
***Le Wednesday GMT***


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.

Messed up my coffee order some how, wound up with a double espresso and a frothy sort of cappuccino thing. So of course I drank them both and now my heart is about to explode.

Last day in Paris gives me the sad. Gdansk tomorrow.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I lived in France for 4 years and never visited Paris other than to catch flights at the airport. I’m just not a city boy.
I love Paris. It's like LA, a city I also love, but with unbelievable public transit and better museums. The amount to see, do and/or eat is just incredible to me.

That said, I think actually living in either city would quite quickly push me over the edge.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
I don't understand people who don't like Paris. Perhaps it's perspective from my NYC roots, but somehow I find complaints/stereotypes of rude Parisians pretty laughable.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
another day hitting 100F. Good thing I am driving the newest rig with the best AC today :dance:

Espresso and Raisin Bran to start my day, I rather be having espresso and Crepe's in Paris, Back in the day there was a Crepe vendor a door down from where we stayed on Rue de Gay Lussac near the Luxembourg Gardens


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014

Dog decided to wake me up at 4:45. Why? Cause she wanted me to get up. Didn't need food, water, or to be let out, she just needed me not to be sleeping anymore. Damn dogs. :rant:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I don't understand people who don't like Paris. Perhaps it's perspective from my NYC roots, but somehow I find complaints/stereotypes of rude Parisians pretty laughable.
With maybe 1 exception, every interaction we've had the people have been affable and friendly. The one kind of negative experience could totally be chalked up to just a waitress having a bad day. That could happen anywhere. You'd have to be a pretty exceptional American to be treated badly or have a bad time here.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Hello chickens.

Daily update- my supervisor has gone full micromanager and I have a colleague actively recruiting me for a position I want. I don’t have an offer in hand so I can’t go full FTS, but she planned out the entire summer of which the majority of activities have major dependencies out of our control….so that’s fun.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
You'd have to be a pretty exceptional American to be treated badly or have a bad time here.
American exceptionalism, you say? Nah... none of that around, for sure. :D

Watching the traffic circle from the top of the Arc is amazing. What prime fuckery. :rofl:
That intersection is *amazing* to observe.

Last day of work, then off to the aeropuerto this evening for the redeye germ-tube to Hotlanta.


used an iron once
Jan 20, 2009
Shit sleep then had a solid day at work, got a broken piece that needed to be fixed for the morning so I left work at 8PM.

I got in the car and my brain switched off, for some reason I thought I had a column shift auto so my wipers were going, but I was not, hahaha!


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Ride night. Supposed to be hot and humid as balls out there. Slow and easy on the hills...
Watching the traffic circle from the top of the Arc is amazing. What prime fuckery. :rofl:
I went through there on a huge bus. How someone didn't die, I don't know.

I went to France when I was 16 and while I didn't have much to say about Paris, outside of the city was wonderful.

Though I could do without the pay to use toilets. Nothing like having to piss in some tiny random town, but you have no change to open the bathroom door. Do those still exist?
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Though I do without the pay to use toilets. Nothing like having to piss in some tiny random town, but you have no change to open the bathroom door. Do those still exist?
Don't know about outside the city, but they are still around. Feels like there are less of them than when we were here 6 years ago. All the public spaces like museums and such have free toilets now, though the "quality" definitely ranges pretty wildly.


free wieners
Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

Got every thing recorded at the county finally, not after another trip back and forth from town though.

Still not sure where to go next week, A week isn't much time when adding in air travel worth a distance

crab snares and boat parts are the side missions for the day.

oh what the fuck is up with the sprinter van lifer crowd, dumping sewage, leaving trash, cops are now just writing massive tickets for those who choose to park overnight in prohibited areas. Not sure where the genre got sour but they arent liked in the RV community anymore


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
So this is the spot, eh? Everything from here forward is new to you, right? Freaking strong work, dude. Keep it up!
Yup, all new from here on. Yeah I pushed the pace everywhere I could up to 2.5-3 mph. Still had to take many breaks to let my shoulders rest because of the worn out shoulder straps. It’s frustrating to have to stop when you’re cruising and your legs and feet feel fine. But I was able to get my new pack so it’s game on. Thanks man.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Well, it looks like I may head down the path of DIY struts on the Mazda. Appears to be easy enough (heh) and the shop really wants an impressive sum to do it.

