel.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Put it in an AC duct? Get everybody a day off.

When I was in college a coworker showed up with a Westfalia his parents had just bought him so he could drive down to Florida for spring break the following day. I am not one to hate on someone's good fortune but he was doing a good job of rubbing it in everyone's faces. My buddy Nate had enough of it and put a decomposing dead rat in his heater duct. It is worth noting that he would be starting his trip in -10 freedom degree weather. Just the thought of it had us laughing randomely for the following week.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Back when "meals" and decent snacks could still be found on board domestic flights, it was not uncommon for departing maintenance employees to have a partially opened tuna can or fish meal surreptitiously taped to the bottom of their tool boxes a day or two before they rolled it out of the building.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Here. Concert was good. Getting bumped up from GA to the front because the band had extra seats was a nice perk.

I ran into a client from city PD who was there with his daughter. He took an extra shift so that she could get a ticket. She was there to see Grandson and Rise Against - both pretty solid anti-authority, hard left bands. We were talking about it and his take was that even though he doesn't agree with a lot of it, she's her own person and free to do as she wants.

Chief there has a zero tolerance with excessive force, etc and you see it in his force. This guy's a perfect example. The chief's had social services on patrol with his guys for years and you see it in the numbers accordingly. I've gotten to deal with a few officers who were fired and wanted to move money because "fuck this city". Very different than the force he keeps in place. I also deal with forces that I would out under the "defund the police". Very different than here. This country has a very fucked up balance when you put all the "good cops" into one place and let the rest run rampant. It's also very clearly a top down issue. /Rant

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande

I don't know why my life has to continuously be so difficult. Sometimes it just feels like too much. As if having a newborn weren't enough, surgically repaired doggo took out her other knee yesterday and will need to have that fixed. So here's to 2 months of carrying her up and down stairs.
At least dogs recognize your superiority and reward it with unconditional loyalty... cats and children - not so much.

Serial Midget

Al Bundy
Jun 25, 2002
Fort of Rio Grande
Hello monkeys~! My big project today is waiting for the mail; I found a used lockout thumb remote for the SID. I couldn't find anything obviously wrong with the one I have but I also couldn't put it back together. For half a minute I thought I would also get the 120 internals but didn't want to pay $60 to ship a 5 pound package from Oakland that I could ship for less than $20. I don't trust people who pad the cost of shipping. :monkey:


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Just found a lunch here at work in the fridge, which for whatever reason, I did not eat. From weeks ago.

It has fish and vegetables in it.

Do I let it ferment some more and see how long it stays in there? :brows:
Eat it. Tis the fate you deserve for bringing in fish for lunch.