
Leaky UST?


7034 miles, still no custom title
Jan 6, 2003
Shadows of Mt Boney, CA.
So, my bike has some of them new fangled UST rims and tires, and I ain't never had none of them before. I put a new tire on the back, (dern near sprained my thumb), and the dern thing goes flat every day. I don't mind the pumpin, but it just don't seem right. Any thoughts on where I done wrong??

Before you ask, yes I did put a UST tire on there.


May 9, 2003
Colorado Springs, USA!
1 - Remove the tire.
2 - Clean the rim very well.
3 - Clean the bead on the tire very well.
4 - Pull the valve stem out.
5 - Clean the stem, put it back in place with a little dab of silicone sealant.
6 - Put the tire back on and be sure the bead is sitting down in the center channel of the rim.
7 - Fill a spray bottle with water and just a wee bit of dishwasher soap.
8 - Spray all the way around the tire to we the bead of the tire with the mixture on BOTH sides of the tire.
9 - RAPIDLY inflate the tire to about 60lbs.
10 - You'll hear the bead snapping into the bead channel on the rim - kind of alarming at first!
11 - Let it sit for about an hour at 60lbs.
12 - Reduce the pressure to riding pressure.


May 9, 2003
Colorado Springs, USA!
If the tire is good (it's new right?)...then this should solve your problem. It's a bit more involved than just stuffing a tube into a regular tire - but the benefits MORE than make up for the extra 10-15 minutes it takes. Do it right and it should not lose more than a couple of lbs a WEEK. AND you'll likely never flat...as long as your not pounding the daylights out of them on curbs...


Oct 17, 2001
williamsburg, va
hell, you may wanna throw a little Stans' goop in there as a belt-and-suspenders measure. It'll also give you protection in the event of a puncture flat; a lot of people are using the stuff in UST setups to ward off those flats....