Maaaaannnnnn...........I'm overloaded.
I've been given an opportunity to advance a bit within the company I work for. It's meant some sh*tty sacrifices----the first being that I had to move to second shift for a few months for a portion of the training process. Sucks.....especially since my g/f works first shift. Even though we live together, I don't see her until the weekend rolls around. That's a real relationship booster, I'll tell you.
The second, and most mind-blowing, is all of the new software programs and processes that I'm having to learn. We build residential/commercial roof and floor trusses, and I'm learning the software associated with the engineering of the trusses. I'm having to be all smart at work now.......where's the fun in THAT!!???? :mumble:
Any of you 's out there ever struggle with learning difficult on-the-job-processes or computer software while under the pressures of normal deadlines? I'm about to go crazy, here...........somebody pipe up and tell me I'll live through it........
I've been given an opportunity to advance a bit within the company I work for. It's meant some sh*tty sacrifices----the first being that I had to move to second shift for a few months for a portion of the training process. Sucks.....especially since my g/f works first shift. Even though we live together, I don't see her until the weekend rolls around. That's a real relationship booster, I'll tell you.
The second, and most mind-blowing, is all of the new software programs and processes that I'm having to learn. We build residential/commercial roof and floor trusses, and I'm learning the software associated with the engineering of the trusses. I'm having to be all smart at work now.......where's the fun in THAT!!???? :mumble:
Any of you 's out there ever struggle with learning difficult on-the-job-processes or computer software while under the pressures of normal deadlines? I'm about to go crazy, here...........somebody pipe up and tell me I'll live through it........