
Let’s Talk About Contacts/Glasses/Etc While Hauling Ass.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
So, I am relatively new to contacts, and it was an eye opener (groan) as to how much it helped my riding. However, I find that my eyes get blurry and irritated when riding super-chunk, or especially dusty conditions. Enough so that it affects my riding speed.
It honestly reminds me of those awful early rigid bike runs on Porcupine, where you had to run 40 PSI, and your eyeballs would rattle.
What do you folks that require vision correction use?
Are hard contacts better than soft for this?
I really don’t want prescription sunglasses for a few reasons, but maybe that’s the way?

EDIT: Hauling Ass is, of course, relative.
We all have asses, and haul them around.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
You are riding with protective glasses/sunglasses/goggles, yes?

I don't seem to have that problem when I wear my contacts. I do notice that I do occasionally get some blurred vision and have to blink a little more, it seems to be dependent on conditions and how dry it is/my eyes are. I feel like my contact prescription is 98% of the way there, but not quite right either. I think this causes a little of it. We tested + and - and it's "in the middle" like it should be, but it's not *quite* as good as glasses...but it's real close. I started wearing the contacts for big (summer) races and for anything winter.

Prescription glasses fog up way too easy and may not even block the wind great, it just depends on the exact glasses IME. Hell, even a guy with goggles had to take them off in whatever hot-ass temp it was this weekend in the heat dome because they were fogging. Like at least 80 degrees.

Again, I'm assuming you are using some eye protection? This just doesn't seem like a problem when using eye protection.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Yes, I always, always wear sunglasses, even clear at night.
Maybe play around with those? At a certain speed my prescription "sport" glasses get pretty terrible and water my eyes a lot. Actual riding glasses seem better to me.

Maybe go back to the doc too and see if they have any ideas? The "eyeballs shaking in sockets" sounds a bit odd. I use the dailys, so same soft lens.