@Pesqueeb - IIRC you may have done these on your vehicle? Anything in particular I should look out for?
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Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
Still not sure where to go next week, A week isn't much time when adding in air travel worth a distance
You are accounting for the 1x daily Sun and Wed direct United flight to DEN, no?

/me is going to get out bed soon, take an antihistamine, and go ride Mountain Lion. Kid 3 home with persistent low grade fever but MIL is in town through Friday


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Attending a global webcast here at work and the senior leadership team is taking open questions. They are getting grilled and don't look very entertained by it. :rofl:


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
Morning Monkeys.

All meetings except the awful test results meeting have been cancelled for the day. I have truck parts and a water heater to pick up today, so that works out well.

Frita is driving nice right now. I got some fancy Energy Suspension bump stops since I couldn't get the stock ones installed. I'm not anywhere close to bottoming out, but you never know. Plus they are red like my sway bar bushings, so that's pimp.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
Ride night. Supposed to be hot and humid as balls out there. Slow and easy on the hills...
lucky. my ride buddies feel the need to hammer no matter what. I'm borderline... I'll see how I feel when I bike home from work at the height of the heat. (supposed to feel like 37°C/98.6°F at the peak)

I went through there on a huge bus. How someone didn't die, I don't know.
I've driven through it. It's not rocket science. There's just two things to remember: use your fucking turn signals (most people in France do), both going in AND exiting the roundabout. And you DO NOT have priority going in. You have to wait for an opening (but when it presents itself, no matter how small, get on it!)
I went to France when I was 16 and while I didn't have much to say about Paris, outside of the city was wonderful.

Though I could do without the pay to use toilets. Nothing like having to piss in some tiny random town, but you have no change to open the bathroom door. Do those still exist?
depends how small you're talking about. most tiny towns still have "pissoirs" all over the place. (They were installed to avoid men pissing all over the place all the time. There's stories of my grandfather peeing between parked cars all the time and regularly getting fines. He was a cheesemonger at Les Halles when it was still a real market. I guess they didn't have facilities for the people working there.)

Alternatively, you can go to any café and buy a coffee for 3 euro and use their facilities... or as @Pesqueeb said, most museums and public buildings have facilities you can use...

My worst experience was in London. I had a 12-hour layover on my way to Nepal, so I decided to take the train downtown and visit Parliament and Westminster. Got downtown before most shops were open and needed to piss real bad. Didn't have change for the automatic toilets, so I jumped the gate, and a guard popped out of nowehere to throw me out. He wasn't able to make change, so I had to go pee against a tree or something. like a dirty backpacking hippy.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001

Messed up my coffee order some how, wound up with a double espresso and a frothy sort of cappuccino thing. So of course I drank them both and now my heart is about to explode.

Last day in Paris gives me the sad. Gdansk tomorrow.
i must have missed something about something....

might be pertinent to your interests...

new sturgill simpson....i thought he had retired


go to website...sign up for presale for tour.

enjoy your trip.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
lucky. my ride buddies feel the need to hammer no matter what. I'm borderline... I'll see how I feel when I bike home from work at the height of the heat. (supposed to feel like 37°C/98.6°F at the peak)
We maintain a pretty relaxed pace, no rush to get anywhere. :D


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Hoping to get out for a ride after work today and hopefully tomorrow before the weather turns to poop Friday afternoon through the weekend.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Well, it looks like I may head down the path of DIY struts on the Mazda. Appears to be easy enough (heh) and the shop really wants an impressive sum to do it.

@Pesqueeb - IIRC you may have done these on your vehicle? Anything in particular I should look out for?
Pretty straight forward. I got the kind where you have to swap out the front springs to save a couple bucks. Don't do that, get the whole assembly. Not worth the 40 bucks or whatever to wrestle with that stupid McPherson spring death trap tool. I did run into an issue removing the right rear shock. And by issue, I mean the fucking thing wouldn't come off. I pickle forked and wailed on it until it was flat and it still wouldn't come off the bottom mount. Wound up having to take it to a shop and they had to cut it off with a torch. Just bad luck/possible piss poor assembly from the factory. All the others came off exactly as expected, so good luck.