The irony of all the anti immigrant rhetoric is that as a direct result of all the restrictions on immigration they’ve turned a largely seasonal migrant workforce into a permanent immigrant workforce because it’s now too risky to leave the country in the off season. A more open border, which of course could include documentation, would virtually end permanent undocumented immigration and put and end to all the cartel bullshit surrounding it, and one thing I keep hearing is that human trafficking is bad.The same jackasses that are quick to shout i Am FeEdiNg MeRiCa are the same jackasses that are quick to also shout build the wall. With out migrant labor all we would have are piles of grain and no harvested fruit. Migrants are who are truly feeding America.
Of course none of these guys think they’re the problem because they all use staging companies that provide the labor or have SSNs on file for the workers, so they can lie to themselves and say they’re not the ones using illegal labor.
Fuck it, I’m gunna make some Thai food.