prostitutes are unfortunately, usually trapped in prostitution by one means or another. call me a coward, but it's a world i wish to have nothing to do with. i wish i could help, but the politics and danger inherent in that sleazy sort of stuff is beyond my grasp or comprehension.
Originally posted by gecko Ewww I can't imagine being desperate enough to ever sleep with a prostitute. I wonder if the demand for prostitution has changed over the years.
May as well legalize it, it's not like criminalizing it stops it, and I can see some positive attributes to it being legal.
i think Shockwave pointed out more negatives to legalising it..... i feel sorry for the people trapped in prostitution, and if it's "legal" and you can't help em get out, well then you've only made it worse.
It's true. Get a D and you're put on probation by the ad board (adminstrative board) and if you don't shape up, then you are forced to take time off. I think it was something like 12 months away from Boston, with you working for 6 months.
All of the Ivies, afaik, have need-blind admissions and are pretty generous with the financial aid (assuming you're living within the US -- you're on your own if you're a foreigner), just for the record.
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