
Lehikoinen injury update.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
The latest news is all good news as Matti ends his 2nd day in hospital. The doctors have confirmed that there is no risk of paralysis and that a decision on whether or not to operate, will be taken on Monday.

Today Matti had his catheter removed, was able to sit up for a small time and eat, and with the assistance of a special walking crutch/frame, was able to walk(!) a short distance to the bathroom.

Matti had a non-stop run of visitors today during visitor hours, starting with his parents, followed by dozens of friends. His mobile phone was handed back, and it had more than 100 SMS messages from the past 24 hours. All of this is helping Matti remain positive and determined to get back on his feet properly.

While talking to Matti today, more details came to light about the accident.

"I landed directly onto my head, but slightly to the right. The helmet is marked on the top at the right. Also I have a big skin abrasion on my right collarbone where the jawline of the helmet cut me, that's how far over my head was. The doctors feel that on impact my spine twisted one way, and then the next, like a zig zag, and they say it's a miracle it's not a lot worse. The three vertebrae have what they call a compressed fracture. They are in the area of the spine that are level with the chest. I'm still in pain but can breathe fairly comfortably, but I want to thank everyone who has contacted me with nice messages, it makes you realise how lucky you are to have so many friends and people that care, and that makes me want to get better as soon as possible."

The doctors are predicting that with or without the operation, Matti will remain hospitalised for another 2 or 3 weeks, then start 3 months of rehabilitation. It will be a further couple of months before he can expect to put any regular athletic demands on his back again.

We hope to have another update on Monday.


Sep 21, 2007
relieved to hear he is doing good.

I had a smash head first on top of my head and got a compression fracture in T5 (chest level)
Dont know how I didn't break my neck,... guess he was lucky too..

hopefully the compressions are not too bad that he doesnt need surgery.....

get well soon Matti


Apr 14, 2005
just when they were to announce his new riding team/program for 08...you guys think he'll be ready for the start of the season?

hope he gets better real quick


Feb 23, 2006
Chinafornia USA
I'm sorry for asking during an update, but when and where did this happen. It's horrible.

I can only hope that he has a full 100% recovery, it sounds like he's going to.

I'm concerned about riders spines nowadays.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 10, 2004
San Diego area, California USA
from the timeframe fraser mentioned, it sounds like he should be back by the beginning of the season w/o problem... maybe not necessarily at top form, but should be more or less normal. It all depends on how rehab goes & how much training it takes for him to get back to race form. "Luckily" (if you can call it that), this happened right at the beginning of the offseaon, where most people hang up their bikes for a while.


Apr 26, 2007
I'm sorry for asking during an update, but when and where did this happen. It's horrible.

I can only hope that he has a full 100% recovery, it sounds like he's going to.

I'm concerned about riders spines nowadays.
From the 23 degrees website (http://www.23degrees-sports.com/news.php?id=574), it said that he was riding just outside of Helsinki and went over the bars - landing on his head - while going off a 1 meter drop. This was, i assume, a freak accident.

Yeah, I was pulling for him this year, and this was really a shocker - especially since he just signed the deal with Intense.

Back injuries are never a good thing, but there's a lot of athletes who come back strong from injuries like this. I wouldn't be surprised if he does, too.


Terrified of Cucumbers
Nov 12, 2006
The old world


Compensating for something
Jan 4, 2013
In hell. Welcome!
A look back at Matti's injuries and their toll on his body and mind - it's quite astonishing how many threads i could have necro bumped with this. The writing is a bit strange at times as it's mostly a transcription of a longer feature for Finnish television.The video at the bottom does have English subs and is well worth seeing.

If your Finnish is up to snuff you can also view the full feature here: https://areena.yle.fi/1-3760091
The pain killers were really strong and I had horrible hallucinations where the nurses had lizard’s heads



Turbo Monkey
Feb 9, 2016
When you read this, you kind of understand why some professional stop riding DH because of the salary being too low considering the risks taken.
